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Store chats, users, and chat memberships.
import { Chat, ChatMember, Composer, Context, StorageAdapter, User } from "./deps.deno.ts";
export type ChatMembersFlavor = { /** * Namespace of the `chat-members` plugin */ chatMembers: { /** * Tries to obtain information about a member of a chat. If that information is already known, * no API calls are made. * * If the information is not yet known, calls `ctx.api.getChatMember`, saves the result to storage and returns it. * * @param chatId Chat in which to look for the user * @param userId Id of the user to get information about * @returns Information about the status of the user on the given chat */ getChatMember: (chatId?: string | number, userId?: number) => Promise<ChatMember>; };};
type ChatMembersContext = Context & ChatMembersFlavor;
export type ChatMembersOptions = { /** * Prevents deletion of members when * bot receives a LeftChatMember update */ keepLeftChatMembers: boolean; /** * This option will install middleware to cache chat members without depending on the * `chat_member` event. For every update, the middleware checks if `` and `ctx.from` exist. If they both do, it * then proceeds to call `ctx.chatMembers.getChatMember` to add the chat member information to the storage in case it * doesn't exist. * * Enabling this automatically enables caching. * * Please note that, if you manually disable caching, the storage will be called for **every update**, which may be a lot, depending on how many * updates your bot receives. This also has the potential to impact the performance of your bot drastically. Only use this * if you _really_ know what you're doing and are ok with the risks and consequences. */ enableAggressiveStorage: boolean; /** * Enables caching of chat members. This can be useful to avoid unnecessary API calls * when the same user is queried multiple times in a short period of time. * * Enabled by default when using aggressive storage. */ enableCaching: boolean; /** * Function used to determine the key fo a given user and chat * The default implementation uses a combination of * chat and user ids in the format `chatId_userId`, * which will store a user as much times as they join chats. * * If you wish to store users only once, regardless of chat, * you can use a function that considers only the user id, like so: * * ```typescript * bot.use(chatMembers(adapter, { getKey: update => }})); * ``` * * Keep in mind that, if you do that but don't set `keepLeftChatMembers` to `true`, * a user will be deleted from storage when they leave any chat, even if they're still a member of * another chat where the bot is present. */ getKey: (chatId: string | number, userId: number) => string;};
function defaultKeyStrategy(chatId: string | number, userId: number) { return `${chatId}_${userId}`;}
/** * Creates a middleware that keeps track of chat member updates * * **NOTE**: You need to manually enable `chat_members` update type for this to work * * Example usage: * * ```typescript * const bot = new Bot("<YOR_TELEGRAM_TOKEN>"); * const adapter = new MemorySessionStorage(); * * bot.use(chatMembers(adapter)); * * bot.start({ allowed_updates: ["chat_member"] }); * ``` * @param adapter Storage adapter responsible for saving members information * @param options Configuration options for the middleware * @returns A middleware that keeps track of chat member updates */export function chatMembers( adapter: StorageAdapter<ChatMember>, options: Partial<ChatMembersOptions> = {},): Composer<ChatMembersContext> { const { keepLeftChatMembers = false, enableAggressiveStorage = false, getKey = defaultKeyStrategy, enableCaching = enableAggressiveStorage, } = options;
const cache = new Map<string, { timestamp: number; value: ChatMember }>(); const composer = new Composer<ChatMembersContext>();
composer.use((ctx, next) => { ctx.chatMembers = { getChatMember: async (chatId = ?? undefined, userId = ctx.from?.id ?? undefined) => { if (!userId) throw new Error("ctx.from is undefined and no userId was provided"); if (!chatId) throw new Error(" is undefined and no chatId was provided");
const key = getKey(chatId, userId);
const cachedChatMember = enableCaching ? cache.get(key) : undefined; if (cachedChatMember) return cachedChatMember.value;
const dbChatMember = await;
if (dbChatMember) { if (enableCaching) cache.set(key, { timestamp:, value: dbChatMember }); return dbChatMember; }
const chatMember = await ctx.api.getChatMember(chatId, userId);
if (enableCaching) cache.set(key, { timestamp:, value: chatMember }); await adapter.write(key, chatMember);
return chatMember; }, };
return next(); });
composer.on("chat_member", async (ctx, next) => { const key = getKey(,; const status = ctx.chatMember.new_chat_member.status;
const DELETE_STATUS = ["left", "kicked"];
if (DELETE_STATUS.includes(status) && !keepLeftChatMembers) { if (enableCaching) cache.delete(key); if (await await adapter.delete(key);
return next(); }
if (enableCaching) { cache.set(key, { timestamp:, value: ctx.chatMember.new_chat_member }); } await adapter.write(key, ctx.chatMember.new_chat_member); return next(); });
composer .filter(() => enableAggressiveStorage) .filter((ctx): ctx is ChatMembersContext & { chat: Chat; from: User } => Boolean( && Boolean(ctx.from)) .use(async (ctx, next) => { await ctx.chatMembers.getChatMember();
return next(); });
return composer;}
export default { chatMembers };