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HTML/CSS engine for node.js and deno.
export const assert = (value, msg) => value || ERR(msg)
export const NOOP = () => {}export const ERR = (...msgs): any => { throw new Error(msgs.join(' '))}export const TODO = () => ERR('TODO')export const UNSUPPORTED = () => ERR('UNSUPPORTED')export const UNREACHABLE = () => ERR('UNREACHABLE')
export const last = arr => arr[arr.length - 1]
export const LITTLE_ENDIAN = (() => { let b = new ArrayBuffer(2) new DataView(b).setInt16(0, 256, true) return new Int16Array(b)[0] === 256})()
export const camelCase = name => name.replace(/\-[a-zA-Z]/g, match => match.slice(1).toUpperCase())export const kebabCase = name => name.replace(/[A-Z]/g, match => '-' + match.toLowerCase())export const pascalCase = name => ((name = camelCase(name)), name[0].toUpperCase() + name.slice(1))
export const PLATFORM = globalThis.Deno?.build.os ?? (await import('os')).platform().replace(/win32/, 'windows')
export const Worker = globalThis.Worker ?? class Worker extends (await import('worker_threads')).Worker { addEventListener(ev, listener) { this.on(ev, data => listener({ data })) } }
// @ts-expect-errorexport const fetch = globalThis.fetch ?? (await import('node-fetch')).default
export const readTextFile = globalThis.Deno?.readTextFile ?? (async path => { const fs = await import('fs/promises') return fs.readFile(path, 'utf-8') })
export async function readURL(url) { url = new URL(url)
if (url.protocol === 'data:') { return TODO() }
if (url.protocol === 'file:') { let path: string if (PLATFORM === 'windows') path = url.href.replace('file:///', '') // ~~Windows dirty fix~~ Maybe better else path = url.pathname return readTextFile(path) }
if (url.protocol.match(/^https?:$/)) { return fetch(url).then(res => res.text()) }