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import { ComponentChildren, ComponentType, VNode } from "preact";import * as router from "./router.ts";import { InnerRenderFunction, RenderContext } from "./render.ts";
export type StartOptions = Partial<Deno.ServeTlsOptions> & FreshOptions;
export interface FreshOptions { render?: RenderFunction; plugins?: Plugin[]; staticDir?: string; router?: RouterOptions;}
export interface RouterOptions { /** * Controls whether Fresh will append a trailing slash to the URL. * @default {false} */ trailingSlash?: boolean;}
export type RenderFunction = ( ctx: RenderContext, render: InnerRenderFunction,) => void | Promise<void>;
/// --- ROUTES ---
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport interface PageProps<T = any, S = Record<string, unknown>> { /** The URL of the request that resulted in this page being rendered. */ url: URL;
/** The route matcher (e.g. /blog/:id) that the request matched for this page * to be rendered. */ route: string;
/** * The parameters that were matched from the route. * * For the `/foo/:bar` route with url `/foo/123`, `params` would be * `{ bar: '123' }`. For a route with no matchers, `params` would be `{}`. For * a wildcard route, like `/foo/:path*` with url `/foo/bar/baz`, `params` would * be `{ path: 'bar/baz' }`. */ params: Record<string, string>;
/** * Additional data passed into `HandlerContext.render`. Defaults to * `undefined`. */ data: T; state: S;}
/** * Context passed to async route components. */// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport type RouteContext<T = any, S = Record<string, unknown>> = { /** @types deprecated */ localAddr?: Deno.NetAddr; remoteAddr: Deno.NetAddr; renderNotFound: (data?: T) => Response | Promise<Response>; url: URL; route: string; params: Record<string, string>; state: S; data: T;};
export interface RouteConfig { /** * A route override for the page. This is useful for pages where the route * can not be expressed through the filesystem routing capabilities. * * The route override must be a path-to-regexp compatible route matcher. */ routeOverride?: string;
/** * If Content-Security-Policy should be enabled for this page. If 'true', a * locked down policy will be used that allows only the scripts and styles * that are generated by Fresh. Additional scripts and styles can be added * using the `useCSP` hook. */ csp?: boolean;
/** * Skip already inherited layouts * Default: `false` */ skipInheritedLayouts?: boolean;
/** * Skip rendering the `routes/_app` template * Default: `false` */ skipAppWrapper?: boolean;}
// deno-lint-ignore no-empty-interfaceexport interface RenderOptions extends ResponseInit {}
export type ServeHandlerInfo = { /** * Backwards compatible with std/server * @deprecated */ localAddr?: Deno.NetAddr; remoteAddr: Deno.NetAddr;};
export type ServeHandler = ( request: Request, info: ServeHandlerInfo,) => Response | Promise<Response>;
export interface HandlerContext<Data = unknown, State = Record<string, unknown>> extends ServeHandlerInfo { params: Record<string, string>; render: ( data?: Data, options?: RenderOptions, ) => Response | Promise<Response>; renderNotFound: (data?: Data) => Response | Promise<Response>; state: State;}
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport type Handler<T = any, State = Record<string, unknown>> = ( req: Request, ctx: HandlerContext<T, State>,) => Response | Promise<Response>;
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport type Handlers<T = any, State = Record<string, unknown>> = { [K in router.KnownMethod]?: Handler<T, State>;};
/** * @deprecated This type was a short-lived alternative to `Handlers`. Please use `Handlers` instead. */export type MultiHandler<T> = Handlers<T>;
export interface RouteModule { default?: PageComponent<PageProps>; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any handler?: Handler<any, any> | Handlers<any, any>; config?: RouteConfig;}
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport type AsyncRoute<T = any, S = Record<string, unknown>> = ( req: Request, ctx: RouteContext<T, S>,) => Promise<ComponentChildren | Response>;// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport type PageComponent<T = any, S = Record<string, unknown>> = | ComponentType<PageProps<T, S>> | AsyncRoute<T, S> // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any | ((props: any) => VNode<any> | ComponentChildren);
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport interface Route<Data = any> { baseRoute: BaseRoute; pattern: string; url: string; name: string; component?: PageComponent<Data> | AsyncLayout<Data> | AsyncRoute<Data>; handler: Handler<Data> | Handlers<Data>; csp: boolean; appWrapper: boolean; inheritLayouts: boolean;}
export interface RouterState { state: Record<string, unknown>;}
// --- APP ---
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport type AppProps<T = any, S = Record<string, unknown>> = LayoutProps<T, S>;
export interface AppModule { default: ComponentType<AppProps> | AsyncLayout;}
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport type AppContext<T = any, S = Record<string, unknown>> = & RouteContext<T, S> & { Component: () => VNode; };// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport type LayoutContext<T = any, S = Record<string, unknown>> = AppContext< T, S>;
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport interface LayoutProps<T = any, S = Record<string, unknown>> extends PageProps<T, S> { Component: ComponentType<Record<never, never>>;}// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport type AsyncLayout<T = any, S = Record<string, unknown>> = ( req: Request, ctx: LayoutContext<T, S>,) => Promise<ComponentChildren | Response>;
export interface LayoutConfig { /** * Skip already inherited layouts * Default: `false` */ skipAppWrapper?: boolean; /** * Skip rendering the `routes/_app`. * Default: `false` */ skipInheritedLayouts?: boolean;}
export interface LayoutModule { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any handler?: Handler<any, any> | Handlers<any, any>; default: ComponentType<LayoutProps> | AsyncLayout; config?: LayoutConfig;}
export interface LayoutRoute { baseRoute: BaseRoute; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any handler?: Handler<any, any> | Handlers<any, any>; component: LayoutModule["default"]; appWrapper: boolean; inheritLayouts: boolean;}
// --- UNKNOWN PAGE ---
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport interface UnknownPageProps<T = any, S = Record<string, unknown>> { /** The URL of the request that resulted in this page being rendered. */ url: URL;
/** The route matcher (e.g. /blog/:id) that the request matched for this page * to be rendered. */ route: string;
/** * Additional data passed into `HandlerContext.renderNotFound`. Defaults to * `undefined`. */ data: T; state: S;}
export interface UnknownHandlerContext<State = Record<string, unknown>> extends ServeHandlerInfo { render: () => Response | Promise<Response>; state: State;}
export type UnknownHandler = ( req: Request, ctx: UnknownHandlerContext,) => Response | Promise<Response>;
export interface UnknownPageModule { default?: PageComponent<UnknownPageProps>; handler?: UnknownHandler; config?: RouteConfig;}
export interface UnknownPage { baseRoute: BaseRoute; pattern: string; url: string; name: string; component?: PageComponent<UnknownPageProps>; handler: UnknownHandler; csp: boolean; appWrapper: boolean; inheritLayouts: boolean;}
// --- ERROR PAGE ---
export interface ErrorPageProps { /** The URL of the request that resulted in this page being rendered. */ url: URL;
/** The route matcher (e.g. /blog/:id) that the request matched for this page * to be rendered. */ pattern: string;
/** The error that caused the error page to be loaded. */ error: unknown;}
export interface ErrorHandlerContext<State = Record<string, unknown>> extends ServeHandlerInfo { error: unknown; render: () => Response | Promise<Response>; state: State;}
// Nominal/Branded type. Ensures that the string has the expected formatexport type BaseRoute = string & { readonly __brand: unique symbol };
export type ErrorHandler = ( req: Request, ctx: ErrorHandlerContext,) => Response | Promise<Response>;
export interface ErrorPageModule { default?: PageComponent<ErrorPageProps>; handler?: ErrorHandler; config?: RouteConfig;}
export interface ErrorPage { baseRoute: BaseRoute; pattern: string; url: string; name: string; component?: PageComponent<ErrorPageProps>; handler: ErrorHandler; csp: boolean; appWrapper: boolean; inheritLayouts: boolean;}
// --- MIDDLEWARES ---
export interface MiddlewareHandlerContext<State = Record<string, unknown>> extends ServeHandlerInfo { next: () => Promise<Response>; state: State; destination: router.DestinationKind; params: Record<string, string>;}
export interface MiddlewareRoute { baseRoute: BaseRoute; module: Middleware;}
export type MiddlewareHandler<State = Record<string, unknown>> = ( req: Request, ctx: MiddlewareHandlerContext<State>,) => Response | Promise<Response>;
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport interface MiddlewareModule<State = any> { handler: MiddlewareHandler<State> | MiddlewareHandler<State>[];}
export interface Middleware<State = Record<string, unknown>> { handler: MiddlewareHandler<State> | MiddlewareHandler<State>[];}
// --- ISLANDS ---
export interface IslandModule { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any [key: string]: ComponentType<any>;}
export interface Island { id: string; name: string; url: string; component: ComponentType<unknown>; exportName: string;}
// --- PLUGINS ---
export interface Plugin<State = Record<string, unknown>> { /** The name of the plugin. Must be snake-case. */ name: string;
/** A map of a snake-case names to a import specifiers. The entrypoints * declared here can later be used in the "scripts" option of * `PluginRenderResult` to load the entrypoint's code on the client. */ entrypoints?: Record<string, string>;
/** The render hook is called on the server every time some JSX needs to * be turned into HTML. The render hook needs to call the `ctx.render` * function exactly once. * * The hook can return a `PluginRenderResult` object that can do things like * inject CSS into the page, or load additional JS files on the client. */ render?(ctx: PluginRenderContext): PluginRenderResult;
/** The asynchronous render hook is called on the server every time some * JSX needs to be turned into HTML, wrapped around all synchronous render * hooks. The render hook needs to call the `ctx.renderAsync` function * exactly once, and await the result. * * This is useful for when plugins are generating styles and scripts with * asynchronous dependencies. Unlike the synchronous render hook, async render * hooks for multiple pages can be running at the same time. This means that * unlike the synchronous render hook, you can not use global variables to * propagate state between the render hook and the renderer. */ renderAsync?(ctx: PluginAsyncRenderContext): Promise<PluginRenderResult>;
routes?: PluginRoute[];
middlewares?: PluginMiddleware<State>[];}
export interface PluginRenderContext { render: PluginRenderFunction;}
export interface PluginAsyncRenderContext { renderAsync: PluginAsyncRenderFunction;}
export interface PluginRenderResult { /** CSS styles to be injected into the page. */ styles?: PluginRenderStyleTag[]; /** JS scripts to ship to the client. */ scripts?: PluginRenderScripts[];}
export interface PluginRenderStyleTag { cssText: string; media?: string; id?: string;}
export interface PluginRenderScripts { /** The "key" of the entrypoint (as specified in `Plugin.entrypoints`) for the * script that should be loaded. The script must be an ES module that exports * a default function. * * The default function is invoked with the `state` argument specified below. */ entrypoint: string; /** The state argument that is passed to the default export invocation of the * entrypoint's default export. The state must be JSON-serializable. */ state: unknown;}
export type PluginRenderFunction = () => PluginRenderFunctionResult;
export type PluginAsyncRenderFunction = () => | PluginRenderFunctionResult | Promise<PluginRenderFunctionResult>;
export interface PluginRenderFunctionResult { /** The HTML text that was rendered. */ htmlText: string; /** If the renderer encountered any islands that require hydration on the * client. */ requiresHydration: boolean;}
export interface PluginMiddleware<State = Record<string, unknown>> { /** A path in the format of a filename path without filetype */ path: string;
middleware: Middleware<State>;}
export interface PluginRoute { /** A path in the format of a filename path without filetype */ path: string;
component?: ComponentType<PageProps> | ComponentType<AppProps>;
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any handler?: Handler<any, any> | Handlers<any, any>;}