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Pure Javascript/Typescript Crypto Implementation for Deno. AES, RSA, HMAC, and TOTP
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import type { JSONWebKey, RSAKeyParams } from "./common.ts";import { encode } from "./../../src/utility/encode.ts";import { rsa_export_pkcs8_private, rsa_export_pkcs8_public,} from "./export_key.ts";
export class RSAKey { public n: bigint; public e?: bigint; public d?: bigint; public p?: bigint; public q?: bigint; public dp?: bigint; public dq?: bigint; public qi?: bigint; public length: number;
constructor(params: RSAKeyParams) { this.n = params.n; this.e = params.e; this.d = params.d; this.p = params.p; this.q = params.q; this.dp = params.dp; this.dq = params.dq; this.qi = params.qi; this.length = params.length; }
public pem(): string { if (this.d) { return rsa_export_pkcs8_private(this); } else { return rsa_export_pkcs8_public(this); } }
public jwk(): JSONWebKey { let jwk: JSONWebKey = { kty: "RSA", n: encode.bigint(this.n).base64url(), };
if (this.d) jwk = { ...jwk, d: encode.bigint(this.d).base64url() }; if (this.e) jwk = { ...jwk, e: encode.bigint(this.e).base64url() }; if (this.p) jwk = { ...jwk, p: encode.bigint(this.p).base64url() }; if (this.q) jwk = { ...jwk, q: encode.bigint(this.q).base64url() }; if (this.dp) jwk = { ...jwk, dp: encode.bigint(this.dp).base64url() }; if (this.dq) jwk = { ...jwk, dq: encode.bigint(this.dq).base64url() }; if (this.qi) jwk = { ...jwk, qi: encode.bigint(this.qi).base64url() };
return jwk; }}