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import { ACTIVATE_MODIFICATION_ERROR, ACTIVATE_MODIFICATION_KEY_ERROR, CONTEXT_NULL_ERROR, CONTEXT_PARAM_ERROR, EMIT_READY, FLAGSHIP_VISITOR_NOT_AUTHENTICATE, GET_FLAG_CAST_ERROR, GET_FLAG_MISSING_ERROR, GET_METADATA_CAST_ERROR, GET_MODIFICATION_CAST_ERROR, GET_MODIFICATION_ERROR, GET_MODIFICATION_KEY_ERROR, GET_MODIFICATION_MISSING_ERROR, HitType, METHOD_DEACTIVATED_BUCKETING_ERROR, PREDEFINED_CONTEXT_TYPE_ERROR, PROCESS_ACTIVE_MODIFICATION, PROCESS_GET_MODIFICATION, PROCESS_GET_MODIFICATION_INFO, PROCESS_SEND_HIT, PROCESS_SYNCHRONIZED_MODIFICATION, PROCESS_UPDATE_CONTEXT, SDK_APP, USER_EXPOSED_CAST_ERROR, USER_EXPOSED_FLAG_ERROR, VISITOR_ID_ERROR} from '../enum/index.ts'import { HitAbstract, IPage, IScreen, IEvent, Event, Screen, IItem, ITransaction, Item, Page, Transaction, IHitAbstract} from '../hit/index.ts'import { HitShape, ItemHit } from '../hit/Legacy.ts'import { primitive, modificationsRequested, IHit, FlagDTO, VisitorCacheDTO } from '../types.ts'import { hasSameType, logError, logInfo, sprintf } from '../utils/utils.ts'import { VisitorStrategyAbstract } from './VisitorStrategyAbstract.ts'import { CampaignDTO } from '../decision/api/models.ts'import { DecisionMode } from '../config/index.ts'import { FLAGSHIP_CONTEXT } from '../enum/FlagshipContext.ts'import { VisitorDelegate } from './index.ts'import { Batch, BATCH, BatchDTO } from '../hit/Batch.ts'import { FlagMetadata, IFlagMetadata } from '../flag/FlagMetadata.ts'
export const TYPE_HIT_REQUIRED_ERROR = 'property type is required and must '
export class DefaultStrategy extends VisitorStrategyAbstract { private checkPredefinedContext ( key: string, value: primitive ): boolean | null { const type = FLAGSHIP_CONTEXT[key] if (!type) { return null }
let check = false
if (type === 'string') { check = typeof value === 'string' } else if (type === 'number') { check = typeof value === 'number' }
if (!check) { logError( this.config, sprintf(PREDEFINED_CONTEXT_TYPE_ERROR, key, type), PROCESS_UPDATE_CONTEXT ) } return check }
/** * Update the visitor context values, matching the given keys, used for targeting. * * A new context value associated with this key will be created if there is no previous matching value. * Context key must be String, and value type must be one of the following : Number, Boolean, String. * @param {string} key : context key. * @param {primitive} value : context value. */ private updateContextKeyValue (key: string, value: primitive): void { const valueType = typeof value if ( typeof key !== 'string' || key === '' || (valueType !== 'string' && valueType !== 'number' && valueType !== 'boolean') ) { logError( this.visitor.config, sprintf(CONTEXT_PARAM_ERROR, key), PROCESS_UPDATE_CONTEXT ) return }
if (key.match(/^fs_/i)) { return }
const predefinedContext = this.checkPredefinedContext(key, value) if (typeof predefinedContext === 'boolean' && !predefinedContext) { return }
this.visitor.context[key] = value }
updateContext (context: Record<string, primitive>): void { if (!context) { logError(this.visitor.config, CONTEXT_NULL_ERROR, PROCESS_UPDATE_CONTEXT) return }
for (const key in context) { const value = context[key] this.updateContextKeyValue(key, value) } }
clearContext (): void { this.visitor.context = {} }
private checkAndGetModification<T> ( params: modificationsRequested<T>, activateAll?: boolean ): T { const { key, defaultValue, activate } = params if (!key || typeof key !== 'string') { logError( this.config, sprintf(GET_MODIFICATION_KEY_ERROR, key), PROCESS_GET_MODIFICATION ) return defaultValue }
const modification = this.visitor.flagsData.get(key) if (!modification) { logInfo( this.config, sprintf(GET_MODIFICATION_MISSING_ERROR, key), PROCESS_GET_MODIFICATION ) return defaultValue }
const castError = () => { logError( this.config, sprintf(GET_MODIFICATION_CAST_ERROR, key), PROCESS_GET_MODIFICATION )
if (!modification.value && (activate || activateAll)) { this.activateModification(key) } }
if ( typeof modification.value === 'object' && typeof defaultValue === 'object' && Array.isArray(modification.value) !== Array.isArray(defaultValue) ) { castError() return defaultValue }
if (typeof modification.value !== typeof defaultValue) { castError() return defaultValue }
if (activate || activateAll) { this.activateModification(key) }
return modification.value }
async getModifications<T> ( params: modificationsRequested<T>[], activateAll?: boolean ): Promise<Record<string, T>> { return this.getModificationsSync(params, activateAll) }
getModificationsSync<T> ( params: modificationsRequested<T>[], activateAll?: boolean ): Record<string, T> { const flags: Record<string, T> = {} params.forEach((item) => { flags[item.key] = this.checkAndGetModification(item, activateAll) }) return flags }
async getModification<T> (params: modificationsRequested<T>): Promise<T> { return this.getModificationSync(params) }
getModificationSync<T> (params: modificationsRequested<T>): T { return this.checkAndGetModification(params) }
async getModificationInfo (key: string): Promise<FlagDTO | null> { return this.getModificationInfoSync(key) }
public getModificationInfoSync (key: string): FlagDTO | null { if (!key || typeof key !== 'string') { logError( this.visitor.config, sprintf(GET_MODIFICATION_KEY_ERROR, key), PROCESS_GET_MODIFICATION_INFO ) return null }
const modification = this.visitor.flagsData.get(key)
if (!modification) { logError( this.visitor.config, sprintf(GET_MODIFICATION_ERROR, key), PROCESS_GET_MODIFICATION_INFO ) return null } return modification }
protected fetchVisitorCampaigns (visitor: VisitorDelegate) :CampaignDTO[]|null { if (!Array.isArray(visitor?.visitorCache?.data.campaigns)) { return null } visitor.updateContext((visitor.visitorCache as VisitorCacheDTO).data.context || {}) // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any return (visitor.visitorCache as any) => { return { id: campaign.campaignId, variationGroupId: campaign.variationGroupId, slug: campaign.slug, variation: { id: campaign.variationId, reference: !!campaign.isReference, modifications: { type: campaign.type, value: campaign.flags } } } }) }
protected async globalFetchFlags (functionName:string): Promise<void> { try { let campaigns = await this.decisionManager.getCampaignsAsync(this.visitor)
if (!campaigns) { campaigns = this.fetchVisitorCampaigns(this.visitor) }
if (!campaigns) { return }
this.visitor.campaigns = campaigns this.visitor.flagsData = this.decisionManager.getModifications(this.visitor.campaigns) this.visitor.emit(EMIT_READY) // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any } catch (error: any) { this.visitor.emit(EMIT_READY, error) logError( this.config, error.message || error, functionName ) } }
async synchronizeModifications (): Promise<void> { return this.globalFetchFlags(PROCESS_SYNCHRONIZED_MODIFICATION) }
async activateModification (params: string): Promise<void> { if (!params || typeof params !== 'string') { logError( this.config, sprintf(ACTIVATE_MODIFICATION_KEY_ERROR, params), PROCESS_ACTIVE_MODIFICATION ) return } return this.activate(params) }
activateModifications(keys: { key: string }[]): Promise<void> activateModifications(keys: string[]): Promise<void> async activateModifications (params: string[] | { key: string }[]): Promise<void> { if (!params || !Array.isArray(params)) { logError( this.config, sprintf(GET_MODIFICATION_KEY_ERROR, params), PROCESS_ACTIVE_MODIFICATION ) return } params.forEach((item:string | {key: string}) => { if (typeof item === 'string') { this.activate(item) } else this.activate(item.key) }) }
private isDeDuplicated (key:string, deDuplicationTime:number):boolean { if (deDuplicationTime === 0) { return false }
const deDuplicationCache = this.visitor.deDuplicationCache[key]
if (deDuplicationCache && ( - deDuplicationCache) <= (deDuplicationTime * 1000)) { return true } this.visitor.deDuplicationCache[key] =
this.visitor.clearDeDuplicationCache(deDuplicationTime) return false }
protected async sendActivate (modification: FlagDTO, functionName = PROCESS_ACTIVE_MODIFICATION):Promise<void> { try { await this.trackingManager.sendActive(this.visitor, modification) // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any } catch (error: any) { logError(this.config, error.message || error, functionName) this.cacheHit(modification) } }
private async activate (key: string) { const flag = this.visitor.flagsData.get(key)
if (!flag) { logError( this.visitor.config, sprintf(ACTIVATE_MODIFICATION_ERROR, key), PROCESS_ACTIVE_MODIFICATION ) return }
if (this.isDeDuplicated(flag.variationGroupId + this.visitor.visitorId, this.config.activateDeduplicationTime as number)) { return }
if (!this.hasTrackingManager(PROCESS_ACTIVE_MODIFICATION)) { return }
await this.sendActivate(flag) }
sendHit(hit: BatchDTO): Promise<void> sendHit(hit: HitAbstract): Promise<void> sendHit(hit: IHit): Promise<void> sendHit(hit: HitShape): Promise<void> sendHit (hit: IHit | HitAbstract | HitShape|BatchDTO): Promise<void> { if (!this.hasTrackingManager(PROCESS_SEND_HIT)) { return Promise.resolve() } return this.prepareAndSendHit(hit) }
sendHits(hits: BatchDTO[]): Promise<void> sendHits(hits: HitAbstract[]): Promise<void> sendHits(hits: IHit[]): Promise<void> sendHits(hits: HitShape[]): Promise<void> async sendHits (hits: HitAbstract[] | IHit[]|HitShape[]|BatchDTO[]): Promise<void> { if (!this.hasTrackingManager(PROCESS_SEND_HIT)) { return } hits.forEach((hit:HitAbstract | HitShape | IHit | BatchDTO) => this.prepareAndSendHit(hit)) }
private getHitLegacy (hit: HitShape) { let newHit = null if (!hit || !hit.type) { return null } const hitTypeToEnum: Record<string, HitType> = { Screen: HitType.SCREEN_VIEW, ScreenView: HitType.SCREEN_VIEW, Transaction: HitType.TRANSACTION, Page: HitType.PAGE_VIEW, PageView: HitType.PAGE_VIEW, Item: HitType.ITEM, Event: HitType.EVENT } const commonProperties: IHitAbstract = { type: hitTypeToEnum[hit.type] }
const hitData: IHitAbstract = { ...commonProperties, }
switch (commonProperties.type.toUpperCase()) { case HitType.EVENT: newHit = new Event(hitData as IEvent) break case HitType.ITEM: // eslint-disable-next-line no-case-declarations const data = as ItemHit newHit = new Item({ ...hitData, productName:, productSku: data.code, transactionId: data.transactionId, itemCategory: data.category, itemPrice: data.price, itemQuantity: data.quantity } as IItem) break case HitType.PAGE_VIEW: newHit = new Page(hitData as IPage) break case HitType.SCREEN_VIEW: newHit = new Screen(hitData as IScreen) break case HitType.TRANSACTION: newHit = new Transaction( as ITransaction) break } return newHit }
private getHit (hit: IHit|BatchDTO):HitAbstract|null { let newHit = null if (!hit || !hit.type) { return newHit } switch (hit.type.toUpperCase()) { case HitType.EVENT: newHit = new Event(hit as IEvent) break case HitType.ITEM: newHit = new Item(hit as IItem) break case HitType.PAGE_VIEW: newHit = new Page(hit as IPage) break case HitType.SCREEN_VIEW: newHit = new Screen(hit as IScreen) break case HitType.TRANSACTION: newHit = new Transaction(hit as ITransaction) break case BATCH: newHit = new Batch({ hits: (hit as BatchDTO)?.hits?.map((item) => { return this.getHit(item as IHit) }).filter(item => item) as HitAbstract[] }) break } return newHit }
private async prepareAndSendHit (hit: IHit | HitShape | HitAbstract|BatchDTO) { let hitInstance: HitAbstract if (hit instanceof HitAbstract) { hitInstance = hit } else if ('data' in hit) { const hitShape = hit as HitShape const hitFromInt = this.getHitLegacy(hitShape) if (!hitFromInt) { logError(this.config, TYPE_HIT_REQUIRED_ERROR, PROCESS_SEND_HIT) return } hitInstance = hitFromInt } else { const hitFromInt = this.getHit(hit) if (!hitFromInt) { logError(this.config, TYPE_HIT_REQUIRED_ERROR, PROCESS_SEND_HIT) return } hitInstance = hitFromInt } hitInstance.visitorId = this.visitor.visitorId hitInstance.ds = SDK_APP hitInstance.config = this.config hitInstance.anonymousId = this.visitor.anonymousId
if (this.isDeDuplicated(JSON.stringify(hitInstance), this.config.hitDeduplicationTime as number)) { return }
if (!hitInstance.isReady()) { logError(this.config, hitInstance.getErrorMessage(), PROCESS_SEND_HIT) return }
try { await this.trackingManager.sendHit(hitInstance) // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any } catch (error: any) { logError(this.config, error.message || error, PROCESS_SEND_HIT) this.cacheHit(hitInstance) } }
/** * returns a Promise<object> containing all the data for all the campaigns associated with the current visitor. *@deprecated */ public async getAllModifications (activate = false): Promise<{ visitorId: string campaigns: CampaignDTO[] }> { return this.getAllFlagsData(activate) }
async getAllFlagsData (activate: boolean): Promise<{ visitorId: string; campaigns: CampaignDTO[] }> { if (activate) { this.visitor.flagsData.forEach((_, key) => { this.activateModification(key) }) } return { visitorId: this.visitor.visitorId, campaigns: this.visitor.campaigns } }
/** * Get data for a specific campaign. * @param campaignId Identifies the campaign whose modifications you want to retrieve. * @param activate * @deprecated * @returns */ public async getModificationsForCampaign (campaignId: string, activate = false): Promise<{ visitorId: string; campaigns: CampaignDTO[]}> { return this.getFlatsDataForCampaign(campaignId, activate) }
async getFlatsDataForCampaign (campaignId: string, activate: boolean): Promise<{ visitorId: string; campaigns: CampaignDTO[] }> { if (activate) { this.visitor.flagsData.forEach((value) => { if (value.campaignId === campaignId) { this.userExposed({ key: value.key, flag: value, defaultValue: value.value }) } }) }
return { visitorId: this.visitor.visitorId, campaigns: this.visitor.campaigns.filter((x) => === campaignId) } }
authenticate (visitorId: string): void { const functionName = 'authenticate' if (this.config.decisionMode === DecisionMode.BUCKETING) { this.logDeactivateOnBucketing(functionName) return }
if (!visitorId) { logError(this.config, VISITOR_ID_ERROR, functionName) return } this.visitor.anonymousId = this.visitor.visitorId this.visitor.visitorId = visitorId }
unauthenticate (): void { const functionName = 'unauthenticate' if (this.config.decisionMode === DecisionMode.BUCKETING) { this.logDeactivateOnBucketing(functionName) return } if (!this.visitor.anonymousId) { logError(this.config, FLAGSHIP_VISITOR_NOT_AUTHENTICATE, functionName) return } this.visitor.visitorId = this.visitor.anonymousId this.visitor.anonymousId = null }
async fetchFlags (): Promise<void> { return this.globalFetchFlags('fetchFlags') }
async userExposed <T> (param:{key:string, flag?:FlagDTO, defaultValue:T}): Promise<void> { const { key, flag, defaultValue } = param const functionName = 'userExposed' if (!flag) { logInfo( this.visitor.config, sprintf(USER_EXPOSED_FLAG_ERROR, key), functionName ) return }
if (defaultValue !== null && defaultValue !== undefined && flag.value && !hasSameType(flag.value, defaultValue)) { logInfo( this.visitor.config, sprintf(USER_EXPOSED_CAST_ERROR, key), functionName ) return }
if (this.isDeDuplicated(flag.variationGroupId + this.visitor.visitorId, this.config.activateDeduplicationTime as number)) { return }
if (!this.hasTrackingManager(functionName)) { return }
return this.sendActivate(flag, functionName) }
getFlagValue<T> (param:{ key:string, defaultValue: T, flag?:FlagDTO, userExposed?: boolean}): T { const { key, defaultValue, flag, userExposed } = param const functionName = 'getFlag value' if (!flag) { logInfo( this.config, sprintf(GET_FLAG_MISSING_ERROR, key), functionName ) return defaultValue }
if (flag.value === null) { if (userExposed) { this.userExposed({ key, flag, defaultValue }) } return defaultValue }
if (defaultValue !== null && defaultValue !== undefined && !hasSameType(flag.value, defaultValue)) { logInfo( this.config, sprintf(GET_FLAG_CAST_ERROR, key), functionName ) return defaultValue }
if (userExposed) { this.userExposed({ key, flag, defaultValue }) } return flag.value }
getFlagMetadata (param:{metadata:IFlagMetadata, key?:string, hasSameType:boolean}):IFlagMetadata { const { metadata, hasSameType: checkType, key } = param const functionName = 'flag.metadata' if (!checkType) { logInfo( this.visitor.config, sprintf(GET_METADATA_CAST_ERROR, key), functionName ) return FlagMetadata.Empty() }
return metadata }
protected logDeactivateOnBucketing (functionName: string): void { logError( this.config, sprintf(METHOD_DEACTIVATED_BUCKETING_ERROR, functionName), functionName ) }}