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☁ Universal GraphQL HTTP middleware for Deno
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import { runHttpQuery } from './common.ts'import type { GQLRequest, GQLOptions, GraphQLParams } from './types.ts'
/** * Create a new GraphQL HTTP middleware with schema, context etc * @param {GQLOptions} options * * @example * ```ts * const graphql = await GraphQLHTTP({ schema }) * * for await (const req of s) graphql(req) * ``` */export function GraphQLHTTP<Req extends GQLRequest = GQLRequest, Ctx extends { request: Req } = { request: Req }>({ playgroundOptions = {}, headers = {}, ...options}: GQLOptions<Ctx, Req>) { return async (request: Req) => { const accept = request.headers.get('Accept') || ''
const typeList = ['text/html', 'text/plain', 'application/json', '*/*'] .map((contentType) => ({ contentType, index: accept.indexOf(contentType) })) .filter(({ index }) => index >= 0) .sort((a, b) => a.index - b.index) .map(({ contentType }) => contentType)
if (accept && !typeList.length) { return new Response('Not Acceptable', { status: 406, headers: new Headers(headers) }) } else if (!['GET', 'PUT', 'POST', 'PATCH'].includes(request.method)) { return new Response('Method Not Allowed', { status: 405, headers: new Headers(headers) }) }
let params: Promise<GraphQLParams>
if (request.method === 'GET') { const urlQuery = request.url.substring(request.url.indexOf('?')) const queryParams = new URLSearchParams(urlQuery)
if (options.graphiql && typeList[0] === 'text/html' && !queryParams.has('raw')) { const { renderPlaygroundPage } = await import('./graphiql/render.ts') const playground = renderPlaygroundPage({ ...playgroundOptions, endpoint: '/graphql' })
return new Response(playground, { headers: new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'text/html', ...headers }) }) } else if (typeList.length === 1 && typeList[0] === 'text/html') { return new Response('Not Acceptable', { status: 406, headers: new Headers(headers) }) } else if (queryParams.has('query')) { params = Promise.resolve({ query: queryParams.get('query') } as GraphQLParams) } else { params = Promise.reject(new Error('No query given!')) } } else if (typeList.length === 1 && typeList[0] === 'text/html') { return new Response('Not Acceptable', { status: 406, headers: new Headers(headers) }) } else { params = request.json() }
try { const result = await runHttpQuery<Req, Ctx>(await params, options, { request })
let contentType = 'text/plain'
if (!typeList.length || typeList.includes('application/json') || typeList.includes('*/*')) contentType = 'application/json'
return new Response(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2), { status: 200, headers: new Headers({ 'Content-Type': contentType, ...headers }) }) } catch (e) { console.error(e) return new Response('Malformed Request ' + (request.method === 'GET' ? 'Query' : 'Body'), { status: 400, headers: new Headers(headers) }) } }}