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import { CUSTOMER_ENV_ID_API_ITEM, CUSTOMER_UID, SCREEN_RESOLUTION_API_ITEM, SESSION_NUMBER, USER_IP_API_ITEM, USER_LANGUAGE, VISITOR_ID_API_ITEM } from '../enum/FlagshipConstant.ts'import { IHit } from '../types.ts'import { HitAbstract, IHitAbstract } from './HitAbstract.ts'
export interface IBatch extends IHitAbstract { hits: HitAbstract[]}
export const BATCH = 'BATCH'export interface BatchDTO { type:'BATCH' hits:(IHit|undefined)[]}
export const ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Please check required fields'export class Batch extends HitAbstract implements IBatch { private _hits! : HitAbstract[] public get hits () : HitAbstract[] { return this._hits }
public set hits (v : HitAbstract[]) { this._hits = v }
constructor (params: Omit<IBatch, 'type'>) { super({ ...params, type: BATCH }) this.hits = params.hits }
public isReady (): boolean { return !!( super.isReady() && this.hits && this.hits.length > 0 && this.hits.every(hit => hit.isReady(false)) ) }
public toApiKeys ():Record<string, unknown> { const apiKeys = super.toApiKeys() apiKeys.h = => { const hitKeys = hit.toApiKeys() delete hitKeys[VISITOR_ID_API_ITEM] delete hitKeys[CUSTOMER_ENV_ID_API_ITEM] delete hitKeys[USER_IP_API_ITEM] delete hitKeys[SCREEN_RESOLUTION_API_ITEM] delete hitKeys[USER_LANGUAGE] delete hitKeys[SESSION_NUMBER] delete hitKeys[VISITOR_ID_API_ITEM] delete hitKeys[CUSTOMER_UID] return hitKeys }) return apiKeys }
public toObject ():Record<string, unknown> { return { ...super.toObject(), hits: => hit.toObject()) } }
public getErrorMessage (): string { return ERROR_MESSAGE }}