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A modern practical functional library
// Copyright 2021-present the Fonction authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.export * from './common/mod.ts'export { curry } from './deps.ts'export { add } from './src/add.ts'export { advance } from './src/advance.ts'export { and } from './src/and.ts'export { append } from './src/append.ts'export { chunk } from './src/chunk.ts'export { _ } from './src/constants/index.ts'export { constructorName } from './src/constructorName.ts'export { dec } from './src/dec.ts'export { defaultTo } from './src/defaultTo.ts'export { divide } from './src/divide.ts'export { equal } from './src/equal.ts'export { F } from './src/F.ts'export type { FlattenDeep } from './src/flattenDeep.ts'export { flattenDeep } from './src/flattenDeep.ts'export { gt } from './src/gt.ts'export { gte } from './src/gte.ts'export { has } from './src/has.ts'export { identity } from './src/identity.ts'export { ifElse } from './src/ifElse.ts'export { ifElseFn } from './src/ifElseFn.ts'export { inc } from './src/inc.ts'export { K } from './src/K.ts'export { lt } from './src/lt.ts'export { lte } from './src/lte.ts'export { multiply } from './src/multiply.ts'export { N } from './src/N.ts'export { NN } from './src/NN.ts'export { not } from './src/not.ts'export { or } from './src/or.ts'export { pipe } from './src/pipe.ts'export { prepend } from './src/prepend.ts'export { product } from './src/product.ts'export { props } from './src/props.ts'export { subtract } from './src/subtract.ts'export { sum } from './src/sum.ts'export { T } from './src/T.ts'export { take } from './src/take.ts'export { takeLast } from './src/takeLast.ts'export { tap } from './src/tap.ts'export { tryCatch } from './src/tryCatch.ts'export type { AnyFn, Arity1Fn, Empty, FalsyLike, Ord, Primitive, Space, TypedArray} from './src/types/index.ts'export { uniq } from './src/uniq.ts'export { xor } from './src/xor.ts'