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import { ConnInfo, extname, fromFileUrl, RequestHandler, rutt, Status, toFileUrl, typeByExtension, walk,} from "./deps.ts";import { h } from "preact";import { Manifest } from "./mod.ts";import { Bundler, JSXConfig } from "./bundle.ts";import { ALIVE_URL, BUILD_ID, JS_PREFIX, REFRESH_JS_URL } from "./constants.ts";import DefaultErrorHandler from "./default_error_page.ts";import { AppModule, ErrorPage, ErrorPageModule, FreshOptions, Handler, Island, Middleware, MiddlewareModule, MiddlewareRoute, Plugin, RenderFunction, Route, RouteModule, UnknownPage, UnknownPageModule,} from "./types.ts";import { render as internalRender } from "./render.ts";import { ContentSecurityPolicyDirectives, SELF } from "../runtime/csp.ts";import { ASSET_CACHE_BUST_KEY, INTERNAL_PREFIX } from "../runtime/utils.ts";interface RouterState { state: Record<string, unknown>;}
interface StaticFile { /** The URL to the static file on disk. */ localUrl: URL; /** The path to the file as it would be in the incoming request. */ path: string; /** The size of the file. */ size: number; /** The content-type of the file. */ contentType: string; /** Hash of the file contents. */ etag: string;}
export class ServerContext { #dev: boolean; #routes: Route[]; #islands: Island[]; #staticFiles: StaticFile[]; #bundler: Bundler; #renderFn: RenderFunction; #middlewares: MiddlewareRoute[]; #app: AppModule; #notFound: UnknownPage; #error: ErrorPage; #plugins: Plugin[];
constructor( routes: Route[], islands: Island[], staticFiles: StaticFile[], renderfn: RenderFunction, middlewares: MiddlewareRoute[], app: AppModule, notFound: UnknownPage, error: ErrorPage, plugins: Plugin[], importMapURL: URL, jsxConfig: JSXConfig, ) { this.#routes = routes; this.#islands = islands; this.#staticFiles = staticFiles; this.#renderFn = renderfn; this.#middlewares = middlewares; this.#app = app; this.#notFound = notFound; this.#error = error; this.#plugins = plugins; this.#dev = typeof Deno.env.get("DENO_DEPLOYMENT_ID") !== "string"; // Env var is only set in prod (on Deploy). this.#bundler = new Bundler( this.#islands, this.#plugins, importMapURL, jsxConfig, this.#dev, ); }
/** * Process the manifest into individual components and pages. */ static async fromManifest( manifest: Manifest, opts: FreshOptions, ): Promise<ServerContext> { // Get the manifest' base URL. const baseUrl = new URL("./", manifest.baseUrl).href;
const config = manifest.config || { importMap: "./import_map.json" }; if (typeof config.importMap !== "string") { throw new Error("deno.json must contain an 'importMap' property."); } const importMapURL = new URL(config.importMap, manifest.baseUrl);
config.compilerOptions ??= {};
let jsx: "react" | "react-jsx"; switch (config.compilerOptions.jsx) { case "react": case undefined: jsx = "react"; break; case "react-jsx": jsx = "react-jsx"; break; default: throw new Error("Unknown jsx option: " + config.compilerOptions.jsx); }
const jsxConfig: JSXConfig = { jsx, jsxImportSource: config.compilerOptions.jsxImportSource, };
// Extract all routes, and prepare them into the `Page` structure. const routes: Route[] = []; const islands: Island[] = []; const middlewares: MiddlewareRoute[] = []; let app: AppModule = DEFAULT_APP; let notFound: UnknownPage = DEFAULT_NOT_FOUND; let error: ErrorPage = DEFAULT_ERROR; for (const [self, module] of Object.entries(manifest.routes)) { const url = new URL(self, baseUrl).href; if (!url.startsWith(baseUrl + "routes")) { throw new TypeError("Page is not a child of the basepath."); } const path = url.substring(baseUrl.length).substring("routes".length); const baseRoute = path.substring(1, path.length - extname(path).length); const name = baseRoute.replace("/", "-"); const isMiddleware = path.endsWith("/_middleware.tsx") || path.endsWith("/_middleware.ts") || path.endsWith("/_middleware.jsx") || path.endsWith("/_middleware.js"); if (!path.startsWith("/_") && !isMiddleware) { const { default: component, config } = (module as RouteModule); let pattern = pathToPattern(baseRoute); if (config?.routeOverride) { pattern = String(config.routeOverride); } let { handler } = (module as RouteModule); handler ??= {}; if ( component && typeof handler === "object" && handler.GET === undefined ) { handler.GET = (_req, { render }) => render(); } const route: Route = { pattern, url, name, component, handler, csp: Boolean(config?.csp ?? false), }; routes.push(route); } else if (isMiddleware) { middlewares.push({ ...middlewarePathToPattern(baseRoute), ...module as MiddlewareModule, }); } else if ( path === "/_app.tsx" || path === "/_app.ts" || path === "/_app.jsx" || path === "/_app.js" ) { app = module as AppModule; } else if ( path === "/_404.tsx" || path === "/_404.ts" || path === "/_404.jsx" || path === "/_404.js" ) { const { default: component, config } = (module as UnknownPageModule); let { handler } = (module as UnknownPageModule); if (component && handler === undefined) { handler = (_req, { render }) => render(); }
notFound = { pattern: pathToPattern(baseRoute), url, name, component, handler: handler ?? ((req) => rutt.defaultOtherHandler(req)), csp: Boolean(config?.csp ?? false), }; } else if ( path === "/_500.tsx" || path === "/_500.ts" || path === "/_500.jsx" || path === "/_500.js" ) { const { default: component, config } = (module as ErrorPageModule); let { handler } = (module as ErrorPageModule); if (component && handler === undefined) { handler = (_req, { render }) => render(); }
error = { pattern: pathToPattern(baseRoute), url, name, component, handler: handler ?? ((req, ctx) => rutt.defaultErrorHandler(req, ctx, ctx.error)), csp: Boolean(config?.csp ?? false), }; } } sortRoutes(routes); sortRoutes(middlewares);
for (const [self, module] of Object.entries(manifest.islands)) { const url = new URL(self, baseUrl).href; if (!url.startsWith(baseUrl)) { throw new TypeError("Island is not a child of the basepath."); } const path = url.substring(baseUrl.length).substring("islands".length); const baseRoute = path.substring(1, path.length - extname(path).length); const name = sanitizeIslandName(baseRoute); const id = name.toLowerCase(); if (typeof module.default !== "function") { throw new TypeError( `Islands must default export a component ('${self}').`, ); } islands.push({ id, name, url, component: module.default }); }
const staticFiles: StaticFile[] = []; try { const staticFolder = new URL( opts.staticDir ?? "./static", manifest.baseUrl, ); // TODO(lucacasonato): remove the extranious Deno.readDir when // is fixed. for await (const _ of Deno.readDir(fromFileUrl(staticFolder))) { // do nothing } const entires = walk(fromFileUrl(staticFolder), { includeFiles: true, includeDirs: false, followSymlinks: false, }); const encoder = new TextEncoder(); for await (const entry of entires) { const localUrl = toFileUrl(entry.path); const path = localUrl.href.substring(staticFolder.href.length); const stat = await Deno.stat(localUrl); const contentType = typeByExtension(extname(path)) ?? "application/octet-stream"; const etag = await crypto.subtle.digest( "SHA-1", encoder.encode(BUILD_ID + path), ).then((hash) => Array.from(new Uint8Array(hash)) .map((byte) => byte.toString(16).padStart(2, "0")) .join("") ); const staticFile: StaticFile = { localUrl, path, size: stat.size, contentType, etag, }; staticFiles.push(staticFile); } } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { // Do nothing. } else { throw err; } }
return new ServerContext( routes, islands, staticFiles, opts.render ?? DEFAULT_RENDER_FN, middlewares, app, notFound, error, opts.plugins ?? [], importMapURL, jsxConfig, ); }
/** * This functions returns a request handler that handles all routes required * by fresh, including static files. */ handler(): RequestHandler { const inner = rutt.router<RouterState>(...this.#handlers()); const withMiddlewares = this.#composeMiddlewares(this.#middlewares); return function handler(req: Request, connInfo: ConnInfo) { // Redirect requests that end with a trailing slash // to their non-trailing slash counterpart. // Ex: /about/ -> /about const url = new URL(req.url); if (url.pathname.length > 1 && url.pathname.endsWith("/")) { url.pathname = url.pathname.slice(0, -1); return Response.redirect(url.href, Status.TemporaryRedirect); } return withMiddlewares(req, connInfo, inner); }; }
/** * Identify which middlewares should be applied for a request, * chain them and return a handler response */ #composeMiddlewares(middlewares: MiddlewareRoute[]) { return ( req: Request, connInfo: ConnInfo, inner: rutt.Handler<RouterState>, ) => { // identify middlewares to apply, if any. // middlewares should be already sorted from deepest to shallow layer const mws = selectMiddlewares(req.url, middlewares);
const handlers: (() => Response | Promise<Response>)[] = [];
const ctx = { next() { const handler = handlers.shift()!; return Promise.resolve(handler()); }, ...connInfo, state: {}, };
for (const mw of mws) { if (mw.handler instanceof Array) { for (const handler of mw.handler) { handlers.push(() => handler(req, ctx)); } } else { const handler = mw.handler; handlers.push(() => handler(req, ctx)); } }
handlers.push(() => inner(req, ctx));
const handler = handlers.shift()!; return handler(); }; }
/** * This function returns all routes required by fresh as an extended * path-to-regex, to handler mapping. */ #handlers(): [ rutt.Routes<RouterState>, rutt.Handler<RouterState>, rutt.ErrorHandler<RouterState>, ] { const routes: rutt.Routes<RouterState> = {};
routes[`${INTERNAL_PREFIX}${JS_PREFIX}/${BUILD_ID}/:path*`] = this .#bundleAssetRoute();
if (this.#dev) { routes[REFRESH_JS_URL] = () => { const js = `new EventSource("${ALIVE_URL}").addEventListener("message", function listener(e) { if ( !== "${BUILD_ID}") { this.removeEventListener('message', listener); location.reload(); } });`; return new Response(js, { headers: { "content-type": "application/javascript; charset=utf-8", }, }); }; routes[ALIVE_URL] = () => { let timerId: number | undefined = undefined; const body = new ReadableStream({ start(controller) { controller.enqueue(`data: ${BUILD_ID}\nretry: 100\n\n`); timerId = setInterval(() => { controller.enqueue(`data: ${BUILD_ID}\n\n`); }, 1000); }, cancel() { if (timerId !== undefined) { clearInterval(timerId); } }, }); return new Response(body.pipeThrough(new TextEncoderStream()), { headers: { "content-type": "text/event-stream", }, }); }; }
// Add the static file routes. // each files has 2 static routes: // - one serving the file at its location without a "cache bursting" mechanism // - one containing the BUILD_ID in the path that can be cached for ( const { localUrl, path, size, contentType, etag } of this.#staticFiles ) { const route = sanitizePathToRegex(path); routes[`GET@${route}`] = this.#staticFileHandler( localUrl, size, contentType, etag, ); }
const genRender = <Data = undefined>( route: Route<Data> | UnknownPage | ErrorPage, status: number, ) => { const imports: string[] = []; if (this.#dev) { imports.push(REFRESH_JS_URL); } return ( req: Request, params: Record<string, string>, error?: unknown, ) => { return async (data?: Data) => { if (route.component === undefined) { throw new Error("This page does not have a component to render."); }
if ( typeof route.component === "function" && === "AsyncFunction" ) { throw new Error( "Async components are not supported. Fetch data inside of a route handler, as described in the docs:", ); }
const preloads: string[] = []; const resp = await internalRender({ route, islands: this.#islands, plugins: this.#plugins, app: this.#app, imports, preloads, renderFn: this.#renderFn, url: new URL(req.url), params, data, error, });
const headers: Record<string, string> = { "content-type": "text/html; charset=utf-8", };
const [body, csp] = resp; if (csp) { if (this.#dev) { csp.directives.connectSrc = [ ...(csp.directives.connectSrc ?? []), SELF, ]; } const directive = serializeCSPDirectives(csp.directives); if (csp.reportOnly) { headers["content-security-policy-report-only"] = directive; } else { headers["content-security-policy"] = directive; } } return new Response(body, { status, headers }); }; }; };
const createUnknownRender = genRender(this.#notFound, Status.NotFound);
for (const route of this.#routes) { const createRender = genRender(route, Status.OK); if (typeof route.handler === "function") { routes[route.pattern] = (req, ctx, params) => (route.handler as Handler)(req, { ...ctx, params, render: createRender(req, params), renderNotFound: createUnknownRender(req, {}), }); } else { for (const [method, handler] of Object.entries(route.handler)) { routes[`${method}@${route.pattern}`] = (req, ctx, params) => handler(req, { ...ctx, params, render: createRender(req, params), renderNotFound: createUnknownRender(req, {}), }); } } }
const unknownHandler: rutt.Handler<RouterState> = ( req, ctx, ) => this.#notFound.handler( req, { ...ctx, render: createUnknownRender(req, {}), }, );
const errorHandlerRender = genRender( this.#error, Status.InternalServerError, ); const errorHandler: rutt.ErrorHandler<RouterState> = ( req, ctx, error, ) => { console.error( "%cAn error occurred during route handling or page rendering.", "color:red", error, ); return this.#error.handler( req, { ...ctx, error, render: errorHandlerRender(req, {}, error), }, ); };
return [routes, unknownHandler, errorHandler]; }
#staticFileHandler( localUrl: URL, size: number, contentType: string, etag: string, ): rutt.MatchHandler { return async (req: Request) => { const url = new URL(req.url); const key = url.searchParams.get(ASSET_CACHE_BUST_KEY); if (key !== null && BUILD_ID !== key) { url.searchParams.delete(ASSET_CACHE_BUST_KEY); const location = url.pathname +; return new Response("", { status: 307, headers: { "content-type": "text/plain", location, }, }); } const headers = new Headers({ "content-type": contentType, etag, vary: "If-None-Match", }); if (key !== null) { headers.set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=31536000, immutable"); } const ifNoneMatch = req.headers.get("if-none-match"); if (ifNoneMatch === etag || ifNoneMatch === "W/" + etag) { return new Response(null, { status: 304, headers }); } else { const file = await; headers.set("content-length", String(size)); return new Response(file.readable, { headers }); } }; }
/** * Returns a router that contains all fresh routes. Should be mounted at * constants.INTERNAL_PREFIX */ #bundleAssetRoute = (): rutt.MatchHandler => { return async (_req, _ctx, params) => { const path = `/${params.path}`; const file = await this.#bundler.get(path); let res; if (file) { const headers = new Headers({ "Cache-Control": "public, max-age=604800, immutable", });
const contentType = typeByExtension(extname(path)); if (contentType) { headers.set("Content-Type", contentType); }
res = new Response(file, { status: 200, headers, }); }
return res ?? new Response(null, { status: 404, }); }; };}
const DEFAULT_RENDER_FN: RenderFunction = (_ctx, render) => { render();};
const DEFAULT_APP: AppModule = { default: ({ Component }) => h(Component, {}),};
const DEFAULT_NOT_FOUND: UnknownPage = { pattern: "", url: "", name: "_404", handler: (req) => rutt.defaultOtherHandler(req), csp: false,};
const DEFAULT_ERROR: ErrorPage = { pattern: "", url: "", name: "_500", component: DefaultErrorHandler, handler: (_req, ctx) => ctx.render(), csp: false,};
/** * Return a list of middlewares that needs to be applied for request url * @param url the request url * @param middlewares Array of middlewares handlers and their routes as path-to-regexp style */export function selectMiddlewares(url: string, middlewares: MiddlewareRoute[]) { const selectedMws: Middleware[] = []; const reqURL = new URL(url);
for (const { compiledPattern, handler } of middlewares) { const res = compiledPattern.exec(reqURL); if (res) { selectedMws.push({ handler }); } }
return selectedMws;}
/** * Sort pages by their relative routing priority, based on the parts in the * route matcher */function sortRoutes<T extends { pattern: string }>(routes: T[]) { routes.sort((a, b) => { const partsA = a.pattern.split("/"); const partsB = b.pattern.split("/"); for (let i = 0; i < Math.max(partsA.length, partsB.length); i++) { const partA = partsA[i]; const partB = partsB[i]; if (partA === undefined) return -1; if (partB === undefined) return 1; if (partA === partB) continue; const priorityA = partA.startsWith(":") ? partA.endsWith("*") ? 0 : 1 : 2; const priorityB = partB.startsWith(":") ? partB.endsWith("*") ? 0 : 1 : 2; return Math.max(Math.min(priorityB - priorityA, 1), -1); } return 0; });}
/** Transform a filesystem URL path to a `path-to-regex` style matcher. */function pathToPattern(path: string): string { const parts = path.split("/"); if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "index") { parts.pop(); } const route = "/" + parts .map((part) => { if (part.startsWith("[...") && part.endsWith("]")) { return `:${part.slice(4, part.length - 1)}*`; } if (part.startsWith("[") && part.endsWith("]")) { return `:${part.slice(1, part.length - 1)}`; } return part; }) .join("/"); return route;}
// Normalize a path for use in a URL. Returns null if the path is unparsable.export function normalizeURLPath(path: string): string | null { try { const pathUrl = new URL("file:///"); pathUrl.pathname = path; return pathUrl.pathname; } catch { return null; }}
function sanitizePathToRegex(path: string): string { return path .replaceAll("\*", "\\*") .replaceAll("\+", "\\+") .replaceAll("\?", "\\?") .replaceAll("\{", "\\{") .replaceAll("\}", "\\}") .replaceAll("\(", "\\(") .replaceAll("\)", "\\)") .replaceAll("\:", "\\:");}
function toPascalCase(text: string): string { return text.replace( /(^\w|-\w)/g, (substring) => substring.replace(/-/, "").toUpperCase(), );}
function sanitizeIslandName(name: string): string { const fileName = name.replace("/", ""); return toPascalCase(fileName);}
function serializeCSPDirectives(csp: ContentSecurityPolicyDirectives): string { return Object.entries(csp) .filter(([_key, value]) => value !== undefined) .map(([k, v]: [string, string | string[]]) => { // Turn camel case into snake case. const key = k.replace(/[A-Z]/g, (m) => `-${m.toLowerCase()}`); const value = Array.isArray(v) ? v.join(" ") : v; return `${key} ${value}`; }) .join("; ");}
export function middlewarePathToPattern(baseRoute: string) { baseRoute = baseRoute.slice(0, -"_middleware".length); let pattern = pathToPattern(baseRoute); if (pattern.endsWith("/")) { pattern = pattern.slice(0, -1) + "{/*}?"; } const compiledPattern = new URLPattern({ pathname: pattern }); return { pattern, compiledPattern };}