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Server-side GitHub Flavored Markdown rendering for Deno
import $ from "";import css from "npm:css@3.0.0";
await $`rm -rf style/node_modules/@primer/primitives`;await $`npm install`.cwd("./style");
const colorVariables = new Set<string>();const variableRegex = /--[\w-]+/g;
const cwd = $.path("./style");const scssFiles = [ cwd.join("main.scss"), ...Array.from( cwd.expandGlobSync("node_modules/@primer/css/markdown/*.scss"), ).map((e) => e.path),];
for (const pathRef of scssFiles) { const file = pathRef.readTextSync();
for (const variable of file.match(variableRegex) ?? []) { colorVariables.add(variable); }}
$.logStep("Extracted color variables", Deno.inspect(colorVariables));
const colorRegex = new RegExp( [...colorVariables].map((colorVariable) => `\\s+${colorVariable}.+`).join( "|", ), "g",);
for (const mode of ["light", "dark"]) { const primitiveFile = cwd.join( `node_modules/@primer/primitives/dist/scss/colors/_${mode}.scss`, ); $.logStep("Patching", primitiveFile); const colorPrimitive = primitiveFile.readTextSync(); const matchedColors = colorPrimitive.match(colorRegex) ?? [];
primitiveFile.writeTextSync(`@mixin primer-colors-${mode} { & {${matchedColors.join("")} } }`);}
await $`npx parcel build main.scss --no-source-maps`.cwd("./style").quiet();
$.logStep("Fetching katex styles");const KATEX_BASE_URL = "";let KATEX_CSS = await $.request(`${KATEX_BASE_URL}/katex.min.css`).text();
// Replace url of fonts with a cdn since we aren't packaging theseKATEX_CSS = KATEX_CSS.replaceAll("fonts/", `${KATEX_BASE_URL}/fonts/`);
$.logStep("Extracting katex classes");const KATEX_CSS_AST = css.parse(KATEX_CSS);const KATEX_CSS_RULES = KATEX_CSS_AST.stylesheet.rules.filter(( rule: { type: string },) => rule.type === "rule");const KATEX_CSS_SELECTORS = KATEX_CSS_RULES.reduce( (acc: string[], cur: { selectors: string[] }) => [...acc, ...cur.selectors], [],);
const classRegex = /\.([\w-]+)/g;let classes = [];
for (const selector of KATEX_CSS_SELECTORS) { let match; while ((match = classRegex.exec(selector)) !== null) { classes.push(match[1]); }}
// de-duplicate classesclasses = [ Set(classes)];
$.logStep("Writing the final style.js");const CSS = await cwd.join("dist/main.css").readTextSync();
await cwd.join("../style.js").writeText( `/** @type {string} */export const CSS = \`${CSS}\`;
/** @type {string} */export const KATEX_CSS = \`${KATEX_CSS}\`;
export const KATEX_CLASSES = ${JSON.stringify(classes)};`,);