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A frugal web framework
import * as frugal from "";


Converts a browserslist result into targets that can be passed to lightningcss.

Bundles a CSS file and its dependencies, inlining @import rules.

Bundles a CSS file and its dependencies asynchronously, inlining @import rules.

Composes multiple visitor objects into a single one.

Initializes the web assembly module.

Compiles a CSS file, including optionally minifying and lowering syntax to the given targets. A source map may also be generated, but this is not enabled by default.

Compiles a single CSS declaration list, such as an inline style attribute in HTML.


A value for the animation shorthand property.

A value for the background shorthand property.

A value for the background-position shorthand property.

A value for the background-repeat property.

A value for the border-block-color shorthand property.

A value for the border-block-style shorthand property.

A value for the border-block-width shorthand property.

A value for the border-color shorthand property.

A value for the border-image shorthand property.

A value for the border-image-repeat property.

A value for the border-image-slice property.

A value for the border-inline-color shorthand property.

A value for the border-inline-style shorthand property.

A value for the border-inline-width shorthand property.

A value for the border-radius property.

A value for the border-style shorthand property.

A value for the border-width shorthand property.

A value for the box-shadow property.

A value for the caret shorthand property.

A value for the composes property from CSS modules.

A value for the container shorthand property.

A @container rule.

A value for the cursor property.

A cursor image value, used in the cursor property.

A @custom-media rule.

A CSS custom property, representing any unknown property.

A CSS <dashed-ident> reference.

A CSS declaration block.

A drop-shadow() filter function.

A CSS environment variable reference.

A value for the flex shorthand property.

A value for the flex-flow shorthand property.

A value for the font shorthand property.

A @font-face rule.

A custom CSS function.

A value for the gap shorthand property.

A generic type that represents the border and outline shorthand properties.

A generic type that represents the border and outline shorthand properties.

A value for the grid shorthand property.

A value for the grid-area shorthand property.

A value for the grid-row shorthand property.

A value for the grid-row shorthand property.

A value for the grid-template shorthand property.

A CSS image-set() value.

An image option within the image-set() function. See ImageSet.

A @import rule.

A value for the inset shorthand property.

A value for the inset-block shorthand property.

A value for the inset-inline shorthand property.

An inset() rectangle shape.

An individual keyframe within an @keyframes rule.

A @keyframes rule.

A @layer block rule.

A value for the list-style shorthand property.

A line and column position within a source file.

A value for the margin shorthand property.

A value for the margin-block shorthand property.

A value for the margin-inline shorthand property.

A value for the mask shorthand property.

A value for the mask-border shorthand property.

A 3D matrix.

A 2D matrix.

A @media rule.

A @namespace rule.

A @nest rule.

A value for the overflow shorthand property.

A value for the override-colors property in an @font-palette-values rule.

A value for the padding shorthand property.

A value for the padding-block shorthand property.

A value for the padding-inline shorthand property.

A @page rule.

A page selector within a @page rule.

A value for the place-content shorthand property.

A value for the place-items shorthand property.

A value for the place-self shorthand property.

A point within a polygon() shape.

A polygon() shape.

A CSS <position> value, as used in the background-position property, gradients, masks, etc.

A @property rule.

Custom resolver to use when loading CSS files.

A value for the rotate property.

A value for the scale property.

A value for the scroll-margin shorthand property.

A value for the scroll-margin-block shorthand property.

A value for the scroll-margin-inline shorthand property.

A value for the scroll-padding shorthand property.

A value for the scroll-padding-block shorthand property.

A value for the scroll-padding-inline shorthand property.

A CSS style rule.

A CSS style sheet, representing a .css file or inline <style> element.

A @supports rule.

A value for the text-decoration shorthand property.

A value for the text-emphasis shorthand property.

A value for the text-emphasis-position property.

A value for the text-indent property.

A value for the text-shadow property.

A value for the text-transform property.

A <track-repeat> value, representing the repeat() function in a track list.

A value for the transition property.

A value for the translate property.

A contiguous range of Unicode code points.

An unknown at-rule, stored as raw tokens.

A known property with an unparsed value.

A CSS url() value and its source location.

A url() value for the src property in an @font-face rule.

A CSS variable reference.

A @viewport rule.

A color stop within a legacy -webkit-gradient().

An x/y position within a legacy -webkit-gradient().

Type Aliases

An absolute font size, as used in the font-size property.

An absolute font weight, as used in the font-weight property.

A value for the align-content property.

A value for the align-items property.

A value for the align-self property.

A CSS <angle> value.

A value for the animation-direction property.

A value for the animation-fill-mode property.

A value for the animation-iteration-count property.

A value for the animation-name property.

A value for the animation-play-state property.

A value for the backface-visibility property.

A value for the background-attachment property.

A value for the background-clip property.

A value for the background-origin property.

A <repeat-style> value, used within the background-repeat property to represent how a background image is repeated in a single direction.

A value for the background-size property.

A <baseline-position> value, as used in the alignment properties.

A value for the base-palette property in an @font-palette-values rule.

A CSS <basic-shape> value.

A single border-image-repeat keyword.

A value for the border-image-width property.

A value for the border-width property.

A value for the legacy (prefixed) box-align property. Equivalent to the align-items property in the standard syntax.

A value for the box-decoration-break property.

A value for the legacy (prefixed) box-direction property. Partially equivalent to the flex-direction property in the standard syntax.

A value for the legacy (prefixed) box-lines property. Equivalent to the flex-wrap property in the standard syntax.

A value for the legacy (prefixed) box-orient property. Partially equivalent to flex-direction in the standard syntax.

A value for the legacy (prefixed) box-pack property. Equivalent to the justify-content property in the standard syntax.

A value for the box-sizing property.

A mathematical expression used within the calc() function.

A mathematical expression used within the calc() function.

A mathematical expression used within the calc() function.

A value for the caret-shape property.

A circle ending shape for a radial-gradient().

A value for the clip-path property.

A value for the color-interpolation property.

A value for the caret-color property.

A value for the color-rendering property.

Represents a container condition.

A value for the container-name property.

A container query size feature identifier.

A value for the container-type property. Establishes the element as a query container for the purpose of container queries.

A counter-style name.

A CSS <color> value.

A pre-defined cursor value, used in the cursor property.

A CSS custom property name.

A generic type that allows any kind of dimension and percentage to be used standalone or mixed within a calc() expression.

A generic type that allows any kind of dimension and percentage to be used standalone or mixed within a calc() expression.

The :dir() pseudo class.

A value for the display property.

A display keyword.

An ellipse ending shape for a radial-gradient().

A radial-gradient() ending shape.

A CSS environment variable name.

A <fill-rule> used to determine the interior of a polygon() shape.

A filter function.

A value for the filter and backdrop-filter properties.

A value for the flex-direction property.

A value for the legacy (prefixed) flex-item-align property. Equivalent to the align-self property in the standard syntax.

A value for the legacy (prefixed) flex-line-pack property. Equivalent to the align-content property in the standard syntax.

A value for the legacy (prefixed) flex-pack property. Equivalent to the justify-content property in the standard syntax.

A value for the flex-wrap property.

A floating point representation of color types that are usually stored as RGBA. These are used when there are any none components, which are represented as NaN.

A property within an @font-face rule.

A value for the font-family property.

A font format keyword in the format() function of the the src property of an @font-face rule.

A property within an @font-palette-values rule.

A value for the font-size property.

A value for the font-stretch property.

A font stretch keyword, as used in the font-stretch property.

A value for the font-style property.

A font format keyword in the format() function of the the src property of an @font-face rule.

A value for the font-variant-caps property.

A value for the font-weight property.

A gap value, as used in the column-gap and row-gap properties.

A generic font family name, as used in the font-family property.

A <geometry-box> value as used in the mask-clip and clip-path properties.

A CSS <gradient> value.

Either a color stop or interpolation hint within a gradient.

Either a color stop or interpolation hint within a gradient.

A <grid-line> value, used in the grid-row-start, grid-row-end, grid-column-start, and grid-column-end properties.

A value for the grid-template-areas property.

A horizontal position keyword.

A value for the hyphens property.

A CSS <image> value.

A value for the image-rendering property.

A value for the justify-content property.

A value for the justify-items property.

A value for the justify-self property.

A keyframe selector within an @keyframes rule.


A color in a LAB color space, including the lab(), lch(), oklab(), and oklch() functions.

A legacy justification keyword, as used in the justify-items property.

A CSS <length> value, with support for calc().

Either a <length> or a <number>.

Either a <length-percentage>, or the auto keyword.

A value for the line-break property.

The direction of a CSS linear-gradient().

A value for the line-height property.

A <line-style> value, used in the border-style property.

A value for the list-style-position property.

A value for the list-style-type property.

A value for the marker properties.

A value for the marker-side property.

A value for the mask-border-mode property.

A value for the mask-clip property.

A value for the mask-composite property.

A value for the mask-mode property.

A value for the mask-type property.

A value for the minimum and maximum size properties, e.g. min-width and max-height.

Represents a media condition.

A comparator within a media query.

A media query feature identifier.

A media feature name.

A media feature name.

media feature value within a media query.

A multiplier for a SyntaxComponent. Indicates whether and how the component may be repeated.

Either a <number> or <percentage>.

A binary and or or operator.

A value for the outline-style property.

An overflow keyword as used in the overflow-x, overflow-y, and overflow properties.

A value for the overflow-wrap property.

A page pseudo class within an @page selector.

A parsed value for a SyntaxComponent.

A value for the perspective property.

A component within a Position value, representing a position along either the horizontal or vertical axis of a box.

A component within a Position value, representing a position along either the horizontal or vertical axis of a box.

A color in a predefined color space, e.g. display-p3.

A pseudo class.

A pseudo element.

A generic media feature or container feature.

A generic media feature or container feature.

A CSS <ratio> value, representing the ratio of two numeric values.

A generic value that represents a value for four sides of a box, e.g. border-width, margin, padding, etc.

A generic value that represents a value for four sides of a box, e.g. border-width, margin, padding, etc.

A generic value that represents a value for four sides of a box, e.g. border-width, margin, padding, etc.

A generic value that represents a value for four sides of a box, e.g. border-width, margin, padding, etc.

A relative font size, as used in the font-size property.

A <repeat-count> value, used in the repeat() function.

A value for the resize property.

A CSS <resolution> value.

A rounding strategy, as used in the round() function.

A CSS rule.

A <self-position> value.

A shape extent for a radial-gradient().

A value for the shape-rendering property.

A value for the preferred size properties, i.e. width and `height.

A generic value that represents a value with two components, e.g. a border radius.

A generic value that represents a value with two components, e.g. a border radius.

A generic value that represents a value with two components, e.g. a border radius.

A generic value that represents a value with two components, e.g. a border radius.

A value for the src property in an @font-face rule.

A value for the word-spacing and letter-spacing properties.

Defines where the class names referenced in the composes property are located.

A step position, used within the steps() function.

A value for the stroke-dasharray property.

A value for the stroke-linecap property.

A value for the stroke-linejoin property.

Represents a style query within a container condition.

A <supports-condition>, as used in the @supports and @import rules.

An SVG <paint> value used in the fill and stroke properties.

A fallback for an SVG paint in case a paint server url() cannot be resolved.

A single symbol as used in the symbols() function.

A <symbols-type> value, as used in the symbols() function.

A CSS syntax string used to define the grammar for a registered custom property.

A value for the text-align property.

A value for the text-align-last property.

A value for the text-decoration-skip-ink property.

A value for the text-decoration-style property.

A value for the text-decoration-thickness property.

A keyword for the text-emphasis-style property.

A horizontal position keyword for the text-emphasis-position property.

A vertical position keyword for the text-emphasis-position property.

A text emphasis shape for the text-emphasis-style property.

A value for the text-emphasis-style property.

A value for the text-justify property.

A value for the text-overflow property.

A value for the text-rendering property.

Defines how text case should be transformed in the text-transform property.

A CSS <time> value, in either seconds or milliseconds.

A raw CSS token.

A raw CSS token, or a parsed value.

A <track-breadth> value.

Either a track size or repeat() function.

A <track-size> value, as used in the grid-template-rows and grid-template-columns properties.

A track sizing value for the grid-template-rows and grid-template-columns properties.

An individual transform function.

A value for the transform-box property.

A value for the transform-style property.

A UA-defined environment variable name.

A color value with an unresolved alpha value (e.g. a variable). These can be converted from the modern slash syntax to older comma syntax. This can only be done when the only unresolved component is the alpha since variables can resolve to multiple tokens.

A value for the user-select property.

A value for the vertical align property.

A keyword for the vertical align property.

A vertical position keyword.

A value for the visibility property.

A keyword or number within a WebKitGradientPoint.

A keyword or number within a WebKitGradientPoint.

A value for the -webkit-mask-composite property.

A value for the -webkit-mask-source-type property.

A webkit scrollbar pseudo class.

A webkit scrollbar pseudo element.

A value for the white-space property.

A value for the word-break property.

A value for the z-index property.