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☁ Universal GraphQL HTTP middleware for Deno
import { superdeno } from ''import { describe, it } from ''import { buildSchema, GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLSchema, GraphQLString,} from 'npm:graphql@16.8.1'import { GraphQLHTTP } from './mod.ts'
const schema = buildSchema(` type Query { hello: String }`)
const rootValue = { hello: () => 'Hello World!',}
const app = GraphQLHTTP({ schema, rootValue })
describe('GraphQLHTTP({ schema, rootValue })', () => { it('should send 400 on malformed request query', async () => { const request = superdeno(app)
await request.get('/').expect(400, { 'errors': [{ 'message': 'Missing query' }], }) }) it('should send unsupported media type on empty request body', async () => { const request = superdeno(app)
await'/').expect(415) }) it('should send resolved POST GraphQL query', async () => { const request = superdeno(app)
await request .post('/') .send({ 'query': '\n{\n hello\n}', }) .expect(200, { data: { hello: 'Hello World!' } }) }) it('should send resolved GET GraphQL query', async () => { const request = superdeno(app)
await request.get('/?query={hello}').expect( 200, { data: { hello: 'Hello World!' } }, ) }) it('should send resolved GET GraphQL query when Accept is application/json', async () => { const request = superdeno(app)
await request .get('/?query={hello}') .set('Accept', 'application/json') .expect(200, { data: { hello: 'Hello World!' } }) .expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8') }) it('should send resolved GET GraphQL query when Accept is */*', async () => { const request = superdeno(app)
await request .get('/?query={hello}') .set('Accept', '*/*') .expect(200, { data: { hello: 'Hello World!' } }) .expect('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8') }) it('should send 406 not acceptable when Accept is other (text/html)', async () => { const request = superdeno(app)
await request.get('/?query={hello}').set('Accept', 'text/html').expect( 406, 'Not Acceptable', ) }) it('should send 406 not acceptable when Accept is other (text/css)', async () => { const request = superdeno(app)
await request.get('/?query={hello}').set('Accept', 'text/css').expect( 406, 'Not Acceptable', ) }) it('should pass req obj to server context', async () => { type Context = { request: Request }
const app = GraphQLHTTP<Request, Context>({ schema: new GraphQLSchema({ query: new GraphQLObjectType({ name: 'Query', fields: { 'hello': { type: GraphQLString, resolve: (_root, _args, { request: { url } }: Context) => `Request from ${url.slice(url.lastIndexOf('/'))}`, }, }, }), }), context: (req) => ({ request: req.raw }), })
const request = superdeno(app)
await request .post('/') .send({ 'query': '\n{\n hello\n}', 'variables': {}, 'operationName': null, }) .expect(200, { data: { hello: 'Request from /' } }) })
describe('graphiql', () => { it('should allow query GET requests when set to false', async () => { const app = GraphQLHTTP({ graphiql: false, schema, rootValue })
const request = superdeno(app)
await request.get('/?query={hello}').expect( 200, { data: { hello: 'Hello World!' } }, ) }) it('should allow query GET requests when set to true', async () => { const app = GraphQLHTTP({ graphiql: true, schema, rootValue })
const request = superdeno(app)
await request.get('/?query={hello}').expect( 200, { data: { hello: 'Hello World!' } }, ) }) it('should send 406 when Accept is only text/html when set to false', async () => { const app = GraphQLHTTP({ graphiql: false, schema, rootValue })
const request = superdeno(app)
await request.get('/').set('Accept', 'text/html').expect( 406, 'Not Acceptable', ) }) it('should render a playground when Accept does include text/html when set to true', async () => { const app = GraphQLHTTP({ graphiql: true, schema, rootValue })
const request = superdeno(app)
await request .get('/?query={hello}') .set('Accept', 'text/html;*/*') .expect(200) .expect('Content-Type', 'text/html') }) it('should render a playground if graphiql is set to true', async () => { const app = GraphQLHTTP({ graphiql: true, schema, rootValue })
const request = superdeno(app)
await request.get('/').set('Accept', 'text/html').expect(200).expect( 'Content-Type', 'text/html', ) }) describe('playgroundOptions', () => { it('supports custom favicon', async () => { const app = GraphQLHTTP({ graphiql: true, schema, rootValue, playgroundOptions: { faviconUrl: '', }, })
const request = superdeno(app)
await request .get('/') .set('Accept', 'text/html') .expect(200) .expect('Content-Type', 'text/html') .expect( new RegExp( '<link rel="shortcut icon" href="" />', ), ) }) it('supports custom title', async () => { const app = GraphQLHTTP({ graphiql: true, schema, rootValue, playgroundOptions: { title: 'Hello gql!', }, })
const request = superdeno(app)
await request .get('/') .set('Accept', 'text/html') .expect(200) .expect('Content-Type', 'text/html') .expect(new RegExp('<title>Hello gql!</title>')) }) it('adds React CDN links if env is React', async () => { const app = GraphQLHTTP({ graphiql: true, schema, rootValue, playgroundOptions: { cdnUrl: '', }, })
const request = superdeno(app)
await request .get('/') .set('Accept', 'text/html') .expect(200) .expect('Content-Type', 'text/html') .expect(new RegExp('')) }) }) }) describe('headers', () => { it('should pass custom headers to response', async () => { const app = GraphQLHTTP({ schema, rootValue, headers: { Key: 'Value' } })
const request = superdeno(app)
await request .post('/') .send({ 'query': '\n{\n hello\n}', 'variables': {}, 'operationName': null, }) .expect(200, { data: { hello: 'Hello World!' } }) .expect('Key', 'Value') }) it('does not error with empty header object', async () => { const app = GraphQLHTTP({ schema, rootValue, headers: {} })
const request = superdeno(app)
await request .post('/') .send({ 'query': '\n{\n hello\n}', 'variables': {}, 'operationName': null, }) .expect(200, { data: { hello: 'Hello World!' } }) }) })})