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A translation plugin for Deno Fresh
import type {} from "preact";import { Plugin } from "$fresh/server.ts";
import { Options, setup } from "./freshlate/shared.ts";
export type { Options };
declare module "preact" { namespace JSX { interface DOMAttributes<Target extends EventTarget> { /** * The translation key to use for the element's text content. */ "data-t-key"?: string; "data-t-key-params"?: Record<string, unknown>; "lang"?: string; } }}
export default function translate(options: Options): Plugin { setup(options, undefined);
// Main script to run client-side const main = `data:application/javascript,import hydrate from "${ new URL("./freshlate/main.ts", import.meta.url).href }";import opts from "${options.selfURL}";export default function(state) { hydrate(opts, state); }`;
return { name: "translate", entrypoints: { main: main }, render: (ctx) => { const res = ctx.render(); const scripts = []; const languages = options.languages;
if (res.requiresHydration) { scripts.push({ entrypoint: "main", state: languages }); }
return { scripts, }; }, };}
export { lang_svc as freshlate } from "./freshlate/translation.ts";