class Vector3
implements Point3
import { Vector3 } from "";
Returns a new Vector2 with the same direction, but clamped to the specified length
isFinite(): boolean
Checks if the Vector3 is finite
Linearly interpolates between this and the specified Vector3
mag(): number
The magnitude of this Vector3
mag2(): number
The squared magnitude of this Vector2
Sets the x, y and z of this Vector3 to the specified Vector3 x, y and z values
toArray(): [number, number, number]
Converts the Vector3 to a tuple of numbers
toFloat32Array(): Float32Array
Converts the Vector to a Float32Array
Creates a new Vector4 using this x, y and z and setting w to 1
toString(): string
Converts the Vector3 to a string
Static Methods
fromHomogeneous(vector: Vector4): Vector3
A Vector3 with all values set to Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY
A Vector3 with all values set to Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY