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A node.js library for performing FIDO 2.0 / WebAuthn server functionality
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import { Certificate } from "../certUtils.js";import { PublicKey } from "../keyUtils.js";import { coerceToArrayBuffer, coerceToBase64, appendBuffer, tools, arrayBufferEquals } from "../utils.js";
// The syntax of an Apple attestation statement is defined as follows:// appleStmtFormat = {// x5c: [ credCert: bytes, * (caCert: bytes) ]// }function appleParseFn(attStmt) { // Step 1: Verify that attStmt is valid CBOR conforming to the syntax // defined above and perform CBOR decoding on it to extract the contained fields. const ret = new Map();
const x5c = attStmt.x5c; if (!Array.isArray(x5c)) { throw new TypeError( "expected apple attestation x5c field to be of type Array" ); }
if (x5c.length < 1) { throw new TypeError( "expected apple attestation x5c field to contain at least 1 entry" ); }
const abX5c = []; for (let cert of x5c) { cert = coerceToArrayBuffer(cert, "apple x5c cert"); abX5c.push(cert); }
// The first certificate is credCert ret.set("credCert", abX5c.shift());
// The rest of the certificates (if any) are the certificate trust chain ret.set("x5c", abX5c);
return ret;}
async function appleValidateFn() { const parsedCredCert = this.authnrData.get("credCert");
// Step 2: Concatenate authenticatorData(rawAuthnrData) and clientDataHash(rawClientData) to form nonceToHash. const rawClientData = this.clientData.get("rawClientDataJson"); const rawAuthnrData = this.authnrData.get("rawAuthnrData");
const clientDataHash = await tools.hashDigest(rawClientData);
const rawAuthnrDataBuf = new Uint8Array(rawAuthnrData); const clientDataHashBuf = new Uint8Array(clientDataHash);
const nonceToHash = appendBuffer(rawAuthnrDataBuf, clientDataHashBuf);
// Step 3: Perform SHA-256 hash of nonceToHash to produce nonce. const nonce = await tools.hashDigest(nonceToHash);
// Step 4: Verify that nonce === value of extension with key OID 1.2.840.113635.100.8.2 const credCert = new Certificate( coerceToBase64(parsedCredCert, "parsedCredCert") ); this.audit.journal.add("credCert"); const extensions = credCert.getExtensions(); let expectedNonce; for (const ext of extensions) { if (Array.isArray(ext) && ext.length > 1) { if (ext[0] === "1.2.840.113635.100.8.2") { if (Array.isArray(ext[1]) && ext[1].length) { expectedNonce = ext[1][0]; } } } } if (!expectedNonce) { throw new Error( "extension with key '1.2.840.113635.100.8.2' (apple) was not found" ); }
if (!arrayBufferEquals(expectedNonce, nonce)) { throw new Error("nonce did not match expectedNonce"); }
// Step 5: Verify that the credential public key equals the Subject Public Key of credCert. const credentialPublicKey = new PublicKey(); await credentialPublicKey.fromPem( this.authnrData.get("credentialPublicKeyPem") );
const certificatePublicKey = new PublicKey(); certificatePublicKey.fromCryptoKey(await credCert.getPublicKey()); const credentialPublicKeyReexportedPem = await credentialPublicKey.toPem( true ); const certificatePublicKeyReexportedPem = await certificatePublicKey.toPem( true ); this.audit.journal.add("credentialPublicKeyPem");
if (credentialPublicKeyReexportedPem !== certificatePublicKeyReexportedPem) { throw new Error("certificatePublicKey did not match credentialPublicKey"); }
// Step 6: If successful, return implementation-specific values representing attestation type Anonymization CA and attestation trust path x5c. this.audit.journal.add("x5c");"attestation-type", "anonca");
return true;}
const appleAttestation = { name: "apple", parseFn: appleParseFn, validateFn: appleValidateFn,};
export { appleAttestation };