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Node.js scraper to get data from Google Play
import * as R from 'ramda';import { constants } from './lib/constants.js';import memoizee from 'memoizee';import appMethod from './lib/app.js';
import list from './lib/list.js';import search from './lib/search.js';import suggest from './lib/suggest.js';import developer from './lib/developer.js';import reviews from './lib/reviews.js';import similar from './lib/similar.js';import permissions from './lib/permissions.js';import datasafety from './lib/datasafety.js';import categories from './lib/categories.js';
const methods = { app: appMethod, list, search: R.partial(search, [appMethod]), suggest, developer, reviews, similar, permissions, datasafety, categories};
function memoized (opts) { const cacheOpts = Object.assign({ primitive: true, normalizer: JSON.stringify, maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 5, // cache for 5 minutes max: 1000 // save up to 1k results to avoid memory issues }, opts);
// need to rebuild the methods so they all share the same memoized appMethod const doMemoize = (fn) => memoizee(fn, cacheOpts); const mAppMethod = memoizee(appMethod, cacheOpts);
const otherMethods = { list, search: R.partial(search, [mAppMethod]), suggest, developer, reviews, similar, permissions, datasafety, categories };
return Object.assign({ app: mAppMethod }, constants,, otherMethods));}
export default Object.assign({ memoized }, constants, methods);