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🌟 The Flexible & Functional Frontmatter Solution.
import * as fff from "";


Post Type Discovery

Strict - FFF Transform Preset

Strict - FFF Transform Preset (Categories/Tags Only)

Strict - FFF Transform Preset (Draft Only)

Strict - FFF Transform Preset (Media Only)

Strict - FFF Transform Preset (Visibility Only)

From FFF to JF2 Feed Child (Editor's Draft 09 February 2019)

From FFF to JSON Feed Item (Version 1.1)

Flavor Transform Function


Stict Preset Options

Type Aliases

Object Audio


Base Variables

DateTime Vaeriables

Extra Variables

Type definition of the FFF Flavored Frontmatter.

Object Image

Media Variables

Mention Variables

Optional Type Util

Type used to generate the schema. It doesn't support object media due to generator limitations.

Flavor Transform Preset

FFF Flavor Transform Preset Value

Object Video

Type validation for toJSONFeedItem function.

Type validation for toJSONFeedItem function.

JSON Feed IndieWeb Extension.

Supported Post Type