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An isomorphic Javascript library for GoTrue.
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-anyimport { get, post, put, remove } from './lib/fetch.ts'import { Session, Provider, UserAttributes, CookieOptions, User } from './lib/types.ts'import { COOKIE_OPTIONS } from './lib/constants.ts'import { setCookie, deleteCookie } from './lib/cookies.ts'import { expiresAt } from './lib/helpers.ts'
export interface ApiError { message: string status: number}
export default class GoTrueApi { protected url: string protected headers: { [key: string]: string } protected cookieOptions: CookieOptions
constructor({ url = '', headers = {}, cookieOptions, }: { url: string headers?: { [key: string]: string } cookieOptions?: CookieOptions }) { this.url = url this.headers = headers this.cookieOptions = { ...COOKIE_OPTIONS, ...cookieOptions } }
/** * Creates a new user using their email address. * @param email The email address of the user. * @param password The password of the user. * @param redirectTo A URL or mobile address to send the user to after they are confirmed. * @param data Optional user metadata. * * @returns A logged-in session if the server has "autoconfirm" ON * @returns A user if the server has "autoconfirm" OFF */ async signUpWithEmail( email: string, password: string, options: { redirectTo?: string data?: Record<string, unknown> } = {} ): Promise<{ data: Session | User | null; error: ApiError | null }> { try { const headers = { ...this.headers } let queryString = '' if (options.redirectTo) { queryString = '?redirect_to=' + encodeURIComponent(options.redirectTo) } const data = await post( `${this.url}/signup${queryString}`, { email, password, data: }, { headers } ) const session = { } if (session.expires_in) session.expires_at = expiresAt(data.expires_in) return { data: session, error: null } } catch (e) { return { data: null, error: e as ApiError } } }
/** * Logs in an existing user using their email address. * @param email The email address of the user. * @param password The password of the user. * @param redirectTo A URL or mobile address to send the user to after they are confirmed. */ async signInWithEmail( email: string, password: string, options: { redirectTo?: string } = {} ): Promise<{ data: Session | null; error: ApiError | null }> { try { const headers = { ...this.headers } let queryString = '?grant_type=password' if (options.redirectTo) { queryString += '&redirect_to=' + encodeURIComponent(options.redirectTo) } const data = await post(`${this.url}/token${queryString}`, { email, password }, { headers }) const session = { } if (session.expires_in) session.expires_at = expiresAt(data.expires_in) return { data: session, error: null } } catch (e) { return { data: null, error: e as ApiError } } }
/** * Signs up a new user using their phone number and a password. * @param phone The phone number of the user. * @param password The password of the user. * @param data Optional user metadata. */ async signUpWithPhone( phone: string, password: string, options: { data?: Record<string, unknown> } = {} ): Promise<{ data: Session | User | null; error: ApiError | null }> { try { const headers = { ...this.headers } const data = await post( `${this.url}/signup`, { phone, password, data: }, { headers } ) const session = { } if (session.expires_in) session.expires_at = expiresAt(data.expires_in) return { data: session, error: null } } catch (e) { return { data: null, error: e as ApiError } } }
/** * Logs in an existing user using their phone number and password. * @param phone The phone number of the user. * @param password The password of the user. */ async signInWithPhone( phone: string, password: string ): Promise<{ data: Session | null; error: ApiError | null }> { try { const headers = { ...this.headers } const queryString = '?grant_type=password' const data = await post(`${this.url}/token${queryString}`, { phone, password }, { headers }) const session = { } if (session.expires_in) session.expires_at = expiresAt(data.expires_in) return { data: session, error: null } } catch (e) { return { data: null, error: e as ApiError } } }
/** * Sends a magic login link to an email address. * @param email The email address of the user. * @param redirectTo A URL or mobile address to send the user to after they are confirmed. */ async sendMagicLinkEmail( email: string, options: { redirectTo?: string } = {} ): Promise<{ data: Record<string, unknown> | null; error: ApiError | null }> { try { const headers = { ...this.headers } let queryString = '' if (options.redirectTo) { queryString += '?redirect_to=' + encodeURIComponent(options.redirectTo) } const data = await post(`${this.url}/magiclink${queryString}`, { email }, { headers }) return { data, error: null } } catch (e) { return { data: null, error: e as ApiError } } }
/** * Sends a mobile OTP via SMS. Will register the account if it doesn't already exist * @param phone The user's phone number WITH international prefix */ // deno-lint-ignore ban-types async sendMobileOTP(phone: string): Promise<{ data: {} | null; error: ApiError | null }> { try { const headers = { ...this.headers } const data = await post(`${this.url}/otp`, { phone }, { headers }) return { data, error: null } } catch (e) { return { data: null, error: e as ApiError } } }
/** * Send User supplied Mobile OTP to be verified * @param phone The user's phone number WITH international prefix * @param token token that user was sent to their mobile phone * @param redirectTo A URL or mobile address to send the user to after they are confirmed. */ async verifyMobileOTP( phone: string, token: string, options: { redirectTo?: string } = {} ): Promise<{ data: Session | User | null; error: ApiError | null }> { try { const headers = { ...this.headers } const data = await post( `${this.url}/verify`, { phone, token, type: 'sms', redirect_to: options.redirectTo }, { headers } ) return { data, error: null } } catch (e) { return { data: null, error: e as ApiError } } }
/** * Sends an invite link to an email address. * @param email The email address of the user. * @param redirectTo A URL or mobile address to send the user to after they are confirmed. * @param data Optional user metadata */ async inviteUserByEmail( email: string, options: { redirectTo?: string data?: Record<string, unknown> } = {} ): Promise<{ data: User | null; error: ApiError | null }> { try { const headers = { ...this.headers } let queryString = '' if (options.redirectTo) { queryString += '?redirect_to=' + encodeURIComponent(options.redirectTo) } const data = await post( `${this.url}/invite${queryString}`, { email, data: }, { headers } ) return { data, error: null } } catch (error) { return { data: null, error: error as ApiError } } }
/** * Sends a reset request to an email address. * @param email The email address of the user. * @param redirectTo A URL or mobile address to send the user to after they are confirmed. */ async resetPasswordForEmail( email: string, options: { redirectTo?: string } = {} ): Promise<{ data: Record<string, unknown> | null; error: ApiError | null }> { try { const headers = { ...this.headers } let queryString = '' if (options.redirectTo) { queryString += '?redirect_to=' + encodeURIComponent(options.redirectTo) } const data = await post(`${this.url}/recover${queryString}`, { email }, { headers }) return { data, error: null } } catch (e) { return { data: null, error: e as ApiError } } }
/** * Create a temporary object with all configured headers and * adds the Authorization token to be used on request methods * @param jwt A valid, logged-in JWT. */ private _createRequestHeaders(jwt: string) { const headers = { ...this.headers } headers['Authorization'] = `Bearer ${jwt}` return headers }
/** * Removes a logged-in session. * @param jwt A valid, logged-in JWT. */ async signOut(jwt: string): Promise<{ error: ApiError | null }> { try { await post( `${this.url}/logout`, {}, { headers: this._createRequestHeaders(jwt), noResolveJson: true } ) return { error: null } } catch (e) { return { error: e as ApiError } } }
/** * Generates the relevant login URL for a third-party provider. * @param provider One of the providers supported by GoTrue. * @param redirectTo A URL or mobile address to send the user to after they are confirmed. * @param scopes A space-separated list of scopes granted to the OAuth application. */ getUrlForProvider( provider: Provider, options: { redirectTo?: string scopes?: string } ) { const urlParams: string[] = [`provider=${encodeURIComponent(provider)}`] if (options?.redirectTo) { urlParams.push(`redirect_to=${encodeURIComponent(options.redirectTo)}`) } if (options?.scopes) { urlParams.push(`scopes=${encodeURIComponent(options.scopes)}`) } return `${this.url}/authorize?${urlParams.join('&')}` }
/** * Gets the user details. * @param jwt A valid, logged-in JWT. */ async getUser( jwt: string ): Promise<{ user: User | null; data: User | null; error: ApiError | null }> { try { const data: any = await get(`${this.url}/user`, { headers: this._createRequestHeaders(jwt) }) return { user: data, data, error: null } } catch (e) { return { user: null, data: null, error: e as ApiError } } }
/** * Updates the user data. * @param jwt A valid, logged-in JWT. * @param attributes The data you want to update. */ async updateUser( jwt: string, attributes: UserAttributes ): Promise<{ user: User | null; data: User | null; error: ApiError | null }> { try { const data: any = await put(`${this.url}/user`, attributes, { headers: this._createRequestHeaders(jwt), }) return { user: data, data, error: null } } catch (e) { return { user: null, data: null, error: e as ApiError } } }
/** * Delete a user. Requires a `service_role` key. * * This function should only be called on a server. Never expose your `service_role` key in the browser. * * @param uid The user uid you want to remove. * @param jwt A valid JWT. Must be a full-access API key (e.g. service_role key). */ async deleteUser( uid: string, jwt: string ): Promise<{ user: User | null; data: User | null; error: ApiError | null }> { try { const data: any = await remove( `${this.url}/admin/users/${uid}`, {}, { headers: this._createRequestHeaders(jwt), } ) return { user: data, data, error: null } } catch (e) { return { user: null, data: null, error: e as ApiError } } }
/** * Generates a new JWT. * @param refreshToken A valid refresh token that was returned on login. */ async refreshAccessToken( refreshToken: string ): Promise<{ data: Session | null; error: ApiError | null }> { try { const data: any = await post( `${this.url}/token?grant_type=refresh_token`, { refresh_token: refreshToken }, { headers: this.headers } ) const session = { } if (session.expires_in) session.expires_at = expiresAt(data.expires_in) return { data: session, error: null } } catch (e) { return { data: null, error: e as ApiError } } }
/** * Set/delete the auth cookie based on the AuthChangeEvent. * Works for Next.js & Express (requires cookie-parser middleware). */ setAuthCookie(req: any, res: any) { if (req.method !== 'POST') { res.setHeader('Allow', 'POST') res.status(405).end('Method Not Allowed') } const { event, session } = req.body if (!event) throw new Error('Auth event missing!') if (event === 'SIGNED_IN') { if (!session) throw new Error('Auth session missing!') setCookie(req, res, { name:!, value: session.access_token, domain: this.cookieOptions.domain, maxAge: this.cookieOptions.lifetime!, path: this.cookieOptions.path, sameSite: this.cookieOptions.sameSite, }) } if (event === 'SIGNED_OUT') deleteCookie(req, res,!) res.status(200).json({}) }
/** * Get user by reading the cookie from the request. * Works for Next.js & Express (requires cookie-parser middleware). */ async getUserByCookie( req: any ): Promise<{ user: User | null; data: User | null; error: Error | null }> { try { if (!req.cookies) throw new Error( 'Not able to parse cookies! When using Express make sure the cookie-parser middleware is in use!' ) if (!req.cookies[!]) throw new Error('No cookie found!') const token = req.cookies[!] const { user, error } = await this.getUser(token) if (error) throw error return { user, data: user, error: null } } catch (error) { return { user: null, data: null, error } } }
/** * Generates links to be sent via email or other. * @param type The link type ("signup" or "magiclink" or "recovery" or "invite"). * @param email The user's email. * @param password User password. For signup only. * @param data Optional user metadata. For signup only. * @param redirectTo The link type ("signup" or "magiclink" or "recovery" or "invite"). */ async generateLink( type: 'signup' | 'magiclink' | 'recovery' | 'invite', email: string, options: { password?: string data?: Record<string, unknown> redirectTo?: string } = {} ): Promise<{ data: Session | User | null; error: ApiError | null }> { try { const data: any = await post( `${this.url}/admin/generate_link`, { type, email, password: options.password, data:, redirect_to: options.redirectTo, }, { headers: this.headers } ) return { data, error: null } } catch (e) { return { data: null, error: e as ApiError } } }}