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Fuzzy-search tool built for emacs-ng
const TEXT_COLOR = "green";let BASEDIR = './';let MAX_RESULTS = 50;
let workerActive = false;let msgId = 0;let worker = null;const pendingPromises = {};export function fuzzySearchAsync(pattern, dir = BASEDIR) { if (!workerActive) { workerActive = true; worker = new Worker(new URL("mod-fuzzy-worker.js#1", import.meta.url).href, { type: "module", deno: true, });
worker.onmessage = function (result) { const { responseMsgId, rank, error } =; const promise = pendingPromises[responseMsgId]; if (error) { promise.reject(error); return; }
promise.resolve(rank); pendingPromises[responseMsgId] = null; } }
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { msgId += 1; pendingPromises[msgId] = {resolve, reject}; worker.postMessage({ msgId, pattern, dir }); });}
export function setFuzzySearchDirectory(dir) { BASEDIR = dir;}
export function setFuzzySearchMaxResults(n) { MAX_RESULTS = n;}
lisp.defun({ name: "fuzzy-search-set-basedir", interactive: true, func: () => { const base = lisp.read_directory_name("Fuzzy Base Dir: "); setFuzzySearchDirectory(base); }});
lisp.defun({ name: "fuzzy-search-set-max-results", interactive: true, args: "nNew Value ", func: (n) => { setFuzzySearchMaxResults(n) }});
const setTextColor = (min, max, strSymbol, color) => { return lisp.add_text_properties(min, max, lisp.list(lisp.q.font_lock_face, lisp.list(lisp.keywords.foreground, color)), strSymbol);};
lisp.defun({ name: "fuzzy-find-file", interactive: true, func: () => { let s = lisp.line_beginning_position(); let e = lisp.line_end_position(); lisp.find_file(lisp.buffer_substring(s, e)); }});

lisp.defvar(lisp.symbols.fuzzy_mode_keymap, lisp.make_keymap(), "keymap");
lisp.define_key(lisp.symbols.fuzzy_mode_keymap, lisp.kbd("RET"), lisp.quote(lisp.symbols.fuzzy_find_file));
lisp.define_minor_mode(lisp.symbols.fuzzy_mode, "Mode used for interacting with fuzzy search results", lisp.symbols.nil, "Fuzzy", lisp.keywords.keymap, lisp.symbols.fuzzy_mode_keymap);
lisp.defun({ name: "fuzzy-search", interactive: true, args: "MInput >> ", func: (str) => { fuzzySearchAsync(str) .then((results) => { // falling back due to older version of emacs-ng const makeString = lisp.make.string || lisp_string; const currentBuffer = lisp.current_buffer(); const resultBuffer = lisp.get_buffer_create('*Fuzzy Search*'); if (!lisp.eq(resultBuffer, currentBuffer)) { lisp.switch_to_buffer_other_window(resultBuffer); }
lisp.tabulated_list_mode(); lisp.fuzzy_mode();
const columns = lisp.make.list( [`Results for "${str}"; Base Directory ${BASEDIR}`, 0, lisp.q.nil], ); lisp.setq(lisp.symbols.tabulated_list_format, lisp.make.array([columns])); const filtered = []; let b = null; for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(MAX_RESULTS, results.length); ++i) { let name = results[i][0].path; let idxs = results[i][2]; const str = makeString(name);
let currentRange = idxs[0]; for (let j = 0; j < idxs.length; ++j) { if (j === idxs.length - 1) { setTextColor(currentRange, idxs[j] + 1, str, TEXT_COLOR); } else if (idxs[j + 1] - idxs[j] !== 1) { setTextColor(currentRange, idxs[j] + 1, str, TEXT_COLOR); currentRange = idxs[j + 1]; } }
let namevec = lisp.make.array([str]); filtered.push(lisp.make.list([lisp.q.nil, namevec])); }
const data = lisp.list(...filtered); lisp.setq(lisp.symbols.tabulated_list_entries, data); lisp.tabulated_list_init_header(); lisp.tabulated_list_print(); }); }});