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A translation plugin for Deno Fresh
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import { JSX, options as preactOptions, VNode } from "preact";import { lang_svc } from "./translation.ts";
declare module "preact" { namespace JSX { interface DOMAttributes<Target extends EventTarget> { /** * The translation key to use for the element's text content. */ "data-t-key"?: string; "data-t-key-params"?: Record<string, string>; } }}
export interface Options { /** The import.meta.url of the module defining these options. */ selfURL: string; /** * Preallocated languages to use for translations. This is useful if you want * to preallocate languages on the server and then hydrate them on the client. * If this is not provided, the client will try to get the language from the * provided fetch_url. */ languages: Record<string, Record<string, string>>; /** * Optional location to attempt fetching a translation from * @example{{lang}}.json * @example{{lang}} * @example{{lang}} **/ fetch_url?: string;
/** * The fallback language to use if the browser's language is not supported/not set. * If this is not set, the fallback language will be the first language in the * languages object. * @example en * @example en-US * @example fr * @example es */ fallback_language?: string;}
export function setup(options: Options, language?: string) { for (const lang in options.languages) { if (, lang)) { lang_svc.addLanguage(lang, options.languages[lang]); } }
// Backup the original vnode hook function const originalHook = preactOptions.vnode;
// Create a new hook function that will be called before every vnode is // rendered // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any preactOptions.vnode = (vnode: VNode<JSX.DOMAttributes<any>>) => { const { props } = vnode;
// If the element has a translation key, replace its children with the translated text. if (props?.["data-t-key"]) { // Get the parameters from the element's data-t-key-params // attribute, otherwise use an empty object const translate_props = props["data-t-key-params"] || ({} as Record<string, string>);
// If a language was passed in, set it as the language to use if (language) { translate_props.lang = language; }
// If the key is an array, map over all items and translate them if necessary if (Array.isArray(props.children)) { // Map over the children and translate them if necessary props.children = => { if (typeof child === "string") { return lang_svc.t(props["data-t-key"] as string, translate_props); } else { return child; } }); } else if (typeof props.children === "string") { // If the children is a string, translate it props.children = lang_svc.t( props["data-t-key"] as string, translate_props ); } // props.children = `${lang_svc.t(props['data-t-key'], props?.['data-t-key-params'] as Record<string, string>)}` }
if ( lang_svc.getKey(language as string, props?.["data-t-key"] as string) !== "__NOT_FOUND__" ) { // Remove the translation key and params from the element if they exist delete props?.["data-t-key"]; delete props?.["data-t-key-params"]; }
// Call the original hook function if it exists originalHook?.(vnode); };}