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The Deno 2 Release Candidate is here
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a JavaScript client for feoblog written for Deno
class Post
extends Message<Post>
import { Post } from "";

Servers should render posts at at least two URLs:

  1. /u/{userID}/[?before={timestamp_ms_utc}] should render (some number of) the user's most recent posts before timestamp_ms_utc. These may be truncated.
  2. /u/{userID}/i/{itemID}/ should render a single user post, in full.


attachments: Attachments

File attachments that will be visible at ./files/*

body: string

The body of the post, formatted in CommonMark markdown. Servers should suppress unsafe raw HTML blocks in the body. They may do so by rejecting the Item at the time of upload, or by choosing to render the Item without the offending HTML parts.

The allowed size of the body is effectively limited by the allowed size of the enclosing Item.

title: string

An optional plaintext title for the post. Titles should be <= 256 bytes. Servers may reject longer ones.

Static Properties

fields: FieldList
typeName: string

Static Methods

equals(a: Post | PlainMessage<Post> | undefined, b: Post | PlainMessage<Post> | undefined): boolean
fromBinary(bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial<BinaryReadOptions>): Post
fromJson(jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial<JsonReadOptions>): Post
fromJsonString(jsonString: string, options?: Partial<JsonReadOptions>): Post