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An isomorphic Javascript library for GoTrue.
// deno-lint-ignore-file camelcase no-explicit-anyimport GoTrueApi, { ApiError } from './GoTrueApi.ts'import { isBrowser, getParameterByName, uuid } from './lib/helpers.ts'import { GOTRUE_URL, DEFAULT_HEADERS, STORAGE_KEY } from './lib/constants.ts'import { Session, User, UserAttributes, Provider, Subscription, AuthChangeEvent, CookieOptions, UserCredentials, VerifyOTPParams,} from './lib/types.ts'import { polyfillGlobalThis } from './lib/polyfills.ts'
polyfillGlobalThis() // Make "globalThis" available
const DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { url: GOTRUE_URL, autoRefreshToken: true, persistSession: true, detectSessionInUrl: true, headers: DEFAULT_HEADERS,}
type AnyFunction = (...args: any[]) => anytype MaybePromisify<T> = T | Promise<T>
type PromisifyMethods<T> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends AnyFunction ? (...args: Parameters<T[K]>) => MaybePromisify<ReturnType<T[K]>> : T[K]}
type SupportedStorage = PromisifyMethods<Pick<Storage, 'getItem' | 'setItem' | 'removeItem'>>
export default class GoTrueClient { /** * Namespace for the GoTrue API methods. * These can be used for example to get a user from a JWT in a server environment or reset a user's password. */ api: GoTrueApi /** * The currently logged in user or null. */ protected currentUser: User | null /** * The session object for the currently logged in user or null. */ protected currentSession: Session | null
protected autoRefreshToken: boolean protected persistSession: boolean protected localStorage: SupportedStorage protected stateChangeEmitters: Map<string, Subscription> = new Map() protected refreshTokenTimer?: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout>
/** * Create a new client for use in the browser. * @param options.url The URL of the GoTrue server. * @param options.headers Any additional headers to send to the GoTrue server. * @param options.detectSessionInUrl Set to "true" if you want to automatically detects OAuth grants in the URL and signs in the user. * @param options.autoRefreshToken Set to "true" if you want to automatically refresh the token before expiring. * @param options.persistSession Set to "true" if you want to automatically save the user session into local storage. * @param options.localStorage * @param options.cookieOptions */ constructor(options: { url?: string headers?: { [key: string]: string } detectSessionInUrl?: boolean autoRefreshToken?: boolean persistSession?: boolean localStorage?: Storage cookieOptions?: CookieOptions }) { const settings = { ...DEFAULT_OPTIONS, ...options } this.currentUser = null this.currentSession = null this.autoRefreshToken = settings.autoRefreshToken this.persistSession = settings.persistSession this.localStorage = settings.localStorage || globalThis.localStorage this.api = new GoTrueApi({ url: settings.url, headers: settings.headers, cookieOptions: settings.cookieOptions, }) this._recoverSession() this._recoverAndRefresh()
// Handle the OAuth redirect if (settings.detectSessionInUrl && isBrowser() && !!getParameterByName('access_token')) { this.getSessionFromUrl({ storeSession: true }).then(({ error }) => { if (error) { console.error('Error getting session from URL.', error) } }) } }
/** * Creates a new user. * @type UserCredentials * @param email The user's email address. * @param password The user's password. * @param phone The user's phone number. * @param redirectTo A URL or mobile address to send the user to after they are confirmed. * @param data Optional user metadata. */ async signUp( { email, password, phone }: UserCredentials, options: { redirectTo?: string data?: Record<string, unknown> } = {} ): Promise<{ user: User | null session: Session | null error: ApiError | null data: Session | User | null // Deprecated }> { try { this._removeSession()
const { data, error } = phone && password ? await this.api.signUpWithPhone(phone!, password!, { data:, }) : await this.api.signUpWithEmail(email!, password!, { redirectTo: options.redirectTo, data:, })
if (error) { throw error }
if (!data) { throw 'An error occurred on sign up.' }
let session: Session | null = null let user: User | null = null
if ((data as Session).access_token) { session = data as Session user = session.user as User this._saveSession(session) this._notifyAllSubscribers('SIGNED_IN') }
if ((data as User).id) { user = data as User }
return { data, user, session, error: null } } catch (e) { return { data: null, user: null, session: null, error: e } } }
/** * Log in an existing user, or login via a third-party provider. * @type UserCredentials * @param email The user's email address. * @param password The user's password. * @param refreshToken A valid refresh token that was returned on login. * @param provider One of the providers supported by GoTrue. * @param redirectTo A URL or mobile address to send the user to after they are confirmed. * @param scopes A space-separated list of scopes granted to the OAuth application. */ async signIn( { email, phone, password, refreshToken, provider }: UserCredentials, options: { redirectTo?: string scopes?: string } = {} ): Promise<{ session: Session | null user: User | null provider?: Provider url?: string | null error: ApiError | null data: Session | null // Deprecated }> { try { this._removeSession()
if (email && !password) { const { error } = await this.api.sendMagicLinkEmail(email, { redirectTo: options.redirectTo, }) return { data: null, user: null, session: null, error } } if (email && password) { return this._handleEmailSignIn(email, password, { redirectTo: options.redirectTo, }) } if (phone && !password) { const { error } = await this.api.sendMobileOTP(phone) return { data: null, user: null, session: null, error } } if (phone && password) { // @ts-ignore - phone is a string return this._handlePhoneSignIn(phone, password) } if (refreshToken) { // currentSession and currentUser will be updated to latest on _callRefreshToken using the passed refreshToken const { error } = await this._callRefreshToken(refreshToken) if (error) throw error
return { data: this.currentSession, user: this.currentUser, session: this.currentSession, error: null, } } if (provider) { return this._handleProviderSignIn(provider, { redirectTo: options.redirectTo, scopes: options.scopes, }) } throw new Error(`You must provide either an email, phone number or a third-party provider.`) } catch (e) { return { data: null, user: null, session: null, error: e as ApiError } } }
/** * Log in a user given a User supplied OTP received via mobile. * @param phone The user's phone number. * @param token The user's password. * @param redirectTo A URL or mobile address to send the user to after they are confirmed. */ async verifyOTP( { phone, token }: VerifyOTPParams, options: { redirectTo?: string } = {} ): Promise<{ user: User | null session: Session | null error: ApiError | null data: Session | User | null // Deprecated }> { try { this._removeSession()
const { data, error } = await this.api.verifyMobileOTP(phone, token, options)
if (error) { throw error }
if (!data) { throw 'An error occurred on token verification.' }
let session: Session | null = null let user: User | null = null
if ((data as Session).access_token) { session = data as Session user = session.user as User this._saveSession(session) this._notifyAllSubscribers('SIGNED_IN') }
if ((data as User).id) { user = data as User }
return { data, user, session, error: null } } catch (e) { return { data: null, user: null, session: null, error: e as ApiError } } }
/** * Inside a browser context, `user()` will return the user data, if there is a logged in user. * * For server-side management, you can get a user through `auth.api.getUserByCookie()` */ user(): User | null { return this.currentUser }
/** * Returns the session data, if there is an active session. */ session(): Session | null { return this.currentSession }
/** * Force refreshes the session including the user data in case it was updated in a different session. */ async refreshSession(): Promise<{ data: Session | null user: User | null error: ApiError | null }> { try { if (!this.currentSession?.access_token) throw new Error('Not logged in.')
// currentSession and currentUser will be updated to latest on _callRefreshToken const { error } = await this._callRefreshToken() if (error) throw error
return { data: this.currentSession, user: this.currentUser, error: null } } catch (e) { return { data: null, user: null, error: e as ApiError } } }
/** * Updates user data, if there is a logged in user. */ async update( attributes: UserAttributes ): Promise<{ data: User | null; user: User | null; error: ApiError | null }> { try { if (!this.currentSession?.access_token) throw new Error('Not logged in.')
const { user, error } = await this.api.updateUser( this.currentSession.access_token, attributes ) if (error) throw error if (!user) throw Error('Invalid user data.')
const session = { ...this.currentSession, user } this._saveSession(session) this._notifyAllSubscribers('USER_UPDATED')
return { data: user, user, error: null } } catch (e) { return { data: null, user: null, error: e as ApiError } } }
/** * Sets the session data from refresh_token and returns current Session and Error * @param refresh_token a JWT token */ async setSession( refresh_token: string ): Promise<{ session: Session | null; error: ApiError | null }> { try { if (!refresh_token) { throw new Error('No current session.') } const { data, error } = await this.api.refreshAccessToken(refresh_token) if (error) { return { session: null, error: error } }
this._saveSession(data!) this._notifyAllSubscribers('SIGNED_IN') return { session: data, error: null } } catch (e) { return { session: null, error: e as ApiError } } }
/** * Overrides the JWT on the current client. The JWT will then be sent in all subsequent network requests. * @param access_token a jwt access token */ setAuth(access_token: string): Session { this.currentSession = { ...this.currentSession, access_token, token_type: 'bearer', user: null, }
return this.currentSession }
/** * Gets the session data from a URL string * @param options.storeSession Optionally store the session in the browser */ async getSessionFromUrl(options?: { storeSession?: boolean }): Promise<{ data: Session | null; error: ApiError | null }> { try { if (!isBrowser()) throw new Error('No browser detected.')
const error_description = getParameterByName('error_description') if (error_description) throw new Error(error_description)
const provider_token = getParameterByName('provider_token') const access_token = getParameterByName('access_token') if (!access_token) throw new Error('No access_token detected.') const expires_in = getParameterByName('expires_in') if (!expires_in) throw new Error('No expires_in detected.') const refresh_token = getParameterByName('refresh_token') if (!refresh_token) throw new Error('No refresh_token detected.') const token_type = getParameterByName('token_type') if (!token_type) throw new Error('No token_type detected.')
const timeNow = Math.round( / 1000) const expires_at = timeNow + parseInt(expires_in)
const { user, error } = await this.api.getUser(access_token) if (error) throw error
const session: Session = { provider_token, access_token, expires_in: parseInt(expires_in), expires_at, refresh_token, token_type, user: user!, } if (options?.storeSession) { this._saveSession(session) this._notifyAllSubscribers('SIGNED_IN') if (getParameterByName('type') === 'recovery') { this._notifyAllSubscribers('PASSWORD_RECOVERY') } } // Remove tokens from URL window.location.hash = ''
return { data: session, error: null } } catch (e) { return { data: null, error: e as ApiError } } }
/** * Inside a browser context, `signOut()` will remove extract the logged in user from the browser session * and log them out - removing all items from localstorage and then trigger a "SIGNED_OUT" event. * * For server-side management, you can disable sessions by passing a JWT through to `auth.api.signOut(JWT: string)` */ async signOut(): Promise<{ error: ApiError | null }> { const accessToken = this.currentSession?.access_token this._removeSession() this._notifyAllSubscribers('SIGNED_OUT') if (accessToken) { const { error } = await this.api.signOut(accessToken) if (error) return { error } } return { error: null } }
/** * Receive a notification every time an auth event happens. * @returns {Subscription} A subscription object which can be used to unsubscribe itself. */ onAuthStateChange(callback: (event: AuthChangeEvent, session: Session | null) => void): { data: Subscription | null error: ApiError | null } { try { const id: string = uuid() const subscription: Subscription = { id, callback, unsubscribe: () => { this.stateChangeEmitters.delete(id) }, } this.stateChangeEmitters.set(id, subscription) return { data: subscription, error: null } } catch (e) { return { data: null, error: e as ApiError } } }
private async _handleEmailSignIn( email: string, password: string, options: { redirectTo?: string } = {} ) { try { const { data, error } = await this.api.signInWithEmail(email, password, { redirectTo: options.redirectTo, }) if (error || !data) return { data: null, user: null, session: null, error }
if (data?.user?.confirmed_at || data?.user?.email_confirmed_at) { this._saveSession(data) this._notifyAllSubscribers('SIGNED_IN') }
return { data, user: data.user, session: data, error: null } } catch (e) { return { data: null, user: null, session: null, error: e as ApiError } } }
private async _handlePhoneSignIn(phone: string, password: string) { try { const { data, error } = await this.api.signInWithPhone(phone, password) if (error || !data) return { data: null, user: null, session: null, error }
if (data?.user?.phone_confirmed_at) { this._saveSession(data) this._notifyAllSubscribers('SIGNED_IN') }
return { data, user: data.user, session: data, error: null } } catch (e) { return { data: null, user: null, session: null, error: e as ApiError } } }
private _handleProviderSignIn( provider: Provider, options: { redirectTo?: string scopes?: string } = {} ) { const url: string = this.api.getUrlForProvider(provider, { redirectTo: options.redirectTo, scopes: options.scopes, })
try { // try to open on the browser if (isBrowser()) { window.location.href = url } return { provider, url, data: null, session: null, user: null, error: null } } catch (e) { // fallback to returning the URL if (url) return { provider, url, data: null, session: null, user: null, error: null } return { data: null, user: null, session: null, error: e as ApiError } } }
/** * Attempts to get the session from LocalStorage * Note: this should never be async (even for React Native), as we need it to return immediately in the constructor. */ private _recoverSession() { try { const json = isBrowser() && this.localStorage?.getItem(STORAGE_KEY) if (!json || typeof json !== 'string') { return null }
const data = JSON.parse(json) const { currentSession, expiresAt } = data const timeNow = Math.round( / 1000)
if (expiresAt >= timeNow && currentSession?.user) { this._saveSession(currentSession) this._notifyAllSubscribers('SIGNED_IN') } } catch (error) { console.log('error', error) } }
/** * Recovers the session from LocalStorage and refreshes * Note: this method is async to accommodate for AsyncStorage e.g. in React native. */ private async _recoverAndRefresh() { try { const json = isBrowser() && (await this.localStorage.getItem(STORAGE_KEY)) if (!json) { return null }
const data = JSON.parse(json) const { currentSession, expiresAt } = data const timeNow = Math.round( / 1000)
if (expiresAt < timeNow) { if (this.autoRefreshToken && currentSession.refresh_token) { const { error } = await this._callRefreshToken(currentSession.refresh_token) if (error) { console.log(error.message) await this._removeSession() } } else { this._removeSession() } } else if (!currentSession || !currentSession.user) { console.log('Current session is missing data.') this._removeSession() } else { // should be handled on _recoverSession method already // But we still need the code here to accommodate for AsyncStorage e.g. in React native this._saveSession(currentSession) this._notifyAllSubscribers('SIGNED_IN') } } catch (err) { console.error(err) return null } }
private async _callRefreshToken(refresh_token = this.currentSession?.refresh_token) { try { if (!refresh_token) { throw new Error('No current session.') } const { data, error } = await this.api.refreshAccessToken(refresh_token) if (error) throw error if (!data) throw Error('Invalid session data.')
this._saveSession(data) this._notifyAllSubscribers('SIGNED_IN')
return { data, error: null } } catch (e) { return { data: null, error: e as ApiError } } }
private _notifyAllSubscribers(event: AuthChangeEvent) { this.stateChangeEmitters.forEach((x) => x.callback(event, this.currentSession)) }
/** * set currentSession and currentUser * process to _startAutoRefreshToken if possible */ private _saveSession(session: Session) { this.currentSession = session this.currentUser = session.user
const expiresAt = session.expires_at if (expiresAt) { const timeNow = Math.round( / 1000) const expiresIn = expiresAt - timeNow const refreshDurationBeforeExpires = expiresIn > 60 ? 60 : 0.5 this._startAutoRefreshToken((expiresIn - refreshDurationBeforeExpires) * 1000) }
// Do we need any extra check before persist session // access_token or user ? if (this.persistSession && session.expires_at) { this._persistSession(this.currentSession) } }
private _persistSession(currentSession: Session) { const data = { currentSession, expiresAt: currentSession.expires_at } isBrowser() && this.localStorage.setItem(STORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(data)) }
private async _removeSession() { this.currentSession = null this.currentUser = null if (this.refreshTokenTimer) clearTimeout(this.refreshTokenTimer) isBrowser() && (await this.localStorage.removeItem(STORAGE_KEY)) }
/** * Clear and re-create refresh token timer * @param value time intervals in milliseconds */ private _startAutoRefreshToken(value: number) { if (this.refreshTokenTimer) clearTimeout(this.refreshTokenTimer) if (value <= 0 || !this.autoRefreshToken) return
this.refreshTokenTimer = setTimeout(() => this._callRefreshToken(), value) // if (typeof this.refreshTokenTimer.unref === 'function') this.refreshTokenTimer.unref() }}