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The Telegram Bot Framework.
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import { type ApiError, type ResponseParameters } from "../types.ts";import { debug as d } from "../platform.deno.ts";const debug = d("grammy:warn");
/** * This class represents errors that are thrown by grammY because the Telegram * Bot API responded with an error. * * Instances of this class hold the information that the Telegram backend * returned. * * If this error is thrown, grammY could successfully communicate with the * Telegram Bot API servers, however, an error code was returned for the * respective method call. */export class GrammyError extends Error implements ApiError { /** Flag that this request was unsuccessful. Always `false`. */ public readonly ok: false = false; /** An integer holding Telegram's error code. Subject to change. */ public readonly error_code: number; /** A human-readable description of the error. */ public readonly description: string; /** Further parameters that may help to automatically handle the error. */ public readonly parameters: ResponseParameters; constructor( message: string, err: ApiError, /** The called method name which caused this error to be thrown. */ public readonly method: string, /** The payload that was passed when calling the method. */ public readonly payload: Record<string, unknown>, ) { super(`${message} (${err.error_code}: ${err.description})`); = "GrammyError"; this.error_code = err.error_code; this.description = err.description; this.parameters = err.parameters ?? {}; }}export function toGrammyError( err: ApiError, method: string, payload: Record<string, unknown>,) { switch (err.error_code) { case 401: debug( "Error 401 means that your bot token is wrong, talk to to check it.", ); break; case 409: debug( "Error 409 means that you are running your bot several times on long polling. Consider revoking the bot token if you believe that no other instance is running.", ); break; } return new GrammyError( `Call to '${method}' failed!`, err, method, payload, );}
/** * This class represents errors that are thrown by grammY because an HTTP call * to the Telegram Bot API failed. * * Instances of this class hold the error object that was created because the * fetch call failed. It can be inspected to determine why exactly the network * request failed. * * If an [API transformer * function]( throws an error, * grammY will regard this as if the network request failed. The contained error * will then be the error that was thrown by the transformer function. */export class HttpError extends Error { constructor( message: string, /** The thrown error object. */ public readonly error: unknown, ) { super(message); = "HttpError"; }}
function isTelegramError( err: unknown,): err is { status: string; statusText: string } { return ( typeof err === "object" && err !== null && "status" in err && "statusText" in err );}export function toHttpError(method: string, sensitiveLogs: boolean) { return (err: unknown) => { let msg = `Network request for '${method}' failed!`; if (isTelegramError(err)) msg += ` (${err.status}: ${err.statusText})`; if (sensitiveLogs && err instanceof Error) msg += ` ${err.message}`; throw new HttpError(msg, err); };}