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interface IFSFlagCollection
implements Iterable<[string, IFSFlag]>
import { type IFSFlagCollection } from "";

Represents a collection of flags.


size: number

Gets the number of flags in the collection.


get(key: string): IFSFlag

Retrieves the flag associated with the specified key.

has(key: string): boolean

Checks if the collection contains a flag with the specified key.

keys(): Set<string>

Gets the keys of all flags in the collection.

[[Symbol.iterator]](): Iterator<[string, IFSFlag]>

Returns an iterator for the collection.

filter(predicate: (
value: IFSFlag,
key: string,
collection: IFSFlagCollection,
) => boolean
): IFSFlagCollection

Filters the collection based on a predicate function.

exposeAll(): Promise<void>

Exposes all flags in the collection.

getMetadata(): Map<string, IFSFlagMetadata>

Retrieves the metadata for all flags in the collection.

Serializes the metadata for all flags in the collection.

forEach(callbackfn: (
value: IFSFlag,
key: string,
collection: IFSFlagCollection,
) => void
): void

Iterates over each flag in the collection.