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A TypeScript module for random events and gacha.
export interface DieConfig { times: number; face: number; modifier: number;}
function parseExpression(exp: string): DieConfig { const matches = /^\s*(\d*)\s*d\s*(\d+)\s*([-+])*\s*(\d*)\s*$/.exec(exp); if (!matches) { throw new Error( `Die Expression ${exp} is not of the format <count>d<faces> (eg. 2d10)`, ); } const times = Number(matches[1]); const face = Number(matches[2]); let modifier = Number(matches[4]); if (matches[3] === "-") modifier *= -1; else if (!matches[3]) modifier = 0; if (isNaN(face)) { throw new Error( `Die Expression ${exp} is not of the format <count>d<faces> (eg. 2d10)`, ); } else { return { times: times || 1, face, modifier: modifier || 0 }; }}
export interface RollOptions { times?: number; face?: number; separate?: boolean; modifier?: number;}const defaultRollOptions: RollOptions = { times: 1, face: 6, separate: false, modifier: 0,};
/** * Roll an unbiased die. * A biased die can be implemented using GachaMachine. * @param exp Die expression * @param separate whether to consider each roll individually */export function rollDie(exp: string, separate?: boolean): number | number[];/** * Roll an unbiased die. * A biased die can be implemented using GachaMachine. * @param options Options for rolling the die. */export function rollDie(options: RollOptions): number | number[];export function rollDie(): number;/** * Roll an unbiased die. * A biased die can be implemented using GachaMachine. */export function rollDie( optOrExp: RollOptions | string = defaultRollOptions, expSeparate = false,): number | number[] { if (typeof optOrExp === "undefined") { return getRandom(6); } else if (typeof optOrExp === "string") { const { times, face, modifier } = parseExpression(optOrExp); if (modifier && expSeparate) { throw new Error("Cannot add a modifier when rolling dice separately."); } if (times === 1) return getRandom(face); else { if (!expSeparate) { let res = 0; let i = 0; while (i < times) { res += getRandom(face); i += 1; } return res + modifier; } else { const res = new Array(times); let i = 0; while (i < times) { res[i] = getRandom(face); i += 1; } return res; } } } else if (typeof optOrExp === "object") { const { times, face, separate, modifier } = { ...defaultRollOptions, ...optOrExp, }; if (!times) throw new Error("Invalid value for `times`."); if (times === 1) return getRandom(face || 6); else { if (!separate) { let res = 0; let i = 0; while (i < times) { res += getRandom(face || 6); i += 1; } return res + (modifier || 0); } else { if (modifier) { throw new Error( "Cannot add a modifier when rolling dice separately.", ); } const res = new Array(times); let i = 0; while (i < times) { res[i] = getRandom(face || 6); i += 1; } return res; } } } else { throw new Error(`Paramaters are not of the required format.`); }}
function getRandom(n: number) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * n) + 1;}