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Sync posts from Mastodon into FeoBlog
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[mastodon]url = ""# Leave blank and fill in the [mastodon.client] section to acquire a token:token = ""
[mastodon.client]# Making requests to Mastodon requires authorization via a "client".# You can create your own client in the "Developer" section of your# Mastodon settings. Once you've done that, copy the key/secret here,# and re-run feomasto.ts to generate a mastodon.token (above).
key = ""secret = ""
[feoblog.write]# feomasto will write statuses from Mastodon into this Feoblog blog:userID = "716QP7FDUSGj2jct4tChEg6qKGgVM9UkVdVvpBzLyUeZ"password = "Wouldn't you like to know."