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Utilities for server side processing of Google Analytics in Deno CLI and Deploy
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// Copyright 2021-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { delay } from "";import * as colors from "";import { STATUS_TEXT } from "";import type { Context } from "";import type { Middleware } from "";
const GA_TRACKING_ID = "GA_TRACKING_ID";const GA_BATCH_ENDPOINT = "";const GA_MAX_PARAM_LENGTH = 2_048; // 2kbconst GA_MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 8_092; // 8kbconst GA_MAX_BATCH_PAYLOAD_COUNT = 20;const GA_MAX_BATCH_LENGTH = 16_386; // 16kbconst UPLOAD_DELAY = 1_000;const SLOW_UPLOAD_THRESHOLD = 1_000;
/** A narrowed down version of `Deno.Conn` which only contains the information * which the library usages. */export interface Conn { readonly remoteAddr: Deno.Addr;}
/** The shape of the Google Analytics measurement that is supported. * * Ref: */interface GAMeasurement { v: 1; tid: string; t: | "pageview" | "screenview" | "event" | "transaction" | "item" | "social" | "exception" | "timing"; cid: string; uip: string; dl: string; dt?: string; dr?: string | null; cm?: string; cs?: string; ua?: string | null; exd?: string; exf: boolean; srt: number; qt: number;}
/** Specialized data fields that are supported being set via a callback. */export interface MetaData { /** The value to be assigned to the `cm` field in the measurement payload. */ campaignMedium?: string; /** The value to be assigned to the `cs` field in the measurement payload. */ campaignSource?: string; /** The value to be assigned to the `dt` field in the measurement payload. */ documentTitle?: string;}
export interface Reporter { /** * A reporter function which will asynchronously dispatch measurement messages * to Google Analytics. * * @param req the web standard request received * @param conn the connection information of the request * @param res the web standard response being sent * @param start the time in milliseconds when the request started being * handled * @param error any error associated with handling the request/response * @returns a promise that resolves when the measurement is enqueued to be * sent to Google Analytics. */ ( req: Request, conn: Conn, res: Response, start: number, error?: unknown, ): Promise<void>;}
interface ReporterOptionsBase { /** The batch Google Analytics endpoint to send messages to. This defaults * to ``. */ endpoint?: string; /** The Google Analytics web property ID. This defaults to being read from the * `GA_TRACKING_ID` environment variable. If neither the property ID is passed * nor is the environment variable set, dispatching will be disabled. */ id?: string; /** An optional function/method for logging warning messages generated from * the library. This defaults to logging to `console.warn()`. */ log?(msg: string): void; /** A boolean which defaults to `true` that indicates if the library should * log warning messages or not. */ warn?: boolean;}
export interface ReporterOptions extends ReporterOptionsBase { /** An optional callback which determines if a particular request should * generate a measurement message. * * @param req the current `Request` object. * @param res the current `Response` object. * @returns `true` if the request should generate a measurement, or `false`. */ filter?(req: Request, res: Response): boolean; /** An optional callback which provides optional data to enrich the * measurement message. * * @param req the current `Request` object. * @param res the current `Response` object. * @returns The meta data to enrich the measurement, or `undefined`. */ metaData?(req: Request, res: Response): MetaData | undefined;}
export interface ReportMiddlewareOptions extends ReporterOptionsBase { /** An optional callback which determines if a particular request should * generate a measurement message. * * @param ctx the context related to the request/response being processed * @returns `true` if the request should generate a measurement, or `false`. */ filter?(ctx: Context): boolean; /** An optional callback which provides optional data to enrich the * measurement message. * * @param ctx the context related to the request/response being processed * @returns The meta data to enrich the measurement, or `undefined`. */ metaData?(ctx: Context): MetaData | undefined;}
const encoder = new TextEncoder();const batch = new Uint8Array(GA_MAX_BATCH_LENGTH);const queue: Uint8Array[] = [];let uploading = false;
/** Create a queue that dispatches queued messages to the endpoint, returning * the enqueue function. */function createEnqueue( endpoint: string, log: (msg: string) => void, warn: boolean,) { async function upload() { while (queue.length) { let count = 0; let length = 0; while (count < Math.min(queue.length, GA_MAX_BATCH_PAYLOAD_COUNT)) { const payload = queue[count]; if (length + payload.length > GA_MAX_BATCH_LENGTH) { break; } batch.set(payload, length); count += 1; length += payload.length; } const body = batch.subarray(0, length);
try { const start =; const res = await fetch(endpoint, { method: "POST", body }); const duration = - start;
if ((res.status !== 200 || duration >= SLOW_UPLOAD_THRESHOLD) && warn) { log( `batch uploaded ${count} items in ${duration}ms. Response: ${res.status} ${res.statusText}`, ); }
// Google says not to retry when it reports a non-200 status code. queue.splice(0, count); } catch (err) { if (warn) { log(`batch upload failed: ${err}`); } await delay(UPLOAD_DELAY); } } uploading = false; }
return function enqueue(payload: Uint8Array) { queue.push(payload);
if (!uploading) { uploading = true; setTimeout(upload, UPLOAD_DELAY); } };}
function defaultLog(msg: string) { console.warn(`[ga] ${colors.yellow("warn")}: ${msg}`);}
/** Create a SHA-1 hex string digest of the supplied message. */async function toDigest(msg: string): Promise<string> { const buffer = await crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-1", encoder.encode(msg)); return Array.from(new Uint8Array(buffer)).map((b) => b.toString(16).padStart(2, "0") ).join("");}
/** Convert a Google Analytics message into a Uint8Array. */function toPayload(message: GAMeasurement): Uint8Array { const entries = Object.entries(message).filter(([, v]) => v).map(( [k, v], ) => [k, String(v).slice(0, GA_MAX_PARAM_LENGTH)]) as [string, string][]; const params = new URLSearchParams(entries); const item = `${params.toString()}\n`; return encoder.encode(item);}
/** Convert a response status, status text and error into an "exception" * string. */function toException( status: number, statusText: string, error: unknown,): string | undefined { let exception; if (status >= 400) { exception = `${status} ${statusText}`; if (error != null) { exception += ` (${String(error)})`; } } return exception;}
/** Create and return a function which will dispatch messages to Google * Analytics. * * @param options an optional set of options the impact the behavior of the * returned reporter. * @returns the reporter function used to enqueue messages to dispatch to Google * Analytics. */export function createReporter(options: ReporterOptions = {}): Reporter { const { endpoint = GA_BATCH_ENDPOINT, filter = () => true, id = Deno.env.get(GA_TRACKING_ID), log = defaultLog, metaData = () => undefined, warn = true, } = options; if (!id && warn) { log( "GA_TRACKING_ID environment variable not set. Google Analytics reporting disabled.", ); } const enqueue = createEnqueue(endpoint, log, warn);
return async function report( req: Request, conn: Conn, res: Response, start: number, error?: unknown, ) { // Cannot report if no analytics ID if (!id) { return; }
// Do not report 1XX or 3XX statuses to GA if (!(res.ok || res.status >= 400)) { return; }
// Filter out any unwanted requests if (!filter(req, res)) { return; }
const duration = - start;
const status = res.status; const statusText = res.statusText || STATUS_TEXT.get(status) || `${status}`; const userAgent = req.headers.get("user-agent"); // TODO(@piscisaureus): validate that the 'cf-connecting-ip' header was // actually set by cloudflare. See const [ip] = (req.headers.get("x-forwarded-for") ?? req.headers.get("cf-connecting-ip") ?? (conn.remoteAddr as Deno.NetAddr).hostname).split(/\s*,\s*/); const { documentTitle, campaignMedium, campaignSource } = metaData(req, res) ?? {}; const exception = toException(status, statusText, error);
const message = { v: 1, // version, should always be 1 tid: id, t: "pageview", // event type cid: await toDigest(ip), // GA requires `cid` to be set. uip: ip, dl: req.url, dt: documentTitle, dr: req.headers.get("referrer"), cm: campaignMedium, cs: campaignSource, ua: userAgent, exd: exception, exf: exception != null, srt: duration, qt: uploading ? 0 : UPLOAD_DELAY, } as const;
const payload = toPayload(message); if (payload.length > GA_MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH) { if (warn) { log(`payload exceeds maximum size: ${JSON.stringify(message)}`); } return; } enqueue(payload); };}
/** Creates and returns a reporting measurement middleware for oak, which will * generate and send to Google Analytics measurements for each request handled * by an oak application. * * @param options an optional set of options which affects the behavior of the * returned middleware. */export function createReportMiddleware( options: ReportMiddlewareOptions = {},): Middleware { const { endpoint = GA_BATCH_ENDPOINT, filter = () => true, id = Deno.env.get(GA_TRACKING_ID), log = defaultLog, metaData = () => undefined, warn = true, } = options; if (!id && warn) { log( "GA_TRACKING_ID environment variable not set. Google Analytics reporting disabled.", ); } const enqueue = createEnqueue(endpoint, log, warn);
return async function reporter(ctx, next) { if (!id || !filter(ctx)) { return next(); } let error: unknown; const start =; try { await next(); } catch (e) { error = e; } finally { // Only report 2XX and >= 4XX status to GA const status = ctx.response.status; if ((status >= 200 && status < 300) || status >= 400) { const duration = - start;
const statusText = STATUS_TEXT.get(status) ?? `${status}`; const ip = ctx.request.ip; const { documentTitle, campaignMedium, campaignSource } = metaData(ctx) ?? {}; const exception = toException(status, statusText, error);
const message = { v: 1, // version, should always be 1 tid: id, t: "pageview", // event type cid: await toDigest(ip), // GA requires `cid` to be set. uip: ip, dl: ctx.request.url.toString(), dt: documentTitle, dr: ctx.request.headers.get("referrer"), cm: campaignMedium, cs: campaignSource, ua: ctx.request.headers.get("user-agent"), exd: exception, exf: exception != null, srt: duration, qt: uploading ? 0 : UPLOAD_DELAY, } as const;
const payload = toPayload(message); if (payload.length <= GA_MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH) { enqueue(payload); } else if (warn) { log(`payload exceeds maximum size: ${JSON.stringify(message)}`); } } } };}