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Rest-Api-Calls for Uploading and Getting File Values from GitHub files via Deno

Usage Example

This Module is capable of Accessing public and also private repositories. GitHub requires to identify each Request, for this reason you need to add your personal Token in the Enviorment-File like the following example shows:

GitHubToken = ""

The Token can be generated via the following link: And needs to have the following Permissions:
Image of the required Permission

Implementation in TypeScript-Project

import{ GitRequestConfig, getCurrentFileContent, updateFileContent} from "";

const GitHub = new GitRequestConfig("tkister", "Deno-GitHub-Requests", "test.json")

let content = '[{"test":"test"}, "test2":3}]'

async function run() {
    let x = await getCurrentFileContent(GitHub)
    let y = await updateFileContent(GitHub, content)
    console.log(`Content in File: ${x}\nStatusCode of Rest-Call: ${y}`)

Execute the Tests

deno run --allow-net --allow-read --allow-env