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import { CampaignDTO } from './decision/api/models.ts'import { HitType } from './enum/index.ts'import { IEvent, IItem, IPage, IScreen, ITransaction, HitShape } from './hit/index.ts'
export type modificationsRequested<T> = { key: string, defaultValue: T, activate? :boolean }
export type primitive=string | number | boolean
export type { HitShape }export type IHit = IPage | IScreen | IEvent | IItem | ITransaction
export type FlagDTO= { key: string; campaignId: string; variationGroupId: string; variationId: string; isReference?: boolean; campaignType?: string; slug?:string|null; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any value: any;}
/** * @deprecated use FlagDTO instead */export type Modification= FlagDTO
export type NewVisitor={ /** * Unique visitor identifier. */ visitorId?:string isAuthenticated?: boolean /** * visitor context */ context?: Record<string, primitive> hasConsented?:boolean,
initialCampaigns?: CampaignDTO[] /** * @deprecated use initialFlags instead */ initialModifications?: Map<string, Modification>|Modification[] initialFlagsData?: Map<string, FlagDTO>|FlagDTO[]
/** * If true The newly created visitor instance won't be saved and will simply be returned otherwise * the newly created visitor instance will be returned and saved into the Flagship * * Note: will be default true on server-side and false on client-side */ isNewInstance?:boolean
export type HitCacheDTO ={ version: number, data: { visitorId: string, anonymousId: string|null, type: HitType|'BATCH'|'ACTIVATE', time: number, content?:IHit|FlagDTO|Record<string, unknown> }}
export type VisitorCacheDTO = { version: number, data: { visitorId: string, anonymousId: string|null, consent?: boolean, context?: Record<string, primitive>, assignmentsHistory?: Record<string, string>, campaigns?: Array<{ slug?:string|null campaignId: string, variationGroupId: string, variationId: string, isReference?:boolean type: string, activated?: boolean, flags?: Record<string, unknown> }>}}