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Check if a glob matches a file path
import ''import { isAbsolute, globToRegExp, normalize, joinGlobs, relative } from ''
export interface GlobData { match: (string | RegExp)[] | string | RegExp ignore: (string | RegExp)[] | string | RegExp}
export interface ConfigOptions { /** * What `evaluateGlob` should do with absolute files * - `error` - errors out * - `make-glob-absolute` - prepends `Deno.cwd()` onto the glob * - `remove-slash-one` - removes any leading `/`'s from the file path * - `make-file-relative` - tries to make the file path relative to `Deno.cwd()` * * @default 'make-file-relative' */ absolutePathsAction?: 'error' | 'make-glob-absolute' | 'remove-slash-one' | 'make-file-relative'}
export interface EvaluateGlobsParams extends ConfigOptions { /** The file to be evaluated */ file: string
/** The globs the file is to be tested by */ glob: GlobData}
/** * Returns true if the file was included, but not excluded. * Files should be passed in as relative paths. * The first `./` part of the file or glob will be removed before testing * * > All Globs should be relative, preferably without the first `./` part */export function checkFile({ file, absolutePathsAction, glob: { match: include, ignore: exclude } }: EvaluateGlobsParams): boolean { const globIsFile = (file: string, glob: string | RegExp): boolean => { file = normalize(file)
const evaluate = (file: string, glob: string | RegExp): boolean => { if (typeof glob === 'string') return globToRegExp(glob).test(file) else return glob.test(file) }
if (isAbsolute(file)) { if (absolutePathsAction === 'error') throw new Error(`Encountered an absolute path while 'absolutePathsAction' was set to 'error'`) else if (absolutePathsAction === 'remove-slash-one') return globIsFile(file.slice(1), glob) else if (absolutePathsAction === 'make-glob-absolute' && typeof glob === 'string') return evaluate(file, joinGlobs([Deno.cwd(), glob])) else if (!absolutePathsAction || absolutePathsAction === 'make-file-relative') return globIsFile(relative(Deno.cwd(), file), glob) else throw new Error( `'${absolutePathsAction}' is an invalid value for 'absolutePathsAction'. See the glob-filter docs for details` ) } else if (typeof glob === 'string' && glob.startsWith('./')) return globIsFile(file, glob.slice(2)) else if (file.startsWith('./')) return globIsFile(file.slice(2), glob)
return evaluate(file, glob) }
const makeArray = <T>(data: T[] | T) => (Array.isArray(data) ? data : [data])
let didInclude = false for (let glob of makeArray(include)) { if (globIsFile(file, glob)) { didInclude = true break } }
if (!didInclude) return false
let didExclude = false for (let glob of makeArray(exclude)) { if (globIsFile(file, glob)) { didExclude = true break } }
return !didExclude}
/** * Filters out the files that were either not included in `globs.include`, or excluded from `globs.exclude`. * Files should be passed in as relative paths. * The first `./` part of the file or glob will be removed before testing */export function filterFiles(files: string[], globs: GlobData, options: ConfigOptions = {}) { return files.filter(file => checkFile({ file, glob: globs, ...options }))}