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The Telegram Bot Framework.
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method Composer.prototype.callbackQuery
import { Composer } from "";

Registers some middleware for callback queries, i.e. the updates that Telegram delivers to your bot when a user clicks an inline button (that is a button under a message).

This method is essentially the same as calling

bot.on('callback_query:data', ctx => { ... })

but it also allows you to match the query data against a given text or regular expression.

// Create an inline keyboard
const keyboard = new InlineKeyboard().text('Go!', 'button-payload')
// Send a message with the keyboard
await bot.api.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Press a button!', {
  reply_markup: keyboard
// Listen to users pressing buttons with that specific payload
bot.callbackQuery('button-payload', ctx => { ... })

// Listen to users pressing any button your bot ever sent
bot.on('callback_query:data', ctx => { ... })

Always remember to call answerCallbackQuery—even if you don't perform any action:

bot.on('callback_query:data', async ctx => {
  await ctx.answerCallbackQuery()

You can pass an array of triggers. Your middleware will be executed if at least one of them matches.


trigger: MaybeArray<string | RegExp>

The string to look for in the payload

...middleware: Array<CallbackQueryMiddleware<C>>

The middleware to register