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export type CommonHit = { protocolVersion?: string userIp?: string documentReferrer?: string viewportSize?: string screenResolution?: string documentEncoding?: string screenColorDepth?: string userLanguage?: string javaEnabled?: string flashVersion?: string queueTime?: string currentSessionTimeStamp?: string sessionNumber?: string}
export type TransactionHit = CommonHit & { transactionId: string affiliation: string totalRevenue?: number shippingCost?: number shippingMethod?: string taxes?: number currency?: string paymentMethod?: string itemCount?: number couponCode?: string documentLocation?: string pageTitle?: string}
export type ItemHit = CommonHit & { transactionId: string name: string price?: number code?: string category?: string quantity?: number documentLocation?: string pageTitle?: string}
export type EventHit = CommonHit & { category: 'Action Tracking' | 'User Engagement' action: string label?: string value?: number documentLocation?: string pageTitle?: string}
export type ScreenViewHit = CommonHit & { documentLocation: string pageTitle: string}
export type PageViewHit = CommonHit & { documentLocation: string pageTitle: string}
/** * @deprecated This hit model will be removed on next major version. * Please use IHit types instead */export type HitShape = | { type: 'Screen'; data: ScreenViewHit } | { type: 'Page'; data: PageViewHit } | { type: 'Transaction'; data: TransactionHit } | { type: 'Item'; data: ItemHit } | { type: 'Event'; data: EventHit }