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import { REQUEST_TIME_OUT } from '../enum/index.ts'import { fetch, globalOption } from '../deps.ts'
export interface IHttpOptions { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any body?: any; headers?: Record<string, string>; timeout?: number;}
export interface IHttpResponse { status: number; headers?: Record<string, string>; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any body: any;}
export interface IHttpClient { postAsync(url: string, options: IHttpOptions): Promise<IHttpResponse>; getAsync(url: string, options?: IHttpOptions): Promise<IHttpResponse>;}
export class HttpClient implements IHttpClient { private async getResponse (response:Response) { const applicationType = response.headers.get('Content-Type') const checkJson = applicationType === 'application/json' const bodyString = await response.text() let body:Record<string, unknown>|undefined
if (bodyString && checkJson) { body = JSON.parse(bodyString) }
if (response.status >= 400) { throw new Error(bodyString || response.statusText) } const headers:Record<string, string> = {} response.headers.forEach((value, key) => { headers[key] = value }) return { status: response.status, body, headers } }
getAsync (url: string, options?: IHttpOptions): Promise<IHttpResponse> { const c = new AbortController() const id = setTimeout(() => c.abort(), (options?.timeout ? options.timeout : REQUEST_TIME_OUT) * 1000) return fetch(url, { ...globalOption, method: 'GET', headers: options?.headers, signal: c.signal, keepalive: true }) .then(this.getResponse) // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any .catch((error:any) => { throw error }) .finally(() => { clearInterval(id) }) }
public postAsync (url: string, options: IHttpOptions): Promise<IHttpResponse> { const c = new AbortController() const id = setTimeout(() => c.abort(), options.timeout ? options.timeout * 1000 : REQUEST_TIME_OUT * 1000) return fetch(url, { ...globalOption, method: 'POST', headers: options.headers, body: JSON.stringify(options.body), signal: c.signal, keepalive: true }) .then(this.getResponse) // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any .catch((error: any) => { throw error }) .finally(() => { clearInterval(id) }) }}