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Helpers for sending emojis.
import { Context, Message, Middleware } from "./deps.deno.ts";import getEmoji from "./emojis.ts";import type { EmojiName } from "./emojis.ts";
export interface EmojiFlavor { /** * You can use this method to parse a string with emojis. * * Keep in mind that you need to use this method with a template string. * * Examples: * ```ts * const text = ctx.emoji`LOL ${'joy'}!`; // => "LOL 😂!" * ctx.reply(ctx.emoji`This is an example! ${'innocent'}`); // => "This is an example! 😇" * ``` */ emoji: (name: TemplateStringsArray, ...emojis: EmojiName[]) => string; /** * You can use this method to directly reply to a message * with emojis parsing. * * Keep in mind that you need to use this method with a template string. * * Examples: * ```ts * ctx.replyWithEmoji`This is an example! ${'innocent'}`; // => "This is an example! 😇" * ``` */ replyWithEmoji: ( string: TemplateStringsArray, ...emojis: EmojiName[] ) => Promise<Message.TextMessage>;}
function withEmoji(string: TemplateStringsArray, ...emojis: EmojiName[]) { return string.reduce((acc, str, index) => { const emoji = getEmoji(emojis[index]); return acc + str + (emoji ? emoji.emoji : ""); }, "");}
export function emojiParser<C extends Context & EmojiFlavor>(): Middleware<C> { return async (ctx, next) => { ctx.emoji = withEmoji; ctx.replyWithEmoji = ( text: TemplateStringsArray, ...emojis: EmojiName[] ): Promise<Message.TextMessage> => { return ctx.reply(withEmoji(text, ...emojis)); }; await next(); };}
export function emoji(name: EmojiName): string { return getEmoji(name)?.emoji ?? "";}