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Weighted gacha system
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/** * Data fed to the constructor. * The `result` property holds the result that will be returned after rolling. * `chance` is the weight of the result. * `tier` is an optional parameter to group the items for rolling. */export interface GachaData<ItemType> { result: ItemType; chance: number; tier?: number;}
/** * Raw data fed to the linear search function. * The `result` property holds the result that will be returned after rolling. * `chance` is the weight of the result. */export interface GachaChoice<ItemType> { result: ItemType; chance: number;}
/** * Data transformed by the constructor, fed to the binary search function. * The `result` property holds the result that will be returned after rolling. * `chance` is the weight of the result. * `cumulativeChance` is used to make it fit for binary search. * `tier` is an optional parameter to group the items for rolling. */export interface ComputedGachaData<ItemType> { result: ItemType; chance: number; cumulativeChance: number; tier: number;}
/** * Something unnecessary. */export interface ComputedTierData { totalChance: number; items: number; tier: number;}
/** * A gacha machine for weighted selection. */export class GachaMachine<ItemType> { items: ComputedGachaData<ItemType>[]; tiers: ComputedTierData[]; maxTier: number; totalChance: number; pool: number[]; /** * Create a new gacha machine for weighted selection. * @param items Array of items to roll from. */ constructor(items: GachaData<ItemType>[]) { this.items = []; this.tiers = []; this.pool = []; this.maxTier = 1; this.totalChance = 0; this.#configTiers(items); this.#configItems(items); } #configTiers(items: GachaData<ItemType>[]) { let i = 0; const tiers = new Set<number>(); while (i < items.length) { tiers.add(items[i].tier || 1); i += 1; } for (const tier of tiers) { if (tier > this.maxTier) this.maxTier = tier; } const itemsInTier = new Uint8Array(this.maxTier + 1); const totalChanceInTier = new Uint8Array(this.maxTier + 1); i = 0; while (i < items.length) { Atomics.add(itemsInTier, items[i].tier || 1, 1); Atomics.add(totalChanceInTier, items[i].tier || 1, items[i].chance); i += 1; } for (const tier of tiers) { this.tiers.push({ tier: tier, totalChance: totalChanceInTier[tier], items: itemsInTier[tier], }); } this.pool = Array.from(tiers); } #configItems(items: GachaData<ItemType>[]) { let i = 0; let cumulativeChance = 0; while (i < items.length) { cumulativeChance += items[i].chance; this.items.push({ result: items[i].result, chance: items[i].chance, cumulativeChance: cumulativeChance, tier: items[i].tier || 1, }); i += 1; } this.totalChance = cumulativeChance; } /** * Roll items from the gacha machine. * @param count Number of items to roll. * @returns `count` number of items from the items fed to the constructor. * @example * ```ts * const machine = new GachaMachine(items); * machine.get(11) * ``` */ get(count = 1): ItemType[] { if (count === 1) { return [ GachaMachine.rollWithBinarySearch(this.items, this.totalChance), ]; } const result = new Array(count); let i = 0; while (i < count) { result[i] = GachaMachine.rollWithBinarySearch( this.items, this.totalChance, ); i += 1; } return result; } /** * Roll items from specific tiers. * @param tiers List of tiers to roll from. * @param count Number of items to roll. * @returns `count` number of items from the items fed to the constructor. */ getFromTier(tiers: number[], count = 1): ItemType[] { const toRoll: ComputedGachaData<ItemType>[] = []; let i = 0; let cumulativeChance = 0; while (i < this.items.length) { if (tiers.includes(this.items[i].tier)) { cumulativeChance += this.items[i].chance; toRoll.push({ ...this.items[i], cumulativeChance }); } i += 1; } if (toRoll.length === 0) return []; const result = []; i = 0; while (i < count) { result.push(GachaMachine.rollWithBinarySearch(toRoll, cumulativeChance)); i += 1; } return result; } /** * Roll one item from a pool using binary search. Requires special transformation. * @param items List of items to roll from, each having a `result` and `cumulativeChance`. * @param totalChance Total weight of the pool. * @returns An item from the pool. * @example * ```ts * const items = [ * { result: "SSR cool character", cumulativeChance: 1 }, * { result: "Kinda rare character", cumulativeChance: 4 }, * { result: "Mob character", cumulativeChance: 9 }, * { result: "Mob character", cumulativeChance: 14 }, * { result: "Mob character", cumulativeChance: 19 }, * ] * GachaMachine.rollWithBinarySearch(items) // Rolls one item from the list of items * ``` * Supplying totalChance does not affect the execution speed much. */ static rollWithBinarySearch<ItemType>( items: ComputedGachaData<ItemType>[], totalChance?: number, ): ItemType { if (!totalChance) totalChance = items[items.length - 1].cumulativeChance; if (items.length === 1) return items[0].result; const rng = Math.random() * totalChance; let lower = 0; let max = items.length - 1; let mid = Math.floor((max + lower) / 2); while ( mid != 0 && lower <= max ) { if ( (items[mid].cumulativeChance > rng && items[mid - 1].cumulativeChance < rng) || items[mid].cumulativeChance == rng ) return items[mid].result; if (items[mid].cumulativeChance < rng) { lower = mid + 1; mid = Math.floor((max + lower) / 2); } else { max = mid - 1; mid = Math.floor((max + lower) / 2); } } return items[mid].result; } /** * Roll one item from a pool using linear search. Simple and great for smaller pools. * @param items List of items to roll from, each having a `result` and `chance`. * @param totalChance Total weight of the pool. * @returns An item from the pool. * @example * ```ts * const items = [ * { result: "SSR cool character", chance: 1 }, * { result: "Kinda rare character", chance: 3 }, * { result: "Mob character", chance: 5 }, * { result: "Mob character", chance: 5 }, * { result: "Mob character", chance: 5 }, * ] * GachaMachine.rollWithLinearSearch(items) // Rolls one item from the list of items * ``` * @example * ```ts * const items = [ * { result: "SSR cool character", chance: 1 }, * { result: "Kinda rare character", chance: 3 }, * { result: "Mob character", chance: 5 }, * { result: "Mob character", chance: 5 }, * { result: "Mob character", chance: 5 }, * ] * GachaMachine.rollWithLinearSearch(items, 19) // Rolls one item from the list of items, faster because the total chance is known. * ``` */ static rollWithLinearSearch<ItemType>( choices: GachaChoice<ItemType>[], totalChance = 0, ): ItemType { let total = totalChance; let i = 0; if (totalChance === 0) { while (i < choices.length) { total += choices[i].chance; i += 1; } } const result = Math.random() * total; let going = 0.0; i = 0; while (i < choices.length) { going += choices[i].chance; if (result < going) { return choices[i].result; } i += 1; } return choices[Math.floor(Math.random() * choices.length)].result; }}