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/*! * Based on * Copyright(c) 2012 TJ Holowaychuk * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Douglas Christopher Wilson * Copyright(c) 2020 Christian Norrman * MIT Licensed */
/** * Regex to check if no-cache exists in a Cache-Control header. * @constant * @private */const CACHE_CONTROL_NO_CACHE_REGEXP = /(?:^|,)\s*?no-cache\s*?(?:,|$)/;
/** * Regex to sanitize ETags within a If-None-Match header. * @constant * @private */const NONE_MATCH_SANITIZE_REGEXP = /(W\/| )/g;
/** * Check freshness of the response using request and response headers. * @param {Headers} reqHeaders Server request headers object * @param {Headers} resHeaders Server response headers object * * @returns {boolean} */export default function fresh( reqHeaders: Headers, resHeaders: Headers,): boolean { const modifiedSince = reqHeaders.get("If-Modified-Since"); const noneMatch = reqHeaders.get("If-None-Match");
// unconditional request if (!modifiedSince && !noneMatch) { return false; }
// If-None-Match if (noneMatch && noneMatch !== "*") { let etag = resHeaders.get("ETag"); if (!etag) { return false; } else if (etag.startsWith("W/")) { etag = etag.substring(2); }
const etags = noneMatch .replace(NONE_MATCH_SANITIZE_REGEXP, "") .split(",");
if (!etags.includes(etag)) { return false; } }
// If-Modified-Since if (modifiedSince) { const lastModified = resHeaders.get("Last-Modified"); if ( !lastModified || !(Date.parse(lastModified) <= Date.parse(modifiedSince)) ) { return false; } }
// Always return stale when Cache-Control: no-cache // to support end-to-end reload requests // const cacheControl = reqHeaders.get("Cache-Control"); if (cacheControl && CACHE_CONTROL_NO_CACHE_REGEXP.test(cacheControl)) { return false; }
return true;}