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import { type IFlagshipConfig } from '../config/IFlagshipConfig.ts'import { BATCH_LOOP_STARTED, BATCH_LOOP_STOPPED, DEFAULT_HIT_CACHE_TIME_MS, HitType, HIT_CACHE_ERROR, HIT_CACHE_LOADED, PROCESS_CACHE, PROCESS_LOOKUP_HIT, TRACKING_MANAGER } from '../enum/index.ts'import { CacheStrategy } from '../enum/CacheStrategy.ts'import { HitAbstract, IEvent, type ITransaction, Transaction, Event, Item, type IItem, Page, type IPage, type IScreen, Screen } from '../hit/index.ts'import { type ISegment, Segment } from '../hit/Segment.ts'import { type IHttpClient } from '../utils/HttpClient.ts'import { logDebugSprintf, logError, logErrorSprintf, logInfo, logInfoSprintf } from '../utils/utils.ts'import { BatchingCachingStrategyAbstract } from './BatchingCachingStrategyAbstract.ts'import { BatchingContinuousCachingStrategy } from './BatchingContinuousCachingStrategy.ts'import { BatchingPeriodicCachingStrategy } from './BatchingPeriodicCachingStrategy.ts'import { HitCacheDTO, TroubleshootingData } from '../types.ts'import { NoBatchingContinuousCachingStrategy } from './NoBatchingContinuousCachingStrategy.ts'import { Activate, IActivate } from '../hit/Activate.ts'import { BatchTriggeredBy } from '../enum/BatchTriggeredBy.ts'import { ITrackingManager } from './ITrackingManager.ts'import { Troubleshooting } from '../hit/Troubleshooting.ts'import { UsageHit } from '../hit/UsageHit.ts'
export const LOOKUP_HITS_JSON_ERROR = 'JSON DATA must be an array of object'export const LOOKUP_HITS_JSON_OBJECT_ERROR = 'JSON DATA must fit the type HitCacheDTO'
export abstract class TrackingManagerAbstract implements ITrackingManager { private _httpClient: IHttpClient private _config: IFlagshipConfig private _hitsPoolQueue: Map<string, HitAbstract> private _activatePoolQueue: Map<string, Activate> private _troubleshootingQueue: Map<string, Troubleshooting> protected _analyticHitQueue: Map<string, UsageHit> protected strategy: BatchingCachingStrategyAbstract // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any protected _intervalID:any protected _isPooling = false private _flagshipInstanceId?: string
public get flagshipInstanceId (): string|undefined { return this._flagshipInstanceId }
public get troubleshootingData () : TroubleshootingData | undefined { return this.strategy.troubleshootingData }
public set troubleshootingData (v : TroubleshootingData | undefined) { this.strategy.troubleshootingData = v }
constructor (httpClient: IHttpClient, config: IFlagshipConfig, flagshipInstanceId?:string) { this._flagshipInstanceId = flagshipInstanceId this._hitsPoolQueue = new Map<string, HitAbstract>() this._activatePoolQueue = new Map<string, Activate>() this._troubleshootingQueue = new Map<string, Troubleshooting>() this._analyticHitQueue = new Map<string, UsageHit>() this._httpClient = httpClient this._config = config this.strategy = this.initStrategy() this.lookupHits() }
protected initStrategy ():BatchingCachingStrategyAbstract { let strategy:BatchingCachingStrategyAbstract const argument = { config: this.config, httpClient: this.httpClient, hitsPoolQueue: this._hitsPoolQueue, activatePoolQueue: this._activatePoolQueue, troubleshootingQueue: this._troubleshootingQueue, analyticHitQueue: this._analyticHitQueue, flagshipInstanceId: this.flagshipInstanceId } switch (this.config.trackingManagerConfig?.cacheStrategy) { case CacheStrategy.PERIODIC_CACHING: strategy = new BatchingPeriodicCachingStrategy(argument) break case CacheStrategy.CONTINUOUS_CACHING: strategy = new BatchingContinuousCachingStrategy(argument) break default: strategy = new NoBatchingContinuousCachingStrategy(argument) break } return strategy }
public get httpClient ():IHttpClient { return this._httpClient }
public get config ():IFlagshipConfig { return this._config }
public abstract addHit(hit: HitAbstract): Promise<void>
public abstract activateFlag (hit: Activate): Promise<void>
public abstract sendBatch(): Promise<void>
public async sendTroubleshootingHit (hit: Troubleshooting) :Promise<void> { await this.strategy.sendTroubleshootingHit(hit) }
public startBatchingLoop (): void { const timeInterval = (this.config.trackingManagerConfig?.batchIntervals) as number * 1000
logInfoSprintf(this.config, TRACKING_MANAGER, BATCH_LOOP_STARTED, timeInterval)
this._intervalID = setInterval(() => { this.batchingLoop() }, timeInterval) }
public stopBatchingLoop (): void { clearInterval(this._intervalID) this._isPooling = false logInfo(this.config, BATCH_LOOP_STOPPED, TRACKING_MANAGER) }
protected async batchingLoop ():Promise<void> { if (this._isPooling) { return } this._isPooling = true await this.strategy.sendBatch(BatchTriggeredBy.Timer) await this.strategy.sendTroubleshootingQueue() await this.strategy.sendUsageHitQueue() this._isPooling = false }
protected checkLookupHitData (item:HitCacheDTO):boolean { if (item?.version === 1 && item?.data?.type && item?.data?.content) { return true } logError(this.config, LOOKUP_HITS_JSON_OBJECT_ERROR, PROCESS_LOOKUP_HIT) return false }
async lookupHits ():Promise<void> { try { const hitCacheImplementation = this.config.hitCacheImplementation
if (this.config.disableCache || !hitCacheImplementation || typeof hitCacheImplementation.lookupHits !== 'function') { return }
const hitsCache = await hitCacheImplementation.lookupHits()
logDebugSprintf(this.config, PROCESS_CACHE, HIT_CACHE_LOADED, hitsCache)
if (!hitsCache || !Object.keys(hitsCache).length) { return }
const checkHitTime = (time:number) => ((( - time)) <= DEFAULT_HIT_CACHE_TIME_MS)
const wrongHitKeys:string[] = [] Object.entries(hitsCache).forEach(([key, item]) => { if (!this.checkLookupHitData(item) || !checkHitTime( { wrongHitKeys.push(key) return } let hit:HitAbstract switch ( { case HitType.EVENT: hit = new Event( as IEvent) break case HitType.ITEM: hit = new Item( as IItem) break case HitType.PAGE: hit = new Page( as IPage) break case HitType.SCREEN: hit = new Screen( as IScreen) break case 'SEGMENT': hit = new Segment( as ISegment) break case 'ACTIVATE': hit = new Activate( as IActivate) hit.key = key hit.createdAt = hit.config = this.config this._activatePoolQueue.set(key, hit as Activate) return case HitType.TRANSACTION: hit = new Transaction( as ITransaction) break default: return } hit.key = key hit.createdAt = hit.config = this.config this._hitsPoolQueue.set(key, hit) })
if (wrongHitKeys.length) { await this.strategy.flushHits(wrongHitKeys) }
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any } catch (error:any) { logErrorSprintf(this.config, PROCESS_CACHE, HIT_CACHE_ERROR, 'lookupHits', error.message || error) } }
async sendUsageHit (hit: UsageHit): Promise<void> { await this.strategy.sendUsageHit(hit) }
async addTroubleshootingHit (hit: Troubleshooting): Promise<void> { await this.strategy.addTroubleshootingHit(hit) }}