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HTML/CSS engine for node.js and deno.
// observable model// x holds the data/truth (tree of nodes)// x allows changes// x notifies listener// x panics for invalid node types// (another layer on top of this should make sure it never happens)
use crate::css::{MatchingContext, Selector, Style};use crate::util::{Atom, SlotMap};use std::any::Any;use std::borrow::Cow;
pub type NodeId = u32;
#[derive(Debug)]pub enum DocumentEvent<'a> { Create(NodeId, NodeType), Insert(NodeId, NodeId, usize), Remove(NodeId, NodeId), Cdata(NodeId, &'a str),
// TODO: call during Document::Drop, probably in document order (children first) Drop(NodeId),}
#[repr(u32)]#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]pub enum NodeType { Element = 1, Attribute = 2, Text = 3, CdataSection = 4, EntityReference = 5, Entity = 6, ProcessingInstruction = 7, Comment = 8, Document = 9, DocumentType = 10, DocumentFragment = 11, Notation = 12,}
pub struct Document { nodes: SlotMap<NodeId, Node>, root: NodeId,
listeners: Vec<Box<dyn Fn(&Document, &Event)>>,
// SlotMap + Vec because node freeing has to be fast weak_data: SlotMap<NodeId, Vec<Box<dyn Any>>>,
free_ids: Vec<NodeId>,}
// private shorthandtype Event<'a> = DocumentEvent<'a>;
impl Document { pub fn new() -> Self { let mut doc = Self { nodes: SlotMap::new(), root: 0, listeners: Vec::new(), weak_data: SlotMap::new(), free_ids: Vec::new(), };
let root = doc.create_node(NodeData::Document); doc.root = root;
doc }
pub fn add_listener(&mut self, listener: impl Fn(&Document, &Event) + 'static) { self.listeners.push(Box::new(listener)); }
pub fn root(&self) -> NodeId { self.root }
// shared for all node types
pub fn node_type(&self, node: NodeId) -> NodeType { match self.nodes[node].data { NodeData::Element(_) => NodeType::Element, NodeData::Text(_) => NodeType::Text, NodeData::Comment(_) => NodeType::Comment, NodeData::Document => NodeType::Document, } }
pub fn parent(&self, node: NodeId) -> Option<NodeId> { self.nodes[node].parent }
pub fn parent_element(&self, node: NodeId) -> Option<NodeId> { match self.parent(node) { Some(p) if self.node_type(p) == NodeType::Element => Some(p), _ => None, } }
pub fn first_child(&self, node: NodeId) -> Option<NodeId> { self.nodes[node].first_child }
pub fn prev_sibling(&self, node: NodeId) -> Option<NodeId> { self.child_nodes(self.parent(node)?) .find(|n| self.nodes[*n].next_sibling == Some(node)) }
pub fn next_sibling(&self, node: NodeId) -> Option<NodeId> { self.nodes[node].next_sibling }
pub fn child_nodes(&self, node: NodeId) -> impl Iterator<Item = NodeId> + '_ { ChildNodes { doc: self, next: self.nodes[node].first_child, } }
pub fn children(&self, node: NodeId) -> impl Iterator<Item = NodeId> + '_ { self.child_nodes(node) .filter(move |n| self.node_type(*n) == NodeType::Element) }
// doesn't allocate if there's 0-1 child_nodes pub fn text_content(&self, node: NodeId) -> Cow<str> { match self.node_type(node) { NodeType::Text => Cow::Borrowed(self.cdata(node)), _ => match self.nodes[node].first_child { None => Cow::Borrowed(""), Some(ch) => match self.nodes[ch].next_sibling { None => self.text_content(ch), Some(_) => { let string = self .child_nodes(node) .fold(String::new(), |res, ch| res + &self.text_content(ch)); Cow::Owned(string) } }, }, } }
pub fn matches(&self, el: NodeId, selector: &str) -> bool { self.with_matching_context(|ctx| ctx.match_selector(&Selector::from(selector), el).is_some()) }
pub fn query_selector(&self, context_node: NodeId, selector: &str) -> Option<NodeId> { self.query_selector_all(context_node, selector).get(0).copied() }
pub fn query_selector_all(&self, context_node: NodeId, selector: &str) -> Vec<NodeId> { let selector = Selector::from(selector); let els = self.descendant_children(context_node);
self.with_matching_context(|ctx| { els.into_iter() .filter(|el| ctx.match_selector(&selector, *el).is_some()) .collect() }) }
pub fn insert_child(&mut self, parent: NodeId, child: NodeId, index: usize) { debug_assert_eq!(self.nodes[child].parent, None);
if index == 0 { self.nodes[child].next_sibling = self.first_child(parent); self.nodes[parent].first_child = Some(child); } else { let prev = (1..index) .fold(self.first_child(parent), |n, _| self.next_sibling(n?)) .expect("out of bounds");
self.nodes[child].next_sibling = self.next_sibling(prev); self.nodes[prev].next_sibling = Some(child); }
self.nodes[child].parent = Some(parent);
self.emit(Event::Insert(parent, child, index)); }
pub fn remove_child(&mut self, parent: NodeId, child: NodeId) { debug_assert_eq!(self.nodes[child].parent, Some(parent));
if let Some(prev) = self.prev_sibling(child) { self.nodes[prev].next_sibling = self.next_sibling(child); } else { self.nodes[parent].first_child = self.next_sibling(child); }
self.nodes[child].next_sibling = None; self.nodes[child].parent = None;
self.emit(Event::Remove(parent, child)); }
// meant for sparse, any-shape data like attaching StyleSheet to <style> pub fn weak_data<T: 'static>(&self, node: NodeId) -> Option<&T> { self.weak_data[node].iter().find_map(|any| any.downcast_ref()) }
pub fn weak_data_mut<T: 'static>(&mut self, node: NodeId) -> Option<&mut T> { self.weak_data[node].iter_mut().find_map(|any| any.downcast_mut()) }
pub fn set_weak_data<T: 'static>(&mut self, node: NodeId, data: T) { if let Some(v) = self.weak_data[node].iter_mut().find(|any|<T>()) { *v = Box::new(data); } else { self.weak_data[node].push(Box::new(data)); } }
pub fn remove_weak_data<T: 'static>(&mut self, node: NodeId) { self.weak_data[node].retain(|any| !<T>()); }
pub fn drop_node(&mut self, node: NodeId) { drop(self.nodes.remove(node)); self.weak_data.remove(node); self.free_ids.push(node);
// TODO: emit }
// text node
pub fn create_text_node(&mut self, cdata: &str) -> NodeId { let id = self.create_node(NodeData::Text(cdata.to_owned()));
id }
// comment
pub fn create_comment(&mut self, cdata: &str) -> NodeId { let id = self.create_node(NodeData::Comment(cdata.to_owned()));
id }
// text/comment node
pub fn cdata(&self, cdata_node: NodeId) -> &str { if let NodeData::Text(data) | NodeData::Comment(data) = &self.nodes[cdata_node].data { data } else { panic!("not a cdata node") } }
pub fn set_cdata(&mut self, cdata_node: NodeId, cdata: &str) { if let NodeData::Text(data) | NodeData::Comment(data) = &mut self.nodes[cdata_node].data { *data = cdata.to_owned(); } else { panic!("not a cdata node") }
self.emit(Event::Cdata(cdata_node, cdata)); }
// element
pub fn create_element(&mut self, local_name: &str) -> NodeId { let id = self.create_node(NodeData::Element(ElementData { local_name: local_name.into(), identifier: None, class_name: None, style: Style::EMPTY, attrs: Vec::new(), }));
id }
pub fn local_name(&self, element: NodeId) -> &str { &self.el(element).local_name }
pub fn attribute(&self, element: NodeId, att_name: &str) -> Option<String> { let el_data = self.el(element);
match att_name { "id" => el_data.identifier.as_deref().cloned(), "class" => el_data.class_name.as_deref().cloned(), "style" => Some(, _ => el_data .attrs .iter() .find(|(a, _)| att_name == **a) .map(|(_, v)| v.to_string()), } }
pub fn set_attribute(&mut self, element: NodeId, att_name: &str, value: &str) { let el_data = self.el_mut(element);
match att_name { "id" => el_data.identifier = Some(value.into()), "class" => el_data.class_name = Some(value.into()), "style" =>, _ => { if let Some(a) = el_data.attrs.iter_mut().find(|(a, _)| att_name == **a) { a.1 = value.into(); } else { el_data.attrs.push((att_name.into(), value.into())); } } } }
pub fn remove_attribute(&mut self, element: NodeId, att_name: &str) { let el_data = self.el_mut(element);
match att_name { "id" => drop(el_data.identifier.take()), "class" => drop(el_data.identifier.take()), "style" => = Style::EMPTY, _ => el_data.attrs.retain(|(a, _)| att_name != **a), }; }
pub fn attribute_names(&self, element: NodeId) -> Vec<String> { let el_data = self.el(element); let mut names = Vec::new();
if el_data.identifier.is_some() { names.push("id".to_owned()); }
if el_data.class_name.is_some() { names.push("class".to_owned()); }
for (k, _) in &el_data.attrs { names.push(k.to_string()); }
names }
pub fn element_style(&self, element: NodeId) -> &Style { &self.el(element).style }
pub fn element_style_property_value(&self, element: NodeId, prop: &str) -> Option<String> { self.el(element).style.property_value(prop) }
pub fn set_element_style_property(&mut self, element: NodeId, prop: &str, value: &str) { self.el_mut(element).style.set_property(prop, value); }
// helpers
fn create_node(&mut self, data: NodeData) -> NodeId { // TODO: id reusing
let id = self.nodes.insert(Node { parent: None, first_child: None, next_sibling: None, data, });
let weak_id = self.weak_data.insert(Vec::new());
debug_assert_eq!(id, weak_id);
self.emit(Event::Create(id, self.node_type(id)));
id }
pub(crate) fn descendant_children(&self, element: NodeId) -> Vec<NodeId> { self.children(element) .flat_map(move |ch| std::iter::once(ch).chain(self.descendant_children(ch))) .collect() }
pub(crate) fn with_matching_context<R, F: FnOnce(MatchingContext<'_, NodeId>) -> R>(&self, f: F) -> R { f(MatchingContext { has_local_name: &|el, name| **name == self.local_name(el), has_identifier: &|el, id| Some(id.to_string()) == self.attribute(el, "id"), has_class: &|el, cls| match self.attribute(el, "class") { Some(s) => s.split_ascii_whitespace().any(|part| part == **cls), None => false, }, parent: &|el| self.parent_element(el), }) }
fn el(&self, el: NodeId) -> &ElementData { if let NodeData::Element(data) = &self.nodes[el].data { data } else { panic!("not an element") } }
fn el_mut(&mut self, el: NodeId) -> &mut ElementData { if let NodeData::Element(data) = &mut self.nodes[el].data { data } else { panic!("not an element") } }
fn emit(&self, event: Event) { for listener in &self.listeners { listener(self, &event); } }}
// private from here
struct Node { parent: Option<NodeId>, first_child: Option<NodeId>, next_sibling: Option<NodeId>, data: NodeData,}
enum NodeData { Document, Element(ElementData), Text(String), Comment(String),}
struct ElementData { local_name: Atom<String>, identifier: Option<Atom<String>>, class_name: Option<Atom<String>>, style: Style, attrs: Vec<(Atom<String>, Atom<String>)>,}
pub struct ChildNodes<'a> { doc: &'a Document, next: Option<NodeId>,}
impl<'a> Iterator for ChildNodes<'a> { type Item = NodeId;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> { match { Some(next) => { = self.doc.nodes[next].next_sibling; Some(next) } _ => None, } }}
#[cfg(test)]mod tests { use super::*;
#[test] fn test() { let mut doc = Document::new(); assert_eq!(doc.node_type(doc.root()), NodeType::Document);
let div = doc.create_element("div"); assert_eq!(doc.local_name(div), "div");
let hello = doc.create_text_node("hello"); assert_eq!(doc.cdata(hello), "hello");
doc.insert_child(doc.root(), div, 0); doc.insert_child(div, hello, 0);
doc.set_attribute(div, "id", "panel"); assert_eq!(doc.attribute(div, "id").as_deref(), Some("panel"));
assert_eq!(doc.query_selector(doc.root(), "div#panel"), Some(div)); }
#[test] fn tree() { let mut doc = Document::new(); let root = doc.root(); assert_eq!(doc.parent(root), None); assert_eq!(doc.first_child(root), None); assert_eq!(doc.next_sibling(root), None); assert_eq!(doc.prev_sibling(root), None);
let ch1 = doc.create_text_node("ch1"); let ch2 = doc.create_text_node("ch2"); let ch3 = doc.create_text_node("ch3");
doc.insert_child(root, ch1, 0); assert_eq!(doc.first_child(root), Some(ch1)); assert_eq!(doc.parent(ch1), Some(root)); assert_eq!(doc.next_sibling(ch1), None); assert_eq!(doc.prev_sibling(ch1), None);
doc.insert_child(root, ch2, 1); assert_eq!(doc.first_child(root), Some(ch1)); assert_eq!(doc.next_sibling(ch1), Some(ch2)); assert_eq!(doc.prev_sibling(ch2), Some(ch1));
assert_eq!(doc.child_nodes(root).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![ch1, ch2]);
doc.insert_child(root, ch3, 0);
assert_eq!(doc.child_nodes(root).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![ch3, ch1, ch2]);
doc.remove_child(root, ch1); doc.remove_child(root, ch2);
assert_eq!(doc.child_nodes(root).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![ch3]);
doc.insert_child(root, ch2, 0); doc.insert_child(root, ch1, 0);
assert_eq!(doc.child_nodes(root).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![ch1, ch2, ch3]); }
/* #[test] fn inline_style() { use crate::css::{Display, StyleProp, Value};
let mut d = Document::new(); let div = d.create_element("div");
d.set_attribute(div, "style", "display: block"); assert_eq!(, &StyleProp::Display(Value::Specified(Display::Block)) );
// TODO: change style prop
// TODO: check attr("style")
d.remove_attribute(div, "style"); assert_eq!(, &Style::EMPTY); } */
#[test] fn weak_data() { let mut d = Document::new(); let root = d.root();
assert_eq!(d.weak_data(root), None::<&usize>); d.set_weak_data(root, 1); assert_eq!(d.weak_data(root), Some(&1)); *(d.weak_data_mut(root).unwrap()) = 2; assert_eq!(d.weak_data(root), Some(&2)); d.remove_weak_data::<usize>(root); assert_eq!(d.weak_data(root), None::<&usize>); }}