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Port of flux-standard-action npm package for Deno.
import isPlainObject from "./helpers/isPlainObject.ts";
/** A Flux Standard action with optional payload and metadata properties. */export interface FluxStandardAction< Type extends string = string, Payload = undefined, Meta = undefined,> { /** * The `type` of an action identifies to the consumer the nature of the action that has occurred. * Two actions with the same `type` MUST be strictly equivalent (using `===`) */ type: Type; /** * The optional `payload` property MAY be any type of value. * It represents the payload of the action. * Any information about the action that is not the type or status of the action should be part of the `payload` field. * By convention, if `error` is `true`, the `payload` SHOULD be an error object. * This is akin to rejecting a promise with an error object. */ payload?: Payload; /** * The optional `error` property MAY be set to true if the action represents an error. * An action whose `error` is true is analogous to a rejected Promise. * By convention, the `payload` SHOULD be an error object. * If `error` has any other value besides `true`, including `undefined`, the action MUST NOT be interpreted as an error. */ error?: boolean; /** * The optional `meta` property MAY be any type of value. * It is intended for any extra information that is not part of the payload. */ meta?: Meta;}
/** An extension of the Flux Standard action that represents an action containing an error as its payload. */export interface ErrorFluxStandardAction< Type extends string = string, CustomError extends Error = Error, Meta = undefined,> extends FluxStandardAction<Type, CustomError, Meta> { /** The required `error` property MUST be set to `true` if the action represents an error. */ error: true;}
/** Alias for FluxStandardAction. */export type FSA< Type extends string = string, Payload = undefined, Meta = undefined,> = FluxStandardAction<Type, Payload, Meta>;
/** Alias for ErrorFluxStandardAction. */export type ErrorFSA< CustomError extends Error = Error, Meta = undefined, Type extends string = string,> = ErrorFluxStandardAction<Type, CustomError, Meta>;
/** A Flux Standard action with a required payload property. */export interface FluxStandardActionWithPayload< Type extends string = string, Payload = undefined, Meta = undefined,> extends FluxStandardAction<Type, Payload, Meta> { /** * The required `payload` property MAY be any type of value. * It represents the payload of the action. * Any information about the action that is not the type or status of the action should be part of the `payload` field. * By convention, if `error` is `true`, the `payload` SHOULD be an error object. * This is akin to rejecting a promise with an error object. */ payload: Payload;}/** Alias for FSAWithPayload */export type FSAWithPayload< Type extends string = string, Payload = undefined, Meta = undefined,> = FluxStandardActionWithPayload<Type, Payload, Meta>;
/** A Flux Standard action with a required metadata property. */export interface FluxStandardActionWithMeta< Type extends string = string, Payload = undefined, Meta = undefined,> extends FluxStandardAction<Type, Payload, Meta> { /** * The required `meta` property MAY be any type of value. * It is intended for any extra information that is not part of the payload. */ meta: Meta;}/** Alias for FluxStandardActionWithMeta */export type FSAWithMeta< Type extends string = string, Payload = undefined, Meta = undefined,> = FluxStandardActionWithMeta<Type, Payload, Meta>;
/** A Flux Standard action with required payload and metadata properties. */export type FluxStandardActionWithPayloadAndMeta< Type extends string = string, Payload = undefined, Meta = undefined,> = & FluxStandardActionWithPayload<Type, Payload, Meta> & FluxStandardActionWithMeta<Type, Payload, Meta>;/** Alias for FluxStandardActionWithPayloadAndMeta */export type FSAWithPayloadAndMeta< Type extends string = string, Payload = undefined, Meta = undefined,> = FluxStandardActionWithPayloadAndMeta<Type, Payload, Meta>;
/** * A Flux Standard action with inferred requirements for the payload and metadata properties. * The `payload` and `meta` properties will be required if the corresponding type argument * if not the `undefined` type. */export type FluxStandardActionAuto< Type extends string = string, Payload = undefined, Meta = undefined,> = Payload extends undefined ? (Meta extends undefined ? FluxStandardAction<Type, Payload, Meta> : FluxStandardActionWithMeta<Type, Payload, Meta>) : (Meta extends undefined ? FluxStandardActionWithPayload<Type, Payload, Meta> : FluxStandardActionWithPayloadAndMeta<Type, Payload, Meta>);/** Alias for FluxStandardActionAuto */export type FSAAuto< Type extends string = string, Payload = undefined, Meta = undefined,> = FluxStandardActionAuto<Type, Payload, Meta>;
/** A Flux Standard Error Action with a required payload property. */export type ErrorFluxStandardActionWithPayload< Type extends string = string, CustomError extends Error = Error, Meta = undefined,> = & ErrorFluxStandardAction<Type, CustomError, Meta> & FluxStandardActionWithPayload<Type, CustomError, Meta>;/** Alias for ErrorFluxStandardActionWithPayload */export type ErrorFSAWithPayload< Type extends string = string, CustomError extends Error = Error, Meta = undefined,> = ErrorFluxStandardActionWithPayload<Type, CustomError, Meta>;
/** A Flux Standard Error Action with a required metadata property. */export type ErrorFluxStandardActionWithMeta< Type extends string = string, CustomError extends Error = Error, Meta = undefined,> = & ErrorFluxStandardAction<Type, CustomError, Meta> & FluxStandardActionWithMeta<Type, CustomError, Meta>;/** Alias for ErrorFluxStandardActionWithMeta */export type ErrorFSAWithMeta< Type extends string = string, CustomError extends Error = Error, Meta = undefined,> = ErrorFluxStandardActionWithMeta<Type, CustomError, Meta>;
/** A Flux Standard Error Action with required payload and metadata properties. */export type ErrorFluxStandardActionWithPayloadAndMeta< Type extends string = string, CustomError extends Error = Error, Meta = undefined,> = & ErrorFluxStandardActionWithPayload<Type, CustomError, Meta> & ErrorFluxStandardActionWithMeta<Type, CustomError, Meta>;/** Alias for ErrorFluxStandardActionWithPayloadAndMeta */export type ErrorFSAWithPayloadAndMeta< Type extends string = string, CustomError extends Error = Error, Meta = undefined,> = ErrorFluxStandardActionWithPayloadAndMeta<Type, CustomError, Meta>;
/** * A Flux Standard Error action with inferred requirements for the payload and metadata properties. * The `payload` and `meta` properties will be required if the corresponding type argument * if not the `undefined` type. * * Note: The `payload` property will always be required, since the `CustomError` type argument does * not allow for specification of the `undefined` type. */export type ErrorFluxStandardActionAuto< Type extends string = string, CustomError extends Error = Error, Meta = undefined,> = Meta extends undefined ? ErrorFluxStandardActionWithPayload<Type, CustomError, Meta> : ErrorFluxStandardActionWithPayloadAndMeta<Type, CustomError, Meta>;/** Alias for ErrorFluxStandardActionAuto */export type ErrorFSAAuto< Type extends string = string, CustomError extends Error = Error, Meta = undefined,> = ErrorFluxStandardActionAuto<Type, CustomError, Meta>;
const allowedKeys = ["type", "payload", "error", "meta"];
function isValidKey(key: string): boolean { return allowedKeys.includes(key);}
function hasTypeProperty<T extends Object = Object>( params: T,): params is T & { type: unknown } { return, "type");}
/** * Checks if `action` is FSA compliant. * @param {unknown} action any object to check. * @returns {boolean} `true` if `action` is FSA compliant. */export function isFSA< Type extends string = string, Payload = undefined, Meta = undefined,>(action: unknown): action is FluxStandardAction<Type, Payload, Meta> { return ( isPlainObject(action) && hasTypeProperty(action) && typeof action.type === "string" && Object.keys(action).every(isValidKey) );}
/** * Checks if `action` is FSA compliant error. * @param {unknown} action any object to check. * @returns {boolean} `true` if `action` is FSA compliant error. */export function isError< Type extends string = string, CustomError extends Error = Error, Meta = undefined,>(action: unknown): action is ErrorFluxStandardAction<Type, CustomError, Meta> { return isFSA(action) && action.error === true;}