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A simple module to fetch Base64 data of any image/gif, remote or local.


A simple module to fetch Base64 data of any image/gif, remote or local, for Deno.

Inspired from fetch-base64 for Node.js. I needed it in Deno, so I made a new small module.


  • fetchRemote(url: string, onlyData?: boolean): to fetch base64 data from a remote server

    • Params
      • url
        • URL of the resource
        • Type: string
      • onlyData:
        • Whether to fetch only data or complete URI
        • Type: boolean?
  • fetchLocal(url: string, onlyData?: boolean): to fetch base64 data from a local file

    • Params
      • url
        • Path of the resource
        • Type: string
      • onlyData:
        • Whether to fetch only data or complete URI
        • Type: boolean?
  • fetchAuto(url: string, onlyData?: boolean): to fetch base64 data from a remote server / locally, identifies automatically.

    • Params
      • url
        • URL/Path of the resource
        • Type: string
      • onlyData:
        • Whether to fetch only data or complete URI
        • Type: boolean?


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