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Syncs tweets into FeoBlog
[twitter]# Create an app at: Then put tokens here:
# AKA: "API token"consumerKey = ""# AKA: "API Secret Key"consumerSecret = ""
# AKA: "Authentication Tokens"accessTokenKey = ""accessTokenSecret = ""
[feoblog]server = ""
[twitter.homeTimeline]# This syncs the current Twitter user's home timeline (i.e.: posts from those they follow)# from Twitter into this feoblog user's blog:userID = ""password = ""
# Don't bother syncing tweets/retweets/quote-tweets from these twitter users:skipUsers = [ "chattyMcChatterson",]
[[twitter.userTimelines]]twitterScreenName = "twitterName"
# Sync all tweets from the above user to a this FeoBlog user.# Note: We use the timestamps of posts to know where to pick up sync, so# this FeoBlog userID should contain *only* these sync'd posts:userID = ""password = ""
# Should we copy attachments into FeoBlog? (Default: false)# Note: this ONLY copies attachments from $twitterScreeName, not quote tweets# or retweets. (Those add up quick!)copyAttachments = true
skipReplies = false # defaultskipRetweets = false # default