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πŸ₯œ goober, a less than 1KB πŸŽ‰ css-in-js alternative with a familiar API
import { h } from 'preact';import hydrate from 'preact-iso/hydrate';import { LocationProvider, Router } from 'preact-iso/router';import { ErrorBoundary } from 'preact-iso/lazy';import Home from './pages/home/index.js';import TheGreatShaveOff from './pages/the-great-shave-off/index.js';import NotFound from './pages/_404.js';import { extractCss, setup } from 'goober';import { prefix } from 'goober/prefixer';import { shouldForwardProp } from 'goober/should-forward-prop';import { Box } from './components/box/box.js';import { props, theme } from './styles/theme.js';import { GlobalStyles } from './styles/global.js';import { Layout } from './components/layout/layout.js';
setup( h, prefix, () => theme, shouldForwardProp((prop) => props.indexOf(prop) === -1));
export function App() { return ( <LocationProvider> <GlobalStyles /> <Box full flex> <Layout> <ErrorBoundary> <Router> <Home path="/" /> <TheGreatShaveOff path="/the-great-shave-off" /> <NotFound default /> </Router> </ErrorBoundary> </Layout> </Box> </LocationProvider> );}
hydrate(<App />);
export async function prerender(data) { const { default: prerender } = await import('preact-iso/prerender'); const res = await prerender(<App {} />); const css = extractCss();
res.html = `<style id="_goober"> ${css}</style>${res.html}`;
return res;}