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import { DL_API_ITEM } from '../enum/FlagshipConstant.ts'import { HitType } from '../enum/HitType.ts'import { HitAbstract, IHitAbstract } from './HitAbstract.ts'
export const ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Screen name is required'
export interface IScreen extends IHitAbstract{ documentLocation:string}
export class Screen extends HitAbstract implements IScreen { private _documentLocation!: string public get documentLocation (): string { return this._documentLocation }
public set documentLocation (v: string) { if (!this.isNotEmptyString(v, 'documentLocation')) { return } this._documentLocation = v }
public constructor (screen: Omit<IScreen, 'type'>) { super({ type: HitType.SCREEN_VIEW, userIp: screen?.userIp, screenResolution: screen?.screenResolution, locale: screen?.locale, sessionNumber: screen?.sessionNumber }) this.documentLocation = screen?.documentLocation }
public isReady (checkParent = true):boolean { return !!((!checkParent || super.isReady()) && this.documentLocation) }
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any public toApiKeys ():any { const apiKeys = super.toApiKeys() apiKeys[DL_API_ITEM] = this.documentLocation return apiKeys }
public toObject ():Record<string, unknown> { return { ...super.toObject(), documentLocation: this.documentLocation } }
public getErrorMessage (): string { return ERROR_MESSAGE }}