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πŸ₯œ goober, a less than 1KB πŸŽ‰ css-in-js alternative with a familiar API
/** * Parses the object into css, scoped, blocks * @param {Object} obj * @param {String} selector * @param {String} wrapper */export let parse = (obj, selector) => { let outer = ''; let blocks = ''; let current = '';
for (let key in obj) { let val = obj[key];
if (key[0] == '@') { // If these are the `@` rule if (key[1] == 'i') { // Handling the `@import` outer = key + ' ' + val + ';'; } else if (key[1] == 'f') { // Handling the `@font-face` where the // block doesn't need the brackets wrapped blocks += parse(val, key); } else { // Regular at rule block blocks += key + '{' + parse(val, key[1] == 'k' ? '' : selector) + '}'; } } else if (typeof val == 'object') { // Call the parse for this block blocks += parse( val, selector ? // Go over the selector and replace the matching multiple selectors if any selector.replace(/([^,])+/g, (sel) => { // Return the current selector with the key matching multiple selectors if any return key.replace(/(^:.*)|([^,])+/g, (k) => { // If the current `k`(key) has a nested selector replace it if (/&/.test(k)) return k.replace(/&/g, sel);
// If there's a current selector concat it return sel ? sel + ' ' + k : k; }); }) : key ); } else if (val != undefined) { // Convert all but CSS variables key = /^--/.test(key) ? key : key.replace(/[A-Z]/g, '-$&').toLowerCase(); // Push the line for this property current += parse.p ? // We have a prefixer and we need to run this through that parse.p(key, val) : // Nope no prefixer just append it key + ':' + val + ';'; } }
// If we have properties apply standard rule composition return outer + (selector && current ? selector + '{' + current + '}' : current) + blocks;};