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Pure Javascript/Typescript Crypto Implementation for Deno. AES, RSA, HMAC, and TOTP
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import { createHash } from "";
type HashFunction = (b: Uint8Array) => Uint8Array;type HashAlgorithm = "sha1" | "sha256";
/** * I2OSP converts a nonnegative integer to an octet string of a specified length. * @param x nonnegative integer to be converted * @param length intended length of the resulting octet string */export function i2osp(x: bigint, length: number): Uint8Array { const t = new Uint8Array(length); for(let i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (x === 0n) break; t[i] = Number(x & 255n); x = x >> 8n; }
return t;}
export function os2ip(m: Uint8Array): bigint { let n = 0n; for(const c of m) n = (n << 8n) + BigInt(c); return n;}
/** * MGF1 is a Mask Generation Function based on a hash function. * * * @param seed seed from which mask is generated, an octet string * @param length intended length in octets of the mask * @param hash Hash function */export function mgf1(seed: Uint8Array, length: number, hash: HashFunction | HashAlgorithm): Uint8Array { let counter = 0n; let output: number[] = [];
while(output.length < length) { let h; const c = i2osp(counter, 4);
if (typeof hash === 'function') { h = hash(new Uint8Array([...seed, ...c])) } else { h = new Uint8Array(createHash(hash).update(new Uint8Array([...seed, ...c])).digest()); }
output = [...output, ...h]; counter++; }
return new Uint8Array(output.slice(0, length));}