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The Telegram Bot Framework.
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When your bot receives a message, Telegram sends an update object to your bot. The update contains information about the chat, the user, and of course the message itself. There are numerous other updates, too:

Type Aliases

Type of the context object that is available inside the handlers for bot.callbackQuery.

Type of the context object that is available inside the handlers for bot.chatType.

Type of the context object that is available inside the handlers for bot.chosenInlineResult.

Type of the context object that is available inside the handlers for bot.command.

Type of the context object that is available inside the handlers for bot.gameQuery.

Type of the context object that is available inside the handlers for bot.hears.

Type of the context object that is available inside the handlers for bot.inlineQuery.

Type of the context object that is available inside the handlers for bot.preCheckoutQuery.

Type of the context object that is available inside the handlers for bot.reaction.

Type of the context object that is available inside the handlers for bot.shippingQuery.

permits string but gives hints