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grammY plugin that forces all sent messages to quote the last received one
import type { Context, Middleware, Transformer } from "";
/** * Adds `reply_to_message_id` and `chat_id` to outgoing messages if not present, forcing the bot to quote the user's message whenever possible. * * ```ts * import { autoQuote } from "jsr:@roz/grammy-autoquote"; * ``` * * @module */
/** * Options for the {@link autoQuote} middleware */export type AutoQuoteOptions = { /** * Mirror for the property described in the [documentation for ReplyParameters]( */ allowSendingWithoutReply: boolean;};
/** * Adds `reply_to_message_id` and `chat_id` to outgoing message payloads if not present. * * Use this when you want to enable auto-quoting for a single scope. * * @example * ```ts * import { Bot } from "grammy"; * import { addReplyParam } from "jsr:@roz/grammy-autoquote"; * * const bot = new Bot(""); * * bot.command("demo", async (ctx) => { * ctx.api.config.use(addReplyParam(ctx)); * // OR: * // ctx.api.config.use(addReplyParam(ctx, { allow_send_without_reply: true })); * * ctx.reply("Demo command!"); // This will quote the user's message * }); * * bot.start(); * ``` * * @param ctx - The context object. * @param options - Optional configuration options. * @returns A transformer function. */export function addReplyParam<C extends Context>( ctx: C, options?: Partial<AutoQuoteOptions>,): Transformer { const transformer: Transformer = (prev, method, payload, signal) => { if ( // If we're not calling a "send" method !method.startsWith("send") || // If we're calling "sendChatAction", which doesn't tak "reply_to_message_id" method === "sendChatAction" ) { // Do nothing return prev(method, payload, signal); }
return prev( method, { ...payload, reply_parameters: { ...(payload as any).reply_parameters, message_id: (payload as any).reply_parameters?.message_id ?? ctx.msg?.message_id, chat_id: (payload as any).reply_parameters?.chat_id ??, allow_sending_without_reply: options?.allowSendingWithoutReply, }, }, signal, ); };
return transformer;}
/** * Applies the {@link addReplyParam} middleware to the bot's API configuration. * * Use this when you want to enable auto-quoting for all scopes. * * @example * ```ts * import { Bot } from "grammy"; * import { autoQuote } from "jsr:@roz/grammy-autoquote"; * * const bot = new Bot(""); * * bot.use(autoQuote()); * // OR: * // bot.use(autoQuote({ allow_send_without_reply: true }) * * bot.command("demo", async (ctx) => { * ctx.reply("Demo command!"); // This will quote the user's message * }); * * bot.command("hello", async (ctx) => { * ctx.reply("Hi there :)"); // Also quotes the user's message * }); * * bot.start(); * ``` * * @param options - Optional configuration options for autoQuote. * @returns A middleware function. */export function autoQuote(options?: Partial<AutoQuoteOptions>): Middleware { return async (ctx, next) => { ctx.api.config.use(addReplyParam(ctx, options)); await next(); };}