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import * as utils from "./utils.ts";import { getHeader, setHeader } from "./header_utils.ts";import { ExtendedRequestInit } from "./extended_request_init.ts";
/** * Transforms data and adds corresponding headers if possible. */function transformData( data: | string | Record<string, unknown> | ArrayBuffer | Blob | ArrayBufferView | FormData | URLSearchParams | ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | null | undefined, headers: | Headers | string[][] | Record<string, string> | undefined, init?: RequestInit | ExtendedRequestInit,): | string | ArrayBuffer | Blob | ArrayBufferView | FormData | URLSearchParams | ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | null | undefined { if ( utils.isFormData(data) || utils.isArrayBuffer(data) || utils.isBuffer(data) || utils.isStream(data) || utils.isFile(data) || utils.isBlob(data) ) { return data; } if (utils.isArrayBufferView(data)) { return data.buffer; } if (utils.isURLSearchParams(data)) { setHeader( headers, "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8", ); return data.toString(); } if (utils.isObject(data)) { setHeader( headers, "Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8", ); if (init && !init.method) { init.method = "POST"; } return JSON.stringify(data); } // the default header if type undefined setHeader( headers, "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", ); return data;}
export type WrapFetchOptions = { /** your own fetch function. defaults to global fetch. */ fetch?: typeof fetch; /** user agent header string */ userAgent?: string; /** validator to run after each response with this fetch */ validator?: ((response: Response, init: ExtendedRequestInit) => void | Promise<void>); /** if set, all requests will timeout after this amount of milliseconds passed */ timeout?: number;};
export function wrapFetch(options?: WrapFetchOptions) { const { fetch = globalThis.fetch, userAgent, validator, timeout = 99999999, } = options || {};
return async function wrappedFetch( input: string | Request | URL, init?: ExtendedRequestInit | RequestInit | undefined, ) { // let fetch handle the error if (!input) { return await fetch(input); }
const interceptedInit = init || {}; if (!interceptedInit.headers) { interceptedInit.headers = new Headers(); }
// setup a default accept if (!getHeader(interceptedInit.headers, "Accept")) { setHeader( interceptedInit.headers, "Accept", "application/json, text/plain, */*", ); } // setup user agent if set if (userAgent) { setHeader( interceptedInit.headers, "User-Agent", userAgent, ); }
if ("form" in interceptedInit && interceptedInit.form) { interceptedInit.body = ""; for (const key of Object.keys(interceptedInit.form)) { if (typeof interceptedInit.form[key] === "string") { interceptedInit.body += `${encodeURIComponent(key)}=${ encodeURIComponent(interceptedInit.form[key] as string) }&`; } else { for (const str of interceptedInit.form[key]) { interceptedInit.body += `${encodeURIComponent(key)}[]=${ encodeURIComponent(str as string) }&`; } } } // remove ending & if (interceptedInit.body) { interceptedInit.body = interceptedInit.body.substring( 0, interceptedInit.body.length - 1, ); } if (!interceptedInit.method) { interceptedInit.method = "POST"; } }
if ("formData" in interceptedInit && interceptedInit.formData) { interceptedInit.body = new FormData(); for (const key of Object.keys(interceptedInit.formData)) { if (typeof interceptedInit.formData[key] === "string") { interceptedInit.body.append( key, interceptedInit.formData[key] as string, ); } else { for (const str of interceptedInit.formData[key]) { interceptedInit.body.append(key, str); } } } if (!interceptedInit.method) { interceptedInit.method = "POST"; } }
if ("qs" in interceptedInit && interceptedInit.qs) { // remove undefined values const filteredQs = Object.entries(interceptedInit.qs).filter( ([_, qv]) => { if (qv !== undefined) return true; return false; }, ) as [string, string][]; const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(filteredQs); // doesn't support relative urls if (typeof input === "string" && input.includes("://")) { input = new URL(input); }
if (input instanceof URL) { for (const [spKey, spValue] of searchParams.entries()) { if (spValue !== undefined) { input.searchParams.set(spKey, spValue); } } } }
if (interceptedInit.body) { interceptedInit.body = transformData( interceptedInit.body, interceptedInit.headers, interceptedInit, ); }
let timeoutId: undefined | number; if (("timeout" in interceptedInit && interceptedInit.timeout) || timeout) { const abortController = new AbortController(); timeoutId = setTimeout( () => abortController.abort(), (interceptedInit as ExtendedRequestInit).timeout || timeout, ); interceptedInit.signal = abortController.signal; }
const response = await fetch(input, interceptedInit as RequestInit); clearTimeout(timeoutId);
if (typeof validator === "function") { await validator(response, interceptedInit); }
if ( "validator" in interceptedInit && typeof interceptedInit.validator === "function" ) { await interceptedInit.validator(response, interceptedInit); }
return response; };}