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Common Functional Programming Algebraic data types for JavaScript that is compatible with most modern browsers and Deno.
import append from "";import curry from "";import lift from "";import reduce from "";
const $$decoder = new TextDecoder();const $$encoder = new TextEncoder();
/** * ## Utilities * * ### `assertIsArray` * `* -> Boolean` * * ### `assertIsBoolean` * `* -> Boolean` * * ### `assertIsFunction` * `* -> Boolean` * * ### `assertIsInstance` * `* -> Boolean` * * ### `assertIsNull` * `* -> Boolean` * * ### `assertIsNumber` * `* -> Boolean` * * ### `assertIsObject` * `* -> Boolean` * * ### `assertIsRegex` * `* -> Boolean` * * ### `assertIsString` * `* -> Boolean` * * ### `assertIsUndefined` * `* -> Boolean` * * ### `decodeRaw` * `Uint8Array -> String` * * ### `encodeText` * `String -> Uint8Array` */export const assertIsArray = value => value instanceof Array;export const assertIsBoolean = value => value === true || value === false;export const assertIsFunction = value => value instanceof Function;export const assertIsInstance = curry((T, value) => value instanceof T);export const assertIsNull = value => value === null;export const assertIsNumber = value => typeof value === "number";export const assertIsObject = value => typeof value === "object" && !(value instanceof Array);export const assertIsRegex = value => value instanceof RegExp;export const assertIsString = value => typeof value === "string";export const assertIsUndefined = value => value === undefined;
export const decodeRaw = $$decoder.decode.bind($$decoder);export const encodeText = $$encoder.encode.bind($$encoder);
/** * ### `alt` * `Alt a -> Alt b -> Alt a|b` * * This function takes a container of any type and, an Alternative functor. Then it returns either the container or the * alternative functor. * The function is in support of the [Alt algebra]( * * ```js * import Either from ""; * import { alt } from ""; * * const container = alt(Either.Right(42), Either.Left("Not the meaning of life")); * * assertEquals(container.extract(), 42); * ``` */export const alt = curry( (container, alternativeFunctor) => (alternativeFunctor.alt || alternativeFunctor["fantasy-land/alt"]).call(alternativeFunctor, container));
/** * ### `chainLift` * `(a -> b -> c) -> Chainable a -> Functor b -> Chainable c` * * This function is similar to [`lift`]( but is chainable. * * ```js * import Task from ""; * import { chainLift } from ""; * * const hogeFuga = useWith( * chainLift(curry((x, y) => Task.of(x * y))), * [ * x => Task.of(x), * x => Task.of(x) * ] * ); * * const container = await hogeFuga(42, 24).run(); * * const value = safeExtract("Failed.", container); * * assertEquals(value, 1008); * ``` */export const chainLift = curry( (binaryFunction, chainableFunctor, functor) => chainableFunctor.chain(x =>;
/** * ### `chainRec` * `ChainRec r => ((a -> c, b -> c, a) -> r c) -> a -> r b` * * This function is a combinator for the [`chainRec` algebra]( * It takes a ternary function, an initial value and, a chainable recursive functor. * * ```js * import Task from ""; * import { chainRec } from ""; * * const multiplyAll = curry((x, n) => chainRec( * (Loop, Done, cursor) => * cursor === n ? Done(Pair(cursor, null)) : Loop(Pair(cursor + 1, Task.of([ x * (cursor + 1) ]))), * 0 * )); * * const container = await multiplyAll(42, 10)(Task.of([ 0 ])).run(); * * const value = safeExtract("Failed.", container); * * assertEquals(value, [ 0, 42, 84, 126, 168, 210, 252, 294, 336, 378, 420 ]); * ``` */export const chainRec = curry( (ternaryFunction, initiator, chainableRecursiveFunctor) => (chainableRecursiveFunctor.chainRec || chainableRecursiveFunctor["fantasy-land/chainRec"]) .call(chainableRecursiveFunctor, ternaryFunction, initiator));
/** * ### `evert` * `Applicative a => a -> a[] -> a` * * This function takes a type constructor and, a list of Applicative functor and evert it; effectively making an Applicative * functor of a list of value. * * ```js * import Task from ""; * import { evert } from ""; * * const container = await evert(Task, [ Task.of(42), Task.of(32), Task.of(24) ]).run(); * * const list = safeExtract("Failed.", container); * * assertEquals(list, [ 42, 32, 24 ]); * ``` */export const evert = curry( (T, list) => list.reduce( (accumulator, x) => lift(append)(x, accumulator), T.of([]) ));
export const insideOut = evert;
/** * ### `log` * `String -> a -> a` * * This function is a composable `console.debug`. It takes a message, a value and, return the value. */export const log = message => x => console.debug(message, x) || x;
/** * ### `runSequentially` * `Chain c => (...c) -> c` * * This function takes n Chainable functor and chain them automatically. * * ```js * import Task from ""; * import { runSequentially } from ""; * * const fuga = converge( * runSequentially, * [ * x => Task.of(x * 2), * x => Task.of(x + 2) * ] * ); * * const container = await fuga(42).run(); * * const value = safeExtract("Failed.", container); * * assertEquals(value, 44); * ``` */export const runSequentially = (initialChainableFunctor, ...chainableFunctorList) => reduce( (accumulator, chainableFunctor) => accumulator.chain(_ => chainableFunctor), initialChainableFunctor, chainableFunctorList);
/** * ### `safeExtract` * `String -> Either a -> a` * * This function takes a message and an Either container; if the container is `Either.Right`, the value will be * returned. But if the container is `Either.Left`, it will throw an error with the message passed. */export const safeExtract = curry( (message, container) => container.fold({ Left: error => { throw new Error(`${message} Error: ${ (error.hasOwnProperty('raw')) ? decodeRaw(error.raw) : `${error.message}\n${error.stack}` }`) }, Right: value => value }));
/** * ### `stream` * `((a, b) -> a) -> a -> AsyncIterable b -> a` */export const stream = curry( async (composedFunction, accumulator, iterator) => { for await (const data of iterator) { accumulator = composedFunction(accumulator, data); }
return accumulator; });