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👻 Tiny Footprint Concurrent UI library for Fiber.
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import { h, useRef } from '../src/index'import { testUpdates } from './test-util'
export const ref = async t => { const Component = () => { const ref = useRef('')
ref.current = ref.current + 'x'
return <p>{ref.current}</p> }
await testUpdates([ { content: <Component />, test: ([p]) => { t.eq(p.textContent, 'x') }, }, { content: <Component />, test: ([p]) => { t.eq(p.textContent, 'xx') }, }, ])}
export const refer = async t => { let refs = [] const Component = () => { const p = (dom) => { if (dom) { refs.push('ref') } else { refs.push('cleanup') } } const c = (dom) => { if (dom) { refs.push('ref2') } else { refs.push('cleanup2') } } return ( <div ref={p}> <p ref={c}>before</p> </div> ) }
await testUpdates([ { content: <Component />, test: () => { t.eq(refs, ['ref2', 'ref']) refs = [] // The reverse order is right here }, }, { content: <div>removed</div>, test: () => { t.eq(refs, ['cleanup2', 'cleanup']) }, }, ])}